Let Go Of Your Holiday Stress With These 8 Best De-Stressing Techniques

Christmas music playing on the radio, the trees being decorated, and the holiday shopping in full swing… but still you’re not feeling cherry? Well, you’re not alone, dear reader. Holiday stress can be a real bummer when it manages to take away the cheer and the joy out of celebrations.
Stress during the holiday is common. Everyone is busy; there’s so much to do and so little time. You’re rushing, worrying, planning, scheduling… so many responsibilities are on your mind. It’s OK to feel overwhelmed, stressed, and exhausted.
And to be honest, the holiday rush can make anyone cry (or feel like crying).
Especially if you’re struggling with the grief of losing a loved one this year. The feelings of grief and sadness can make the holiday stress even more challenging.
This holiday season, let’s put our mental and emotional health first. Too much stress on such precious shoulders can make you feel worn out and weaken your resilience. If you’re struggling with depression or anxiety, your holiday stress can worsen.
Below, I’ve listed some easy and the best ways to de-stress this holiday season. Let’s make sure that our holidays this year are stress-free, mindful, and healthy – mind, body, and soul.
8 Tips to De-Stress This Holiday Season
Here are some tips to help you de-stress yourself this holiday season:
1. There’s Perfection In Imperfection
One of the most common causes of stress during the holiday season is making sure your house is perfect for hosting. Well, it doesn’t have to be. Instead of obsessing over making everything perfect, focus on the most important things – lights, memorials, laughter, joy, holiday cheer, etc. Have fun instead of stressing it out. A home filled with laughter and joy can put a smile on your face more than perfection can.
2. Delegate Your Tasks
It’s not all your responsibility, after all. Sometimes you need to let go of the reins and give them to someone else, even if it’s for a while. Delegating something doesn’t mean you’re out of control. It means that you’re self-aware of your strengths and weaknesses. It’s OK to take one thing at a time and give the low-priority tasks to others. You’re not alone and it’s time you realize this.
3. Routine Gives Comfort
When it comes to managing stress, it is best to remember to stick to a routine. The structure of a routine allows you to feel comfortable and gives a sense of order in your otherwise chaotic holiday preparations. Stick to what you normally do. If you snuggle on the couch after a long workday to decompress, then do that during your holiday break. Routine helps.
4. Gifts Are Not Everything
Gifts and holidays might go hand in hand but please keep in mind that gifts are not everything. It’s not about the gifts, it’s about the tradition. You can control your stress during the holidays by focusing on the magic, the wonder of the holidays, rather than gift-giving. Spend some quality time with your family; go star-gazing, enjoy a quiet bonfire, or just sit around and swap stories.
5. You Gotta Say “NO”
Trust me, you don’t need to say “yes” to every invitation or activity. Holiday parties can have their brand of holiday stress. The best way to avoid additional stress is to RSVP “no”. Say thanks to the invite, convey your best wishes, but decline if you’re already stressed or overwhelmed. Saying “no” isn’t the wrong thing to do, remember that.
6. Watch What You Eat (Or Drink)
When under stress, it’s common to reach for sugary food, caffeinated beverages, and even alcohol. And while these substances may give you temporary relief, they are not permanent or long-lasting solutions. Moreover, consuming too much unhealthy food can cause more problems than fix them. So, watch what you eat and drink when under stress.
Also Read: 10 Stress Busting Drinks To Make You Relieve From Stress!
7. Laugh Out Loud!
Another best way to manage your holiday stress is to laugh! Laughing out loud can release endorphins that can help relax your tensed muscles, improve your breathing, stimulate your lungs, and decrease your stress levels. Also, laughing puts a smile on your face (and those near you). What is the best way to release stress if not a good and hearty laugh?
8. Just Be With Yourself
Connecting with yourself is as important as connecting with others this holiday season. If your responsibilities are draining your energy and causing you to stress out, just take an afternoon off to be with yourself. Do what you love during this break. Engage in self-care if it makes you feel relaxed.
To make our holidays memorable, we often lose sight of what we have. This holiday season set your expectations as real as you can – not too high or not too low. Leave space to be surprised or disappointed. Remember, disappointment is part of realistic expectations!
If you’re having too much trouble dealing with holiday stress, ask for help from a professional counselor.
Final Take:
Holidays can be hard when you’re already struggling but they don’t have to be. With the right steps and help, you can learn the best ways to avoid holidays stress and enjoy as they are meant to be – freely and happily!
I hope the above de-stressing techniques will help you let go of your holiday stress this season. For more tips, you can DM us or follow our social media pages.
Let me know what you think about these holiday stress relief tips in the comments below!
Happy Holidays!
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