Types of Psychotherapy For Anxiety Disorders: Explained

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to therapies. For some, one single form of therapy works alone whereas some needs to combine types of therapy with the prescribed doses of medicine. It is undoubtedly judged by a professional expert according to the varied symptoms of a person who is in need of attention.
For years now, different types of therapy have been provided to treat anxiety which can deeply impact people and change their behavioral patterns for good. Through this article, we are meaning to understand these types of therapy for anxiety and what is expected in each one of them.
Anxiety: An Overview
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), anxiety disorders are the most common illness in the U.S.A. and affects 40 million adults of age 18 and older. This disorder can develop complex factors that may impact the brain chemistry, personality of a person and his life events. In fact, there are other genres of anxiety disorders including:
1. Panic disorder
2. Generalized anxiety disorder
4. Phobias
5. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
6. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
7. Major depressive disorder
8. Persistent depressive disorder
Although there are differences between different types of anxiety disorder, some common symptoms like worries, unpleasant thoughts, negative thinking, restlessness, fatigue, insomnia, etc. that could be noticed in most of the patients. In fact, there are ways to stay motivated during anxiety like listening to songs, reading inspirational quotes, practicing mindfulness tools or installing apps to deal with anxiety, there is nothing better than the support of an expert who can counsel you with the suitable therapy as required.
Can Anxiety Be Cured With Therapies?
Absolutely! It is highly treatable. Despite going through several stressors to which our modern society is subjected to, there are different ways to respond without succumbing to serious anxiety issues.
Experts state,
“Anxiety is nothing but the absence of the harpy messengers that keep us tranquil.”
Rebuilding such tranquility in life is possible, thanks to various physiological therapies & treatments. This article focuses on different types of anxiety therapies that have been found effective enough to reduce & cure individuals from anxiety disorders & depression.
Types Of Therapy For Anxiety:
If you are wondering what actually happens in a therapy and how these therapies help, you should know that they assist you in understanding what you feel, what are the common points that trigger and how you react to certain situations. Later, these therapies change the pattern of negative thinking and improve the overall behavior.
Let us now understand the types of therapies available for anxiety and how psychologists are helping people to get out of the storm.
1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
This form of therapy is most common to treat anxiety disorders, depression, eating disorders, schizophrenia, trauma and phobias. In this therapy, the professional understands your thought pattern, reasons for negative sides, feelings and guides you with the coping mechanisms.
You might be able to understand a case in a limited manner only but a psychologist can help you explore different shades of one case. In fact, you may like to see the different perspectives of life with their help so that constructive thinking could be applied to free yourself from mental troubles.
2. Dialectical Behavior Therapy
It is an upgraded version of CBT to treat complex disorders like Borderline Personality Disorder and other stages of anxiety. This type of therapy looks forward to changing the outlook of a person while he accepts the change slowly in order to have a balanced condition.
Comprising four major skills (Mindfulness, Tolerance, Interpersonal effectiveness and Emotions management), this therapy can be applied individually or in a group.
3. Exposure Therapy
The core of Exposure therapy is facing the fears that you were running from and moving forward in life. Your therapist will introduce you to your fears and applies ‘systematic desensitization’ to cope up with anxiety or phobias. This method will let you RELAX (deep breath and meditation), LIST out all the triggers that make you anxious and EXPOSE you with fear while moderating the relaxation strategies.
These triggers are placed either in your imagination, virtual reality or presented in real life. It depends on the psychologist or your treatment method which method is being chosen.
4. Interpersonal Therapy
Sometimes, anxiety comes due to strained relationships but interpersonal therapy is one form which helps in finding the grudges, conflicts with your loved ones, changes in the social roles, etc. The therapy makes you express your emotions so that you may improve your mood and reduce the disruptions in your social rhythms.
Your personal relationships with other people are improved and you turn positive in your interaction with others though this form for therapy for anxiety.
5. Animal-Assisted Therapy
It is a proven fact that spending time with animals greatly reduces anxiety and helps in improving various disorders. Thankfully, many hospitals and medical facilities provide trained pets for your personal support. In fact, music and other supported therapies are also recommended by therapists to cut the trauma.
6. Art Therapy
Although art therapy can work as a standalone therapy, it is usually combined with CBT or others to treat anxiety and other mental disorders. The person has to go in the ocean of visual art while painting, drawing or sculpting that actively acts as relaxation technique. Many people around the world use this technique to practice creative meditation and calm themselves down.
7. Group Therapy
This form of therapy for anxiety allows a group of people to interact and solve the problem they are facing in their lives. However, a therapist usually leads the session and people share their experiences with everyone. This kind of therapy lets the person know that he is not alone and there are many others who need support as well as can support him.
However, group therapy doesn’t let the person interact with the therapist on an individual basis, it is still motivating people to make better decisions and alter lifestyle choices.
How To Make Anxiety Therapy Work?
The different types of Anxiety therapies do involve work on your part as well, it calls for completing homework & dedication to learn how to apply what you learn on your own once you complete the course of treatment. There are certain key points to keep in mind to ensure the Anxiety Therapy works for you.
- Practice Self-Care
- Ensure You Have A Social Support System
- Adopt Healthy Lifestyle Choices
- Try To Reduce Stress That Might Make Anxiety Worse
Make Best Use Of Your Therapy!
Express yourself to your therapist without pretending that everything is alright. Try to be as interactive as possible and clear your doubts so that there is a positive meaning of the therapy. In case, you are searching for online therapy services, learn how to make most of your online therapy.
Treating Anxiety Disorders mainly focuses on psychological, medication & lifestyle adjustments & therapies. The course of treatment can differ for each person depending on their type of disorder. Just remember Anxiety is not something that you can’t overcome.
Be kind to yourself, reward yourself for all the hard work you’re doing & practice self-care. To be honest, anxiety doesn’t just go away like that, but you can certainly manage it & live a happy & healthy life!
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Very well explained it will helpful for most of the people who are suffering or dont know about it.