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Aayushi Kapoor May 26th, 2024 · 6min read

The Seven Friends Theory: Deep Diving Into The Viral TikTok Theory

Every TikTok user is talking about the seven friends theory; well, it’s been a hot topic for the last few months! We are eventually in an age wherein we struggle to maintain single friendships; the seven friends theory recommends making seven different friends to fulfill different needs in life, according to a psychological viewpoint.

Being an introvert, I have always struggled to make friends or be friends with people. Whatever the personality, maintaining friendships requires a lot! 

Basically, the seven friends theory means showing off your closest friends and specifying them into different categories. Based on this trend, people show off their 7 closest friends (in a carousel of friends featuring friends from other categories) with different roles who support or uplift them in different ways.

In this blog, let us dive deep into the viral TikTok trend titled “the seven friends theory” through the lens of psychological viewpoints. So, let’s get started! 

Related Read: The Friendship Equation

Seven Friends Theory Trend- Explained

To keep it simple, the seven friends theory is a TikTok trend wherein people share photos of their seven friends with different roles in a carousel. For example, one of the seven friends can be a childhood bestie or a friend who can make you laugh in any situation.

This trend was started in September 2023 with #7FriendsTheory. As of now, this hashtag has +13.5 million views on TikTok and it is getting shared on other social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and others too! 

This theory is based on the idea that one cannot always rely on just one friend to meet their emotional needs, therefore, people need at least seven friends to cheer them up, make them laugh, actively listen, and reflect. 

Types of Seven Friends Covered in the Seven Friends Theory 

In this trend, people share photos of seven friends with different roles and uniqueness, such as: 

1. Childhood best friend 

In the first photo, people show off their friend who has been with them since childhood. The friend you grew up with, the friend who knows everything about you and has probably been by your side through lows and highs. 

2. A friend who makes you laugh

In the second photo, people add their friends who can make them laugh in any situation. A friend who’s always been the first one to pick you up when you fall or the one who always makes you feel better. In short, a friend you can count on and always spits out witty humor. 

3. A friend you can talk to

In the third photo, people share pictures of a friend with whom they can talk without fear of being judged. It can also be a friend you haven’t seen for a long time but you are constantly connected with them through messages or calls. In short, the third picture is all about a timeless friend. 

4. A friend you can share anything to

In the fourth photo, people share pictures of a friend they can tell anything to. A photo of a friend who knows all your dark secrets or a friend who is a great listener and a great advisor too. In short, it can be a friend who helps in detangling your worries and spending hours with you focused on your problems. 

5. A friend who’s like a sibling

We all have a friend who’s like our sibling, in the fifth photo, we share their photo and appreciate them for their part in your life. It can also be a friend you tease, being extremely protective with, or a friend who’s just like your brother or sister. 

6. A friend you can’t imagine your life without them

In the sixth photo, people show off their friend who has always been there as their biggest support, protector, and listener. A friend you deeply care about and want to see them succeed in life. 

7. A friend who knows everything about you. 

In the last photo, people share a friend who knows every inch about them, be it their crush, relationship drama, or personality type. They know everything about you and you count on them blindly. 

Psychologically Explained- The Seven Friends Theory 

We all need friends in life; lack of friendship may have a negative impact on our mental well-being. Therefore, yes, it is important to be surrounded by a group of friends who bring out the best version of you.

However, at this age, it’s quite challenging to maintain friendships with a huge group of people. And there are people like me who are still struggling to have a single friend as an adult. If you’re going through the same, please know that you’re not alone; there are a lot of people who don’t force themselves into friendships. 

A Message from the Author

As I mentioned in the beginning, I am an introvert and I hardly have friends because it takes a lot to maintain friendships. Having said this, worry not if you don’t have seven friends.

According to me, it’s more important to have positive relationships with a bunch of friends. It’s important to be surrounded with friends who support your wellbeing. Therefore, don’t let this temporary trend take away your mental health, and always focus on quality over quantity. If you only have one friend, make sure you both fill in the roles of seven friends described in this theory. 

It’s true that the seven friends theory is not applicable to everyone; however, if you have found your tribe, it’s time to secure them and appreciate them. Focus on forming meaningful relationships, always encourage each other positively and embrace uniqueness! 

Related Read: 8 Types Of Friends We All Need 

I hope this blog helps you understand the viral TikTok trend- “The Seven Friends Theory.” Comment down and share your views on the same. 

Share this blog with your friends and tell them how they uplift or support you in their unique ways. 

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Thanks for reading!

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