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Self Improvement
Kirti Bhati November 19th, 2022 · 4min read

7 Surprising Signs Of Personal Growth (Are You Growing As A Person?)

We often talk about personal growth and its importance. But can you pick a time in your life when you think you were growing as a person? We tend to ignore the signs of personal growth as we are so involved in the consequences of that growth.

Another reason people do not recognize signs of personal growth is that they look nothing like blooming daffodils in the fall. Most signs of personal growth are disturbing and uncomfortable because transitioning from stagnancy to growth takes effort and action.

Personal growth isn’t an easy journey in fact many people claim to have had a painful journey toward growth. It hits you with harsh things in your face, and it might even make you feel lost but if you know that these are signs of growth, you will continue working towards it.

Knowing the signs of personal growth is important because they help you stay on track. Since, it is very easy to misread the signs of personal growth, let’s look at the surprising signs of personal growth so that you aren’t confused about the signs of personal growth.

7 Surprising Signs Of Personal Growth

1.Discomfort and stress

Personal growth requires you to make some changes in life and it’s obvious that you are going to feel uncomfortable. We often expect growth to happen as quickly as possible, everything takes time.

But you will find yourself feeling stressed and anxious a lot more than usual. Making changes in your life is not going to be easy, it is going to make you feel uncomfortable, stressed, and anxious.

2.Feel lost

It is very common to feel lost during your journey toward personal growth. Those little changes that you have been making will land you in different situations with different people. You might spend time with different people than usual, you might not engage in activities you usually use to, etc. All These things can make you feel lost but know that you are in the right place.

Also read: 5 Effective Ways To Achieve Personal Growth And Development

3. Feel heavy on the head

Do you remember the time when you hit the gym after a long time and the next day all your muscles were sore? Well, something similar happens to your brain as well. During personal growth, you begin to use your brain in a different direction after a long time and it can leave you feeling sore. Just like a muscle hurt before strengthening, your brain does the same thing.

4. You hang out with new people

When someone is going through personal growth, they are most likely to stop hanging out with the people they used to. Your company matters a lot and if you’re surrounded by a lot of negativities around you, you’ll unknowingly shift to people who seem more positive. You tend to spend time with people who promote growth.

5. You find yourself doing things all by yourself

Most people read this sign of personal growth wrong. They feel like they have no support but actually, they become capable of doing things on their own. You become independent and gain confidence in taking matters into your own hands.

Also Read: 25+ Growth Mindset Affirmations For You To Not Feel Stuck In Life

6. Disturbed sleep

Since personal growth is not a very smooth ride, it’s common for you to experience stress and anxiety along the way. This stress can disturb your sleep routine and make you sleep too little or too much. So, if you’re facing sleep-related issues then it’s probably because of the anxiety that the personal growth journey brings along.

7. You turn defensive

When you are trying to grow as a person, you might find yourself in vulnerable situations. Such a situation can make you feel overwhelmed and to protect yourself you might turn defensive. You will defend your mood, feelings, actions, etc. much more than usual. If you find yourself begging overly defensive, there are high chances you’re experiencing personal growth.

The one thing that you need to pay attention to is that these signs of personal growth usually come together. Experiencing only one or two of these signs has nothing to do with personal growth. When these signs come together, you’re most likely to be on the right path.

That’s All Folks!

I hope you found this blog about signs of personal growth helpful, interesting, and thought-provoking.

Do share these signs that you’re growing as a person with your friends and family so that no one misreads these signs and is left feeling disheartened and unmotivated.

Thanks for reading.

Take care and stay safe.

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