Ways To Avoid Emotional Stress During Pregnancy: Complete Guide

Stress and pregnancy go hand in hand! Ever wondered why? Levels of stress are elevated during pregnancy due to the high hormonal rush. Well, pregnancy is considered a time of various bodily changes, which can make us feel overwhelmed occasionally. Such chronic stress is not at all good for us and our babies; therefore, it is essential to take good care of yourself so that you can take care of the little one growing inside you.
To be honest, when my sister was pregnant, she couldn’t get out of bed throughout the day, and this stressed her. This feeling made her inactive and negatively hampered her career, marriage, and goals! She always used to be anxious, and now, when she looks back, she wishes to go back in time and relive her pregnancy again positively.
Luckily, you can do that if you are right now. Seeing your baby growing inside and living every moment with them can help reduce the emotional stress that comes in handy.
But wait; other effective ways to avoid emotional stress during pregnancy exist. Here, I have enlisted some of the best and most effective ways to avoid emotional stress during pregnancy.
First, let us begin with the possible causes of emotional stress during pregnancy…
Causes of Emotional Stress during Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a stressful time for all mothers, and sometimes, mothers get more stressed thinking about how the baby is doing things inside the womb during all the stressful times. However, there can also be other aspects behind emotional stress. Pregnancy and stress go hand in hand. There can be various psychological causes of emotional stress:
Stress due to Pregnancy Symptoms
- Morning sickness, fatigue, back pain, constipation, and insomnia
- Hormonal changes cause mood swings
- Health complications
- Constant worrying about the baby’s growth, health, or safety
- Fear related to the birthing process
- Anxiety related to raising a child
- Healthy drinking, eating and doing concerns
- Body image issues during pregnancy
Stress due to Other Causes
Other possible causes of emotional stress during pregnancy are:
- Loss of a job, death of a loved one, divorce, or traumatic events
- Financial stress, mental health stress, housing status, and others
- Exposure to crime, racism, or violence
Effects of Stress during Pregnancy
High levels of stress can hurt your and your baby’s overall health. Mild stress may not show adverse impacts, but severe or chronic stress can be impacting.
- Bodily changes can add to the discomfort.
- Stress eating can impact the quality of your diet and can impact your baby’s weight as well.
- Increases the risk of complications like gestational diabetes or preterm labor.
- Exposure to substance abuse is harmful to both (mother and baby).
Impacts of Stress on Baby
- Increased rate of illness
- Increased sensitivity
- Poor quality of forming or maintaining relationships
- Increased risk of health conditions
- Increased risk of delayed development
Ways to Avoid Emotional Stress during Pregnancy
Below are some strategies or ways to avoid emotional stress during pregnancy that can help. Experienced psychotherapists and gynecologists suggest the strategies derived in this section.
1. Talk openly.
When you visit your doctor for prenatal visits, openly discuss your concerns, changes, and health options. You can also discuss your experiences. They can rate your symptoms, and (if required) they can refer you to a mental health professional.
2. Prioritize yourself
Prioritize yourself during the pregnancy period, and stop thinking about other things (they will eventually fall in line again). Start focusing on your and your child’s health so that you can deliver a healthy and happy baby! Start eating a healthy and balanced diet, sleep well, and stay active.
3. Seek support whenever required.
You can contact your partner, loved ones, or friends for support. Let them know how you feel now and ask for support if needed. You can also connect with a mental health professional seeking the right support related to stress, depression, or other mental health issues that occur during pregnancy.
4. Learn about the child birthing process.
If your stress is related to the birthing process, you can join a class to help you through the process nearby. The best part about these classes is that they also teach relaxation and breathing exercises that help you cope throughout the pregnancy.
I hope this blog helps you with some of the best and most effective ways to avoid emotional stress during pregnancy. Comment down and share your experience with “pregnancy and stress” so far. For more such content, connect with us on all social media platforms.
Thanks for reading!