Signs Of Biromanticism: How Do I Know If I’m Biromantic?

Last Update on September 17, 2024 : Published on September 17, 2024

Have you ever met a biromantic personality?

A biromantic personality is a person who is romantically attracted to multiple people with distinct genders. To make it clearer, biromantic and bisexual are two different terms with different meanings. A Bisexual is someone who is sexually attracted to multiple people of distinct genders meanwhile biromantics are more romantically involved with multiple genders.

This means biromantics are not always sexually attracted but they are romantically attracted. This could lead to different identifications of biromantics such as bisexual, biromantic asexual, homosexual, pansexual, or heterosexual. In this blog, we will understand what biromanticism is, signs you’re biromantic and more.

Who are Biromantics?

A biromantic is someone who is romantically attracted to multiple people of different genders. For example, a biromantic can be romantically attracted to women, men, non-binary, and people from other genders. Biromantics love forming deep romantic connections with people. The classification of biromantics is that they are romantically oriented. Below is the proposed flag to indicate biromanticism, this flag is quite similar to the bisexual flag. The heart in the middle signifies romance and love.


Taking a Look at the Differences

  1. Bisexual: Biromantics are different than bisexual people. Bisexual people are sexually attracted to multiple people of different genders.
  2. Panromantic: A panromantic is someone who is romantically attracted to all people, regardless of their gender. A biromantic is only attracted to two or more genders.
  3. Pansexuality: Pansexuality signifies sexual attraction to all people regardless of gender.

What does the term “Biromantic Asexual” mean?

A biromantic asexual is more focused on seeking romance instead of establishing sexual relationships with people.

Quick Fact-Check: The prefix “bi” denotes two, and “pan” denotes all.

Signs You’re Biromantic

If you’re wondering, “How do I know if I’m biromantic?”, here’s your guide to understanding the signs of biromanticism:

1. You’re romantically attracted to multiple genders: Biromantics often experience romantic attraction to multiple people of different genders. Biromantics are more focused on seeking emotional bonds prior to establishing sexual bonds.

2. You’re confused about your identity: Due to a lack of awareness and resources, biromantics often get confused about their identity, social expectations, and more. they sometimes are not able to comprehend their romantic preferences.

3. You often fantasize about romantic relationships with multiple people: When a biromantic is not able to understand their identity entirely, you will often find them fantasizing about romantic situations with different people of distinct genders.

4. You are highly attracted to people of different genders: Biromantics are easily attracted to people of different genders. They like forming emotional connections with people. You can find them engaged in meaningful conversations with different people. They usually don’t think of the gender spectrum before getting attracted.

5. You have flexible romantic preferences regardless of gender: Biromantic people don’t think of the gender spectrum before getting involved in romantic relationships with different people. They love to evolve and learn more about their partners first.

6. You relate with biromanticism entirely: While reading this blog, if you’re able to relate yourself with biromanticism completely, then it could be a tell-tale sign that you’re a biromantic.

Can Biromantics Have Successful Relationships?

A person who identifies as biromantic is usually involved in multiple romantic relationships with different genders. You might be shocked, but the fact is that the relationships of biromantics are no less than traditional relationships.

If a biromantic identifies as polyamorous (a type of consensual non-monogamy relationship focused on sexual and emotional intimacy with two partners, ideally both all the partners involved are aware of the relationship), they can manage two relationships with two different people at a time. Their relationship can also signify bisexuality and biromanticism both.

Therefore, yes, consensually a biromantic can have successful relationships. Here’s what you can do to establish a healthy relationship as a biromantic:

  • Promote open and honest communication with your partners.
  • Establish and respect boundaries set by yourself or your partner mindfully.
  • Offer emotional support to your partner while navigating the true meaning of the relationship.
  • Learn more about biromantics and spread awareness.
  • Develop understanding as a partner, and enjoy your uniqueness.
  • Connect with other biromantic people through online resources or support groups.

What to Know More About Biromanticism?

  • Stigmas related to the LGBTQIA+ community result in a lack of awareness and resources, due to a lack of resources, biromantics sometimes get confused about their own identity which may result in social rejection, violence, abuse, harassment, and family abandonment.
  • Support, security, and safety have become an unresolved issue for LGBTQIA+ people. An increase in support and resources may help people understand their needs more.
  • If you identify yourself as a biromantic, always remember that it’s important to live an authentic and honest life with your partner. Therefore, communicate your feelings to your partner and seek their consent.
  • In order to explain biromanticism to your parents or your partners, you can always take the help of the differentiation table.

I hope this blog helps you distinguish biromanticism. Do you want to learn more about biromanticism, leave a comment below! For more such content, connect with us through all social media platforms.

Thanks for reading!

About The Author

Aayushi Kapoor
Aayushi Kapoor

Aayushi is a Content Creator at Calm Sage. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology and a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. Her constant interest in the improvement of mental health, nutrition, and overall wellness embarked upon her career as a “full-time educational writer.” She likes to make an asynchronous connection with her readers. Her mantra for living life is "What you seek is seeking you".

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