I’m Pretending to be Happy, How to Stop Pretending and Start Living

Well, fake happiness psychology has a lot to do with your mental health. We can all fake it easily but it can cause stress and frustration. Faking happiness is like taking a pill, once you’re relieved from the pain; you want to do it again and again. And just like the overdose of pills, it affects us mentally! People, who are prone towards such pain of stress and stress, know how to fake happiness.
Sad but true…I have seen extroverts living in a fake world showing their happiness to the world meanwhile introverts live their life in misery. To fake happiness, you don’t have to choose between these two personalities, however, you should choose between living in a real world and living in a fake world.
Both situations have different consequences meanwhile living in a real world with misery is better than living with fake happiness.
In this article, I am going to discuss the psychology behind faking happiness, how you can tell if someone is living with fake happiness, and how to overcome fake happiness by understanding fake happiness psychology. So, let’s get started.
Why Do People Fake Happiness?

Generally, people fake happiness as they want to appear as a happy personality however, they are not from the inside. They might look happy from the outside but from inside they always feel that something is missing in their life. No matter what they have accomplished or fulfilled in their life, they still feel that something is left unfulfilled.
They keep on searching for something (they even don’t know) but they are always dissatisfied with whatever they have. This is the major sign of fake happiness. Such behavior is full of consequences like stress, the flow of negative thoughts, depression, stress, and other mental health problems. If not treated on time, it can lead to physical health issues as well.
If you or your loved one feels the same, please remind yourself that you are not alone. A lot of people like you are going through the trap of faking happiness, they might show on social media that they are happy but you never know what’s going on inside. The truth is no one is happy and no one is satisfied with their life. That’s how you can tell someone is faking happiness on social media.
Do you feel like you are also a victim of fake happiness then read the next section to check signs of faking happiness?
Signs to Tell if Someone is Faking Happiness
This section will help in identifying the answer of your question, “How to tell if someone is faking happiness?”
1. If They Are Living With Someone Else’s Version of Happiness
Clearly, the definition of happiness is different for everyone. And two people who know each other cannot have the same opinion about happiness. If you think they are living with someone else’s version of happiness, you might be living in the trap of faking happiness.
2. If They Don’t Feel Like They are Better
If you constantly feel like you are not better at work or in your personal life as well, This can be a sign of faking happiness and you might be living a life of misery as you are not at all satisfied with your life.
3. If They Feel Like Someone Else is Better Than Them
Everyone feels jealousy, however; when this behavior takes up our whole life it may impact our mental health. If they feel like they are not better than them or they are better than you, please remind yourself that they need to change this thinking. This sign of faking happiness can be seen on social media.
4. If Their Happiness Comes From Little Stuff
If their happiness comes from little stuff like shopping or eating and certainly goes away, they might be the victim of fake happiness.
5. If They are Happy in Only Certain Situations
If they are happy in only certain situations like meeting their partner or going out in a café and they are back to the life of misery, they are living with the habit of faking happiness.
6. If Their Mood Swings are Excessive and Uncontrollable
When an individual is able to switch between their emotions easily, it can show that they are pretending to be happy. For example, at one moment, they might seem lively or joyous to you and at the other moment they are angry or frustrated. In some cases, this can also be a major sign of the presence of mental health disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and others.
7. If They are Tired All the Time
It’s a fact that someone can’t fake happiness all the time, at some place or time, they will feel tired of it and will reveal their true self. Scientific research shows that people who fake happiness or pretend to be happy feel more fatigued as compared to normal people. their tiredness could be a reason for medical problems such as poor lifestyle, diabetes, sleep apnea, and psychological issues.
8. If They’re Trying to Show Unreal Things
People who fake happiness usually live in their own bubble. They try to develop or imagine things or situations in their minds which are not even real. For example, suppose someone is on vacation, and most of the time, they spend it on social media to show their new surroundings. It shows that they are more interested in showing others or pretending that they are happy to others. When someone tries to promote an incorrect sense of happiness, it clearly indicates that they are not mindful and instead, they want to showcase unreal things.
