Tapping For Anxiety And Stress: What Is It, Techniques, Treatment, And More

Tapping (emotional freedom techniques) has been known to be a powerful holistic healing technique for years! Recent studies show that tapping is really effective for resolving mental health issues like stress, emotional disorders, anxiety, phobias, and more. In simple words, tapping is a type of therapy combined with the features of acupressure and psychotherapy.
Tapping is also referred to as the emotional freedom technique (EFT) which is based on the principles of exposure therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and somatic stimulation of pressure points. In this blog, let us find out how tapping works effectively for anxiety and stress and how to achieve it successfully. So, let’s get started!
What is EFT Tapping?
In simple words, tapping is achieved by pairing somatic sensations with our emotions and feelings. Accordingly, when we identify the places of anxiety in our body, we can tap them, process and transform the emotion to relieve anxiety or stress.
EFT techniques are based on tapping the places where anxiety and uncomfortable emotions get stored. EFT is known to be an effective treatment process for anxiety disorders, stress, self-esteem-related issues, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and more.
How Tapping Techniques Help You Calm Down?
There are hundreds of studies available on the internet that show effective results for tapping for anxiety. I could find a study that showed promising results on the treatment of PTSD especially for sexual violence survivors, accident survivors, war veterans, hospital patients, and more. Additionally, research shows promising results for depression, stress, and general anxiety. Now, the question is how does tapping for anxiety work?
Well, during a session an EFT practitioner begins by introducing or describing a traumatic event or stressful event. After that, the practitioner comes up with an affirmation related to self-acceptance. Right after this, the practitioner taps on the acupressure points on your body while saying encouraging words together.
Research shows that when someone taps on the places of anxiety or stress, our nervous system starts processing the anxiety and changes the thoughts associated with anxiety. As a result, it makes us feel more centered, and calm and creates a transformational mind-body connection.
Tapping for anxiety is really effective for chronic anxiety or those days when anxiety heightens. But the good news is that it can also be used as a self-care practice. It’s always effective to tap even when you’re not stressed or anxious. This way, you will be preparing your mind and body to fight stress or anxiety.
Benefits of Tapping for Anxiety and Stress
Below are some of the common benefits of tapping for anxiety and stress:
- Reduces stress hormones such as cortisol
- Reduces chronic pain
- Reduces symptoms related to traumatic brain injuries
- Performs changes in stress-related genes
- Improves blood pressure and resting heart rate
12 Meridian Points Used for Tapping for Anxiety and Stress
According to studies, there are 12 meridian points on the body or face that can be tapped for relieving anxiety or stress. The 12 meridian points usually mirror each side of the body and resemble an interior organ:
- Beginning of the collarbone (kidney meridian)
- The area of the chin (central vessel) The area between the chin and bottom lip
- The inside corner of your eyebrow or the place where the hair of your eyebrow begins (gallbladder meridian)
- The side of your body or at the top of your ribcage
- The side of your eye
- The side of your hand (karate chop)
- The top of your head (governing vessel)
- Two inches below the collarbone
- Under Eye (stomach meridian)
- Under nose (governing vessel)
- Under the arms (spleen meridian)
If you’re tapping on your own, you can usually begin by tapping the karate chips and reciting your phrase at least three times. For effective results, you can tap each point seven times. Generally, it is prescribed to move down the body in an ascending order, for example, you can begin from the eyebrows and end the tapping process under the arm.
After tapping, always finish the sequence and always recite a positive phrase to focus on your problem. Scientifically, these points or locations are referred to as energetic meridians.
5-Step Simple Guide for EFT Tapping
Below is the 5-step simple process for EFT tapping:
Step 1: Begin the tapping process by identifying the challenging or negative emotion.
Step 2: Move on to the next step by identifying the characteristics of the emotion.
Step 3: Note down the intensity of the challenging emotion on a scale of 1 to 10.
Step 4: Perform a round of tapping or follow the tapping script.
Step 5: Reassess your emotions and rate the emotion again.
To read the detailed step-by-step guide to EFT tapping, refer to:
What is the Emotional Freedom Technique?
Quick Takeaway: Bringing out the Best Results!
Generally, an EFT practitioner will ask you to recite a positive phrase or sentence every time they tap to relieve anxiety or stress. Most phrases contain self-acceptance and moving forward. With the help of the below-mentioned affirmations you can bring out the best results from EFT tapping for anxiety:
- I am safe, I acknowledge my problems, and I allow myself to let go of the anxiety or stress.
- I am letting go of the negative feelings.
- Today, I choose positivity over everything.
- With every breath I take, I allow my body and mind to relieve anxiety or stress.
- I inhale positivity and exhale negativity.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q.1 Where do you tap for anxiety?
There are 12 meridian points to tap for anxiety or stress. The 12 meridian points usually mirror each side of the body and resemble an interior organ.
Q.2 What do you say when you tap for anxiety?
When you tap for anxiety, you generally say a phrase or sentence that allows you to acknowledge the pain and let go of overwhelming emotions.
Q.3 What happens during an EFT Tapping session?
An EFT tapping session consists of 4-10 sessions (depending on your needs and the severity of the issue). During an EFT tapping session, your practitioner is likely to identify the challenging emotion and release it from your body.
Q.4 Does EFT tap work?
Research shows that EFT tapping is really effective in relieving stress and anxiety. Additionally, it shows promising results for treating PTSD.
I hope this blog helps you understand how tapping therapy works for anxiety and stress. Comment down and share your views on the same or you can also write us at Calmsage.
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Thanks for reading!
thanks for info, very good