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Aayushi Kapoor March 27th, 2021 · 5min read

The Mindful Pause: Take A Pause To Bounce Back Even Stronger

Have you also heard “The Mindful Pause” for the time? Wondering “what is the mindful pause” is common as the term is quite uncommon and people who are generally connected with meditation and mindfulness might have heard this term.

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Let me get straight to the point, wherever you go through the motions, it’s common that we experience guilt and shame during such phases. To overcome all such negative happenings, the mindful pause is a simple exercise that allows us to slow down, take note of our emotions, and reconnect with our inner-self and strengths.

This blog covers a detailed idea about having a mindful pause to bounce back even stronger. So, let’s get started.

How To Practice The Mindful Pause?

Practicing mindful pause is pretty simple; all you have to follow is below-mentioned steps:

1. Begin the process by placing your feet on the floor. Now, place your hand on your thighs. Now, slightly close your eyes. In case you’re driving, you can keep your eyes steady.

2. After that, try bringing your attention to your feet. Notice how feet are grounded, notice how you are sitting on the chair, and notice how you have placed your hands on your thighs.

3. Slightly move your focus to the heart beating sound, try to feel your pulse in the body. After that, try bringing your mind and attention into your body quickly.

4. Now try to focus on your natural breathing rhythm. Try to rest your mind while focusing on the breath. Now, try to notice your sense of ease. Now, slightly start focusing on the exhalation process, notice if your body shows a little bit of tension or noise while doing so.

5 If you will notice, there is not much to do in this technique; all you have to do is to focus on your body’s movements. Further, try to focus on any movement by your feet, notice your heartbeat, notice your hands; notice how you are landing your body parts on each other, notice your breath. Isn’t it the perfect way to relive moments and take a pause?

6. Once you’ve noticed every slight movement of your body, now it’s time to open up your eyes slowly. If you’re not ready to open your eyes then take a few moments and enjoy the pause.

Remember, our body is brilliant, magnificent, and stabilizing wherein with the help of the mindful pause we provide our body the ability to align and balance.

Why The Mindful Pause Is Effective?

This technique is helpful because it helps us in building resilience and happiness. Along with this, it also boosts up our relationships. Here are some points which prove why the mindful pause is effective:

1. Short and sweet

It’s a fact that people love doing short mindfulness exercises and mindful pause is one of them. Due to overscheduling, people cannot take much time from their schedule for practicing mindfulness. Therefore, mindful pause only takes 10-20 seconds which makes it effective and best.

2. Integrates our actions

The mindful pause actually integrates our actions. It brings back our body into the subtleness of the moment and it calms our body and mind. It helps us in focusing on our strengths instead of worrying about the workload or future.

3. Polishes our inner-self

The mindful pause provides us the power to challenge the workload, to handle stressful moments, and it also enhances our strengths by improving our calming and relaxing power. It refreshes us to bounce back even stronger. It helps us to handle the workload and overscheduled days.

4. Short meditations programs actually work

Each mindfulness exercise is reviewed by peers. And also, research shows that 1-hour meditation techniques are less effective than short mindfulness exercises. Meanwhile, the research about the mindful pause is quite positive.

It is known for improving our best self. Additionally, it improves 24 character strengths which help us in building resilience. It also clarifies our spinning thoughts and the barrage of mindlessness. The mindful pause helps us in remembering all the powerful strengths which can improve our mental wellbeing.

If you or your loved one is struggling with negative thoughts, stress, anxiety, and another mental health issue. Calm Sage strongly recommends getting counseled by a therapist. To connect with an experienced mental health provider from BetterHelp, click here.

I hope this blog helps you to understand “The Mindful Pause”. Comment down and share your views and experiences about the mindful pause. For more such content, follow Calm Sage on all social media platforms.

Thanks for reading!

Sending positive vibes to you!

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