9. If they are socially isolated from others
People who pretend to be happy are not close with their loved ones instead they are socially isolated from everyone. I know there’s nothing wrong with solitude, but do you know people with fake happiness continuously make excuses to push people away because they don’t want to be called out for their “fakeness.” People who fake happiness usually live in a bubble and don’t want to be caught, so they maintain distance from others.
10. If they are misusing substances or alcohol
People who pretend to be happy when they are in pain take the support of self-medication. In order to hide their signs or pain, they try to cope with their issues with drinking or misusing substances. Such a sign can also be related to the presence of co-existing mental health conditions.
How to Stop Faking Happiness:
If you feel like you are into a trap of faking happiness, don’t worry you can try these ways to overcome faking happiness:
1. Take the help of positive thoughts
In order to activate the happy hormones in your body, take the help of positive thoughts. Don’t try to force happiness or smile on your body, instead try to create more positive feelings for yourself or your loved ones. Positive feelings can help elevate positive hormones in your body naturally and effectively.
2. Reset your beliefs
It’s high time to reset your beliefs and focus more on gaining positivity or happiness through real things. Social media is an unreal place to pretend happiness! If you’re on vacation, try to be more mindful and catch the beauty and serenity in your mind instead of posting on social media. It’s time to be real and mindful to elevate the good feelings naturally.
3. Learn how to apply happiness naturally
Everyone says, our emotions or feelings are the by-products of our manifestations. Therefore, think positive and you’ll be able to feel more happy, joyous, and positive all the time. Focus on the best things happened in your life, practice gratitude, and radiate positive vibes wherever you go.
4. Affirm mindfully
Manifesting unrealistic or toxically positive affirmations can backfire! The key is to practice realistic affirmations mindfully to seek what is seeking you. Reset your beliefs and practice what’s required for your well-being.
5. Open the doors of real happiness
You don’t have to be an extrovert to seek real happiness, you can stay introverted and yet seek happiness. wondering how, well indulging in the activities that help you elevate mood levels can help you seek the doses of real happiness regularly. If you’re open to new adventures or experiences, you can act extrovert for a time being and collect the happiness in the form of memories forever as well.
6. Take a break from social media
Fake happiness can be widely observed on social media. Therefore, You really need to take a break from fake social media and start to live in the real world, face your challenges, thoughts, and everything that makes your life miserable.
7. Cultivate new hobbies
By cultivating new hobbies, you will be able to explore more about yourself. If you love to dance, show your happiness through it, don’t just dance because I said it. In this way, you will also be able to come in less contact of fake happiness on social media.
8. Try yoga or meditation
Meditation or yoga is a form of living in a mindful world. They will eventually give you the strength to overcome your pain of sadness and will leave you with peace and a positive mindset.
[ Here you can find the best yoga channels on youtube if you want to learn yoga online. ]
4. Seek professional help
If you or your loved one is still not able to overcome the trap of faking happiness, you can always seek advice from professional counselors.
I hope this blog helps you or your loved one to overcome the trap of faking happiness and understand psychology behind faking happiness. Comment down and share your experiences with someone who fakes happiness.
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Thanks for reading!
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Can happiness be faked?
Yes, happiness can be faked and it occurs when someone makes them appear to be happy but internally, they are not happy. For everyone, they might look happy but inside out they feel like something is missing.
2. How can you tell if someone is faking happiness?
There are various signs to show that someone is faking happiness like frequent mood swings, tiredness, isolation, and more.
3. Can faking happiness make you happy?
Well, faking happiness does not count as real happiness as it does not bring the actual vibes of positivity and happiness.
4. Is pretending to be happy unhealthy?
Clearly, if we pretend that we are happy for the sake of others is not wrong however, it can be a sign of showing that you’re not happy from inside and that’s a major deal for your mental health.
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