15 Relaxation Yoga Poses for Stress Relief

We all face stress in our day-to-day life. Each one of us has a different reason to feel stressed and a unique way to deal with it. While some of us prefer to sweat it out with exercise, others might prefer a comparatively relaxing approach to yoga.
For those who prefer yoga to battle off their stress and enjoy other health benefits that it has to offer we are suggesting 15 yoga poses to make your journey smooth.
Also Read: Top 10 Mental Health Benefits of Yoga
Yoga is a great practice for everyone as it has an abundance of health benefits and it comes with zero side effects. If you are wondering how yoga poses to alleviate stress, here is your answer…
Yoga Poses Reduce Stress by:
- Calming the mind
- Relaxing the body
- Building self-awareness
- Enabling you to be in the present moment
- Stretching your muscles and releasing tension
- Taking you away from the stressful situation
- Bringing attention to the breath
- Releasing emotional energy
With all these awesome benefits to offer yoga definitely is a great way to approach stress in life. So, let us see which yoga poses work best for stress reduction.
Related: Yoga For Kids! Calming Yoga Poses For Kids Their Benefits
15 Relaxing Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress:
Here is the List of Yoga Asanas for Stress Management:
Yoga Pose #1 Marjaryasana: Cat Pose
This yoga pose is easy to learn and practice. Along with making you look like a cat it a great yoga pose to relieve stress.
Get on your fours. Now as you exhale, draw your belly to your spine and raise your back towards the ceiling. Slowly release the crown of your head toward the floor.
Why is it a Great Yoga Pose for Stress Relief?
- This yoga pose soothes and stretches our lower back
- It relieves stress
- Your body especially your muscles cool down by this pose
Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: 30 seconds in this position will relax your body.
Video Guide of This Yoga Pose to Reduce Stress:
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Yoga Pose #2 Bitilasana: Cow Pose
Generally, cat and cow pose is performed simultaneously. Just like cat pose, it is an easy yoga pose to reduce stress.
Be on all your fours and inhale to curve your belly downwards (towards the floor). Now stretch your chin and chest by looking upward.
Why is it a Great Yoga Pose for Stress Relief?
- It is a warming yoga pose for your spine
- This yoga pose reduces stress and helps your mind stay calm
- It also helps in creating an emotional balance by massaging organs
Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: 30 seconds into this pose can be very beneficial to reduce stress.
Video Guide of This Yoga Pose to Reduce Stress:
Yoga Pose #3 Balasana: Child’s Pose
It is one of the easy poses that can be practiced even by beginners.
Kneel on your yoga mat with your legs together. Sit back on your heels. Bend forward towards the ground with your chest touching your thighs and forehead touching the ground. Let your hands rest on the side.
Why is it a Great Yoga Pose for Stress Relief?
- It is a resting posture that quiets the brain and reduces stress
- It also benefits our lymphatic and nervous system
- It releases our anxiety along with stress
Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: 1 minute is enough to relieve stress from the body.
Video Guide of This Yoga Pose to Reduce Stress:
Also Read: 15 Best Yoga Poses For Better Sleep In Bedtime
Yoga Pose #4 Bhujangasana: Cobra Pose
It is a highly effective yoga pose for stress reduction. Along with it has many physical health benefits to offer like bringing relief in asthma.
Lie down on your stomach. Place your hands near your shoulder. Now, slowly inhale and lift your chest from the floor with your hands placed in the same position.
Why is it a Great Yoga Pose for Stress Relief?
- This yoga pose provides with immediate relaxation
- It eases our breathing process by opening up our chest
- Pain in muscles is also reduced by this yoga pose
Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: 30 seconds are good enough to relax yourself.
Video Guide of This Yoga Pose to Reduce Stress:
Yoga Pose #5 Uttanasana: Standing forward bend
This yoga pose has many mental and physical health benefits to offer.
Slowly exhale and bend your body forward and try to try to touch your finger on the floor. Press your head against your legs. Hold for 4-8 breaths and come back to the normal standing position.
Why is it a Great Yoga Pose for Stress Relief?
- This yoga pose releases muscle tension from our hamstrings, hips, and thighs.
- It is also believed to relieve stress, mild depression symptoms, and fatigue.
- This pose also cools down our nervous system.
Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: 1 minute of this relaxing yoga pose can release your mental stress.
Video Guide of This Yoga Pose to Reduce Stress:
Yoga Pose #6 Ananda Balasana: Happy Baby Pose
Lie down on your back. Now bend your knees towards your belly and stretch your hands to hold your feet. Now open your knees wide and stay in this position.
Why is it a Great Yoga Pose for Stress Relief?
- This pose enhances our mood and improves our sleep
- It will help your mind and body be calmer (just like a baby’s)
- This yoga pose reduces stress and fatigue as well.
Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: Try to be in this pose for at least 60 seconds.
Video Guide of This Yoga Pose to Reduce Stress:
Yoga Pose #7 Uttana Shishosana: Extended Puppy Pose
This yoga pose is a combination of two poses (downward facing dog and child pose). So, the impact of this pose also gets doubled.
Come onto all fours. Exhale and move your buttocks halfway back towards your heels. Bring your forehead to the floor and breathe. Relax your body after some time.
Why is it a Great Yoga Pose for Stress Relief?
- This pose reduces mental stress by calming your mind
- It stretches your body and muscles
- It boosts up your mood and calm your mind
Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: 30-60 seconds will let the happy hormones release.
Video Guide of This Yoga Pose to Reduce Stress:
Yoga Pose #8 Paschimottanasana: Seated Forward Bend
It is an amazing yoga pose to reduce stress and improve our physical health.
