The Color Psychology Of White: Purity, Innocence, Integrity, Perfection, And More!

Jonathan Milne appropriately quoted, “Working in white makes people look into it. White is ethereal. There’s a purity to it, it makes things look elevated in a way. There’s a whole palette of white.” Having said this, do you know that white is the most powerful non-color?
It’s clean, optimistic, and influential. The psychology of the color white is not only limited to this but there are a lot of associations and meanings which reveal a lot about white color or the people who love white color. Now, answer three words that strike your mind when you think of white. Comment below.
White is associated or connected with a lot of things, out of which, some are positive and some are negative. For example, white is connected with purity, innocence, or simplicity but at the same time, people connect white with blankness, emptiness, or coldness. In this blog, we will be taking a deep look at the color psychology of white, its association with positivity and negativity, and what a white personality looks like. So, let’s get started!
Psychology of Color White
Below listed are some of the common associations or connections created in psychology in views of the color white:
1. Purity: You might have seen brides wearing white at weddings because the color white is associated with purity, virginity, and innocence. Additionally, you might have observed people wearing white-colored clothes in meetings or professional settings to convey purity and innocence towards their work.
2. Calmness: Have you ever wondered why most of the people choose to paint their homes white? Scientifically, white is a light color which makes the interior look larger and spacious. This ultimately brings some calmness to the mind. The hue or highlights of the color white in interior settings are calming, peace-bringing, and sterile.
3. Coldness: Scientifically, white is light and cold. Since it’s a bland color, it is known to reduce the intensity of other strong colors. Some people relate this to their mental health, they believe that white can be a useful color to break down the intensity of strong emotions. It brings back positivity, peace, calm, and refreshment within.
4. Simplicity: White is simple, light, pure, innocent, bland, sterile, and whatnot. No doubt, white is the color of doubt, people say, whenever in doubt, wear white because it brings purity, simplicity, and austerity. And, most importantly, it brings minimalism which can be a great tool to succeed in professional and personal settings.
5. Brightness: White is a light color which means that it brings brightness. This is why people opt to paint their interiors white. According to Feng Shui, white brings positivity and brightness to home.
6. Perfectionism: White is one of the purest and most complete colors which represents perfectionism. When everything looks white, there’s a hint of perfectionism. It also reflects new beginnings, moving on, opening yourself towards learning or welcoming creativity.
7. Independence: White reflects freedom, neutralism, and growth. Do you know that it is believed that newborn babies born with white cheese-like substances on their skin (called Vernix Caseosa) are blessed by their choices or experiences? This reflects awakening, creativity, and independence in many forms.
8. Hope: White brings hope and comfort. In color psychology, it is considered to be a medicine to heal mental health, support positivity, and welcome new beginnings. White provides a sense of meaning and order. Most importantly, it helps declutter negativity.
9. Energy: White is the ultimate color for inner cleansing (be it your thoughts, soul, space, or home). It brings pure energy, thoughts, and sterility.
Other positive associations of the color white:
- Cleanliness
- Efficient
- Hygienic
- Individualism
- Idealism
- Neutral
- Optimism
- Refreshing
- Sophistication
But, wait, there’s another side of the color white too!
Negative Aspects of Color White
Color white has a lot to do with cultural or social differences. In some countries, white represents purity which is why people prefer wearing white on special occasions, especially marriages, but in some countries, white is the color of mourning, emptiness, and blankness.
But there’s a bright side too! White is often worn in funerals because it reflects the beginning of life. especially, in those cultures, death is considered to be the finish of a journey but the beginning of a new journey too. Below listed are some of the negative associations of the color white:
- Barriers
- Bland
- Blank
- Boring
- Chillness
- Cold
- Emptiness
- Indecision
- Isolation
- Stark
- Unfriendly
Reality-Check: Color White and Personality Reveal
Did you know that 43% of the generation associates color white with a sense of relief, yet it ranks 15th in overall favorite color statistics (found in a study)? However, when it comes to clothing, white color ranks 10th position. Still strange right?
The fact is that white color tops in adding colors to bedrooms, meeting rooms, offices, and living rooms. This means that white color is not the favorite of all but it is preferred by all of us. Wonder why? Color psychology says that white color enhances concentration and quietness.
If white is your top color, it reveals that you are a kind of simple or calm person. You’re really great at forming positive vibes. The person who loves the white color maintains innocence, purity, cleanliness, equality, and neatness. However, on the other side, it might also reveal that you’re a distant, cold, ignorant, or boring personality. White color is the color of perfection and when it comes to your relationship, work, or personal things, you like to keep things in order and usually process positive connotations within you.
I hope this blog helps you understand the color psychology of white and its associations. Comment down and share your views on the color white.
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