8 Strong Signs That Show You Should Seek Grief Counseling

Grief counseling becomes a necessity for some of us if we are not able to manage our emotions post tragic incidents. If you think that grief counseling is provided only when a loved one departs then this idea would be a little different. Yes, grief counseling is also applicable when you are going through relationship breakups, divorce, sudden loss of job, financial backlash or dealing with poor health conditions.
When someone grieves, the feelings are not limited to sadness alone. There are other feelings that combine including guilt, pain, anger and regret and bouncing between them could be really difficult. Many of us pass through the situation in a span of time but some signs speak of the need for grief counseling boldly.
We Understand That a Sudden Loss Could be Extremely Painful and Experiencing it is Not Easy.
What Grief Counseling Can Do?
Grief counseling allows a person to talk and express about their loss, accept what has already happened, overcome guilt and helps with cognitive restructuring. With that, it has to be understood that grief counseling cannot exactly make you forget about the deceased or loved ones and forget the pain of loss.
It can act as a strong mediator to touch the feelings of clients so that they can find peace within them and the surroundings. So when should you seek grief counseling and are there any signs you should keep in mind?
Check Why you should go for Grief Counseling
Coping With Grief & Loss: Signs Of Grief Counseling
1. Daily Life Becomes A Heavy Task
You cannot act normal after losing a loved one, for sure. Although one needs to keep moving forward and process everyday tasks like before but if they become a challenge then it should be taken as a sign of grief counseling. If someone is not able to get up from bed, take bath, cook or do laundry for a long period of time, asking a counselor could be a great help.
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2. You Lost Your Identity
Starting to believe that you do not have any identity of yourself anymore and it was your loved one only who was everything for you! It is common to feel alone and aloof but losing yourself amidst the chaos is a bold sign of grief counseling.
3. Thinking Of Self-Harm Or Harming Someone Else
Grief is different from depression but it could become a strong reason for someone to face depression symptoms. Sometimes this depression becomes a reason for harming oneself as well as harming someone near to them. If you plan to open up to your closed one or friends or the grief counselor, there are chances of coping with the loss earlier than expected.
4. Relying On Alcohol, Drugs, Or Sex To Cope-Up
Loss of a loved one is overwhelming for people emotionally, physically, mentally as well as spiritually. When they cannot manage their pain throughout the grieving process, unhealthy habits make their way.
However, these temporary clutches are dangerous not only for the person but also his or her surroundings. If you seek help from a grief counselor, they help you in figuring out ways to cope up with pain in a healthy manner.
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5. You Feel Alone & Scared
Grief can make you feel that no one around you understands you in a better way or they cannot make you feel comfortable like before. Understanding and managing emotions alone is difficult, especially when the reason for loss was a traumatic incident. In order to cope with it, grief counseling is what one must look for.
Also Read: Alone Time v/s Loneliness: How To Spend Time With Yourself
6. Keeping Yourself Busy To Escape Pain
Staying busy in your work is the most common way to avoid feelings of pain and sadness but it is definitely not a solution. You must face them the way they are! However, if you are not able to do so alone then ask for help.
7. Sudden Changes In Behavior
It is again normal to face disruptions in the mood but if the mood graph is ranging in between excessive sadness, excessive anger or irrational act then you should think of using grief counseling as a medium. This inability to control emotions in a right range could act as a disaster for yourself as well your closed ones.
8. Hallucinations Or Voices
This sign of grief counseling is not very common but some people may find comfort in hearing voices or sights of those who have departed. You can ask someone close to you if they are also feeling the same or you are just stuck alone.
Apart from the signs of grief counseling here, you must still be thinking if you should go for grief counseling or not.
Well, try to relate yourself to these pointers and find it out.
- You are not able to stop crying and overcome sadness even after months of loss.
- Facing significant weight changes (mostly loss) or appetite changes
- Not able to concentrate on your work and being productive at work
- The sleeping pattern has been changed and insomniac issues are abundant
- Your friends and family members are asking you to seek help from a counsellor
Take Care Of Yourself
These significant signs to seek grief counseling must not be ignored and your physical and mental health must be prioritized before anything else today. You may not be able to change a lot of what has already happened but working upon yourself for a better future must be your next step.
We Understand That a Sudden Loss Could be Extremely Painful and Experiencing it is Not Easy.
Lend us your hand by sending us at info@calmsage.com today and take a step ahead for betterment.