Heyoka Empath: 12 Signs You’re A Heyoka Empath

We all know about empaths, but do you know about Heyoka Empaths? An empath is someone who can understand someone else’s feelings and thoughts and can decode their emotions. Empaths are very good at maintaining relationships and making people feel comfortable around them.
However, just like a coin has two faces, being an empathetic person can come as a blessing as well as a curse. Sometimes knowing how other people feel can be very taxing and overwhelming. Empaths are powerful and one such kind of empath is the Heyoka Empath.
On the dark side, empaths can use their ability to take advantage of someone and misuse their power. I’m sure you must have heard of dark empaths; these are the ones you don’t want misusing your emotional vulnerabilities. On the other hand, we have heyoka empaths who are considered unique and kind to all empaths.
Heyoka empaths are one of the most powerful types of empaths. They are highly intuitive and tend to have a huge influence on other people.
Do you identify yourself or your loved one as a heyoka empath…keep reading this blog to learn more about heyoka empaths.
What Is A Heyoka Empath?
The work Heyoka is derived from a Sioux indigenous tribal language which can be interpreted as a Sacred Jester. In Sioux culture, a heyoka is someone who can heal people of their emotional issues.
In the said tribe it is believed that a heyoka generally challenges the rest of the people to change their perspective towards things so that they adopt a positive outlook. They usually take a humorous take on passing this information to others.
It is believed that heyoka empaths are one of the most unique and the kindest and most powerful types of empaths. They are highly intuitive and tend to have a huge influence on other people. There is no record of how many heyoka empaths there are but experts say you can meet at least one heyoka empath in your life.
Key Traits of Heyoka Empath
While heyoka empaths are powerful, they exhibit some unique traits. Here are some that you should know about:
Out of Ordinary
If you ever meet a heyoka empath, you’ll know that they are out of the ordinary. These empaths are who can make you laugh out loud even in serious moments or could make you question everything you’ve ever known. A wild card, they are. They see the world with a different lens than others. Sometimes serious, sometimes funny, that’s what their traits are.
Mirroring Emotions
Another key trait of a heyoka empath is that they mirror your emotions, not in a creepy way. Whatever energy you give, they give it back. This has nothing to do with being in your business, but with their way of connecting with you. If you feel sadness, they’ll do things to make you happy again. That’s their quality!
Heyoka empaths give off this mystical vibe that makes them seem from a different world, altogether! You must be imagining them in beads while carrying a staff kind of mystical, right? But that’s not it. They don’t carry a staff, but wisdom. They heal and help others in their own way. They see beyond the surface and always manage to give you that light-bulb moment of awareness.
Seeing the truth
Heyokas are also known for bringing out your truths, whether you’re ready for them or not. When these empaths are near you, you feel like they can just read your soul. They have a knack for making you realize things about yourself that you have either been avoiding or didn’t even know about yourself. It’s uncomfortable but necessary.
Comfortable and funny
When a heyoka empath is near you, you automatically feel comforted by their presence. They are also the ones who will lighten the mood when the situation becomes too serious. They bring their en ergy to make others around them feel comfortable to be themselves. And they are quite observant too!
Healers and rebels
A key trait of heyoka empaths is that they are not what society expects them to be. They are not hesitant to go against the broad path and choose a different, less-traveled road. That’s what makes them different, a good difference. Also, Heyokas are healers and are not afraid to be themselves. So, whatever you need – a rebel, a friend, an ally, or a healer – you can find all of them in the heyoka empaths.
rNow, do you want to know if you are a heyoka empath? Here you go…
How To Know If You Are A Heyoka Empath?
To know if you are a heyoka empath you need to know the signs of a heyoka empath. Let’s have a look at some unique signs of a heyoka empath;
1. Your empathetic skills always involve humor
To know if you are a heyoka empath you need to take care of two main things. Firstly, you have some empathetic skills, you can identify others’ feelings and emotions. Secondly, you can crack jokes and still make the other person heal and feel comfortable.
2. You can mirror others’ feelings
This is very peculiar sign of a heyoka empath, they completely absorb the other person’s energy and begin mirroring their feelings. For example, if you’re with a negative person, you start behaving negatively as well.
3. You’re a free spirit
A heyoka empath lives in a world of their own. They do not have anything to do with societal norms, nor do they conform to things easily. They have their own way of living their life and do not pay attention to what’s accepted and what’s not. This is known to be one of the main characteristics of heyoka empaths.
4. You often find others projecting their feeling onto you
This happens because heyoka empaths tend to mirror others’ feelings and emotions. Therefore, people tend to project their feelings onto you most of the time. A heyoka empath experiences a lot of frustration, anger, and confusion just because they internalize others’ emotions.
5. You can heal other people
Heyoka empaths are known to be one of the most powerful empaths because their empathetic skills can heal other people. They tend to take others’ negativity and transfer their positivity to other people. Their way of living and thinking can help people see the world differently and heal themselves.
6. You can be brutally honest
Although heyoka empaths can understand others’ feelings, they still fail at being politely honest. If you are a heyoka empath, you will find yourself being brutally honest about your thoughts and feelings.
7. You can easily guess the other person’s reply
Intuitiveness is one of the major traits of heyoka empaths, they can easily tell what the other person is going to say next. This can also be because of your awareness of human emotions and how people react in certain situations.
8. You need some alone time to recharge
Even though heyoka empaths spend a lot of time with people trying to heal them, when it comes to healing themselves they always prefer solitude. If you find signs of heyoka empaths more relatable to your personality, you’ll probably take some time off from the world to recharge.
9. You follow the path of acceptance
One of the great signs of heyoka empaths is that they are natural and turbulent in all situations. Ever wondered… what makes them turbulent in all tough situations? Their power of acceptance is so high that their imagination level is far from judgment instead they are very open-minded personalities with healing spirits.
10. You are a true empath
True, brutal, honest empathy runs in the characteristics of heyoka. These people are so powerful that they can sense shifts in energies. However, you may find heyoka getting confused with complex emotions.
11. You help people unintentionally
Heyoka empath places other’s needs before their own needs. They love helping people beyond their abilities. They don’t like to see people struggle, therefore, they always come up with a solution. The best part about heyoka is that they use humor and make tough situations easier.
12. You are a creative person with strong metaphysical inclinations
Heyoka empaths are not found in average careers, they are creative people with an inclination toward metaphysical factors. They need to channel their inner energies which is why they are often found in artistic careers.
That’s All Folks!
I hope you found this blog about how to know if you are a heyoka empath helpful, informative, and interesting. Do share this blog with your friends and family so that we can all spot a heyoka empath when we see one.
Thanks for reading.
Take care and stay safe.
This literally summed up my whole life
Pretty much nailed me. Thanks, now I know
We are Grateful, You find it helpful. Thank You Team CalmSage
Thank you!!! Helped me greatly!!!
💯 Me AND this amazing woman who shared this blog with me. 😯
Thank you for this article. This is me. I love you all. This felt like a hug to read, thank you kindly