Rejection Therapy : A Roadway To Become More Fearless And Less Socially Anxious

Last Update on September 10, 2024 : Published on September 10, 2024

From the beginning of my teenage years, there’s only one thing that makes me anxious excessively. Growing up with social anxiety and fear of rejection was never easy for me. Many times, I was stuck in the middle of interviews, couldn’t ask for a date, and didn’t have many friends. In social situations, saying “no” was way better than explaining myself.

As a result, people thought I was being rude, and rest you know! Every time I appeared for the interviews; the fear of rejection followed me! Not only others, but I also struggled a lot with negative thoughts about myself.

Later on, I realized my constant worries and excessive fears were manifesting in their own ways. But, do you know what helped me through this journey of becoming more fearless and less socially anxious? A self-help game called rejection therapy! Rejection therapy is a type of exposure therapy that helps people rewire their brain activities and enhance self-confidence.

In this blog, let’s understand what rejection therapy is and its effectiveness based on my experiences. So, let’s get started!

What is Rejection Therapy?

Rejection therapy is a type of exposure therapy that helps people rewire their brain activities and enhance self-confidence. The concept of rejection therapy is quite simple, “getting rejected as much as possible.” Rejection therapy is not like traditional therapy, but it’s an online game titled Rejection Therapy.

Rejection therapy is not an evidence-based therapy but it is a self-help movement game that involves seeking rejection to overcome fears related to rejection. It can help people face and overcome fears that are not dangerous.

As of now, I have not been able to find any clinical trials around its efficacy, however, a lot of people reviewed rejection therapy on the internet.

  • The Rejection therapy game was introduced by Jason Comely who was looking for different ways to face fears related to rejection. Therefore, he invented a card game which became a trendsetter on social media.
  • On social media, this trending game is counted under the category of self-improvement and self-help challenge.
  • A lot of psychologists and researchers are fascinated by the benefits of this game and to explain the basic principles of this game, they like to call it a form of exposure therapy.
  • Exposure therapy is generally used to treat a range of mental health disorders such as panic disorder, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and others.

Taking a Deep Look: Is Rejection Therapy Effective?

I learned about this game from social media and to be honest, I did not feel confident enough to use it. The reasons are, this game is not at all evidence-based and the research is very little. As I mentioned above, I pretty well understood that my constant fear of rejection and social phobia is manifested by negative thoughts. I thought why not give it a try? It’s just a game.

Somehow, I convinced myself to heal my inner child and let’s face the fears. I have also tried the “100 Days of Rejection program” after watching the Ted Talk of Jia Jiang. In this episode of Ted Talk, he explained how Jia took the 100 days of rejection program challenge and how it changed his life.

The 100 days of rejection programs cover different types of challenges which include borrowing money from strangers, sending stuff to Santa Claus through FedEx, taking an unregistered exam, and more. After taking some of the challenges, I concluded, “If I do not run behind the fear of rejection, I will receive more opportunities to bring major changes in my life.” But how?

By just not saying “no”, will I be able to bring more changes in my life? A part of me was still embarrassed by my failures. Then, how did I overcome the fear of rejection with the help of rejection therapy?

In order to answer such questions, I started journaling my worries, I started taking different challenges every day, and every day I entered my conclusions. Instead of being spun by negative thoughts, I actually took up all the challenges, took feedback from professionals, connected with my worries to resolve them, and worked on my fears fearlessly.

Most importantly, I worked on understanding the basic principles of the self-help game and applied them to the different areas of life that required improvement. And yes, I was able to find a connection.

How to Make Best Use of Rejection Therapy?

  • To find a connection, start journaling your fears and enter what resolves them.
  • Take that burn of humiliation for once, and try to overcome your fears by understanding the source of your fears.
  • Set daily goals for yourself and dig upon that long-waiting opportunity.
  • Instead of sinking in shame, use the feedback and explore new options to connect with new people, find new opportunities, and create  .

Quick Q&A: Is Rejection Therapy a right fit for clinical anxiety?

Rejection therapy is quite effective for subclinical forms of anxiety or fears. In short, it can be effective for overcoming fears that don’t include any dangers.

Quick Q&A: Is Rejection Therapy for Everyone?

If you’re trying to overcome social fears (even if you’re not diagnosed with anxiety disorder), you can take the help of rejection therapy to reach your goals by overcoming your fears.

Quick Q&A: Does rejection therapy help in building self-confidence?

Yes, rejection therapy helps enhance self-confidence, especially in social situations.

Quick Q&A: What are the ultimate goals of rejection therapy?

“Getting rejected as possible” or “converting a ‘no’ into a bundle of opportunities” can be the goals of rejection of therapy.

I hope this blog helps you understand what rejection therapy is and how to make use of it effectively. If you want to share your thoughts or experiences based on rejection therapy, comment below, we can’t wait to connect with you!

For more such content, connect with us through social media.

Sending love and strength! 😊

About The Author

Aayushi Kapoor
Aayushi Kapoor

Aayushi is a Content Creator at Calm Sage. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology and a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. Her constant interest in the improvement of mental health, nutrition, and overall wellness embarked upon her career as a “full-time educational writer.” She likes to make an asynchronous connection with her readers. Her mantra for living life is "What you seek is seeking you".


  1. Karen Ryan
    Karen Ryan

    Thankyou for Sharing your information and helpful Article,I am happy you found something that has worked for you and improved your life.

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