Begin seated with legs extended. Now bend forward with an attempt to touch your feet from your hands. Hold this position till you can and then slowly relax.
Why is it a Great Yoga Pose for Stress Relief?
- This pose stretches our muscles and reduces tension
- It provides relief in menopause, kidneys, liver, and ovaries.
- This yoga poses helps our mind to be relaxed.
Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: 5-10 seconds is a good enough time to stay in this pose.
Video Guide of This Yoga Pose to Reduce Stress:
Yoga Pose #9 Viparita Karani: Leg up the wall pose
It is one of the happy for stress relief as it quickly cools your mind and body.
Lie of the floor near a wall, Inhale… exhale… swing your legs up onto the wall. Keep your spine straight, and bend your knees a little so your kneecaps won’t knock.
Why is it a Great Yoga Pose for Stress Relief?
- This pose boosts blood circulation.
- It improves our sleep and regulates our mood effectively.
- This yoga pose helps in stress reduction.
Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: Holding this pose for 60 seconds can help you calm down
Video Guide of This Yoga Pose to Reduce Stress:
Yoga Pose #10 Bridge pose: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
It is a wonderful yoga pose to relieve stress and anxiety. But, that’s not it! There are various mental health benefits that it has to offer.
Lie down on your back, with your feet placed flat on the ground, and arms alongside. Inhale and lift your hips and chest from the ground (forming a bridge between your head and feet).
Why is it a Great Yoga Pose for Stress Relief?
- This yoga pose has a therapeutic impact on the high level of blood pressure.
- It works as a gentle stretching for the back and legs.
- This pose helps in the reduction of anxiety, stress, fatigue, insomnia, headaches, and backaches.
Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: 30-60 seconds are good to start with.
Video Guide of This Yoga Pose to Reduce Stress:
Yoga Pose #11 Garudasana: Eagle Pose
If you need unwavering concentration, endurance, and stress reduction this yoga pose is best for you.
Stand in Tadasana. Bend your knees slightly; lift your left foot up and, cross your left thigh over the right. Then hook the top of the foot behind your lower right calf. Fir hand to press the right hand to the right and the left hand to the left, such that the palms are now facing each other.
Why is it a Great Yoga Pose for Stress Relief?
- This pose improves your concentration.
- It strengthens and stretches our body muscles.
- This yoga pose reduces stress and fatigue.
Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: 30-60 seconds of holding this yoga pose are beneficial.
Video Guide of This Yoga Pose to Reduce Stress:
Yoga Pose #12 Halasana: Plow Pose
Although a comparatively difficult pose for beginners this yoga pose does reduce stress and stimulates various glands.
Lie down on your back. Now, inhale and slowly lift your legs and hips up towards the ceiling.
Slowly lower your toes to the floor (your legs being over the upper body). Hold this position for as long as you can and release it back to normal.
Why is it a Great Yoga Pose for Stress Relief?
- This pose reduces stress and fatigue
- It is therapeutic for body aches and insomnia
- Along with stretching muscles, it also stimulates the thyroid gland
Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: Initially 5-10 seconds will help you experience this pose.
Video Guide of This Yoga Pose to Reduce Stress:
Yoga Pose #13 Savasana: Corpse Pose
It is one of the most calming poses for managing stress.
Lie down calmly on you back. Make sure your legs don’t touch each other and your palms are facing upwards. With your eyes closed and face relaxed, start breathing deeply. As you breathe slowly bring your attention to each part of your body. Start from the top of the head and progress slowly to your feet.
Why is it a Great Yoga Pose for Stress Relief?
- This pose puts our body to ease and offers complete relaxation
- It triggers a state of deep rests that calms our nervous system and lowers blood pressure.
- Your mind and body cool down with this yoga pose.
Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: 3-5 minutes of this stress-relieving yoga pose can help you attain relaxation.
Video Guide of This Yoga Pose to Reduce Stress:
Yoga Pose #14 Ustrasana: Camel pose
This yoga pose works effectively well for stress reduction and emotional balance.
Kneel on the floor with your hands resting on the back of your pelvis (fingers pointing towards the floor. Now, lean back and place your hands on your ankle, with your face towards the ceiling. For beginners holding the pelvis area and leaning back a little will also do the needful.
Why is it a Great Yoga Pose for Stress Relief?
- This pose helps in chakra healing and releases energy.
- It is a powerful yoga pose for stress relief.
- It helps us to regulate our emotions effectively.
Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: Even 30 seconds in this pose will help you release stress.
Video Guide of This Yoga Pose to Reduce Stress:
Yoga Pose #15 Sukhasanan: Easy Sitting Pose
This yoga pose will help you achieve inner peace and happiness.
Sit down with your legs extended in front of you. Now, bend your knees in a cross position, so that your left foot is under your right knee and your right foot is under your left knee. Keep your palms on your knee (not facing upward).
Why is it a Great Yoga Pose for Stress Relief?
- This pose reduces mental and physical exhaustion.
- It promotes inner calm.
- This yoga pose eliminates stress and anxiety (effectively).
Required time for this Relaxing Yoga Pose: Stay in this position for 60 seconds and then switch your legs.
Video Guide of This Yoga Pose to Reduce Stress:
Time for you to try these yoga poses to reduce stress. Do share with us which yoga pose did you try for yourself.
Also, if you know someone who’s battling with day-to-day stress, help them by sharing this write-up. After all, we rise by lifting others!
Now, you are all set to combat stress in your life and lead a happy life.
To add in your stress-busting gear we have a small gift to share with you…
PS: Next time when stress overwhelms kick it out with a great yoga pose!
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