What Is Chronic Insomnia & How To Treat It For Peaceful Sleep?

Are you spending your nights staring at the ceiling, thinking about past life experiences and struggling to fall asleep? Don’t worry, if this is the case as a research estimate suggests that 1 in 3 people are facing some form of insomnia nowadays. This could be in the form of trouble in falling asleep, disturbed sleep, staying awake all night or waking up earlier than usual. Well, this is how chronic insomnia begins in an amateur way.
Studies claim that an individual must have 7 hours of sleep but when a person regularly faces insomniac issues, their lifestyle begins getting hampered. Moreover, we already know that sleep and mental health are deeply connected, it is required that we patiently put efforts to sleep well and keep our health intact. Also, find yourself natural home remedies for good sleep!
What Is Chronic Insomnia?
An individual facing periodical challenges in sleeping, he or she is dealing with acute insomnia. However, when acute insomnia becomes common for more than 3 nights in a week for more than 3 months, it takes the form of chronic insomnia disorder.
Why Can’t I Sleep At Night & Facing Chronic Sleeplessness?
There could be a number of causes of chronic insomnia ranging from stressful events to health issues. Some common causes include:
1. Changing lifestyle patterns
- Sedentary lifestyle or excessive sitting during the day
- Rotation shifts in workplace
- Frequent traveling and jet lag
- Poor sleeping environment
- Lack of physical activity
- Stressors like loss of job, financial instability, relationship problems, etc.
2. Medical Conditions
- Respiratory problems like asthma, chronic bronchitis, etc.
- Diabetes
- Acid reflux
- Chronic pain
- Urinary infections
- Menopause
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Bipolar disorder
- Parkinson’s disease
- Restless leg syndrome
3. Stimulants
- Alcohol
- Antidepressants
- Illicit drugs
- Caffeine
- Chemotherapy medications
- Nicotine
These possible causes could bother your sleeping patterns and make it difficult for you to sleep peacefully at night. However, the good news is that it is possible to treat chronic insomnia by various methods.
How To Treat Insomnia For Peaceful Sleep & Healthy Living?
When you visit your doctor and tell them the symptoms being faced, they will run a few examinations to find medical and sleep history. They may even ask you to keep a diary and track sleeping patterns. Along with this, you will also be asked about your mood and how do you feel throughout the day.
Before you jump to treatment, you can find out how to prevent long term insomnia with quick tips below!
- Maintain a sleep schedule. Sleep and wake up at the same time at night every day. Let your body know how much sleep you need.
- Avoid taking naps during the day.
- Keep your phone aside one hour prior to sleeping. With that, avoid watching television or playing on a gadget. Spend time with your partner, reading a book or following a skin care routine.
- Do not consume alcoholic beverages or caffeine drinks a few hours before sleeping.
- Make your bedroom comfortable, dark and cozy! Make sure that you lie down on bed only when you wish to sleep.
- Make sure you include exercises or yoga in your everyday routine.
Treatment Of Chronic Insomnia:
If you are diagnosed with chronic insomnia and require severe insomnia treatment then doctors may recommend you with therapies.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy proved to be the most effective therapy which helps in finding out reasons for negative sleeping patterns and their impact on your health. The therapist teaches you how to imbibe better sleep habits while removing those beliefs and behaviors which interfere in the sleeping cycle.
Strategies that take part in CBT include:
1. Sleep restriction therapy: This therapy keeps you distant from the bed and reduces sleeping time. It aims to deprive you of sleep so that you hit bed only when very tired.
2. Relaxation techniques: The therapist recommends effective breathing exercises, yoga, guided meditation, and a number of techniques that reduce muscle tension.
3. Paradoxical intention: It makes you stay awake in bed rather than falling asleep so that you don’t worry about sleep. This method makes you less anxious or overwhelmed when you are not falling asleep.
4. Journal writing: Before you hit the bed, write down all your thoughts, worries, concerns, and problems. The aim is to let them all go out of your head and think about finding solutions to it in the coming days.
Apart from therapies, doctors may also recommend you some medications to treat chronic insomnia. Remember not to consume any medicine without their prescription as your health condition may face certain setbacks due to negligence.
Sleep Well!
We wish you sleep well and get rid of chronic insomnia very soon! Well, to connect with a doctor, you don’t even need to visit them in-person. Online therapy has taken up its stand and you can enjoy the benefits of the same. For the same, write an email to us at info@calmsage.com and ask us to connect you with the sleep therapist today.