Why Last Year’s Failed Resolutions Can Be a Path to Success

Every year we all make some resolutions but most of us struggle to keep those resolutions. Did you know one of the most common resolutions is “I will eat healthily and work on my body”, surprisingly it is also one of the most failed resolutions?
Tell me honestly, how many times have you failed at this resolution? It pricks me in the heart because I failed to understand why I can’t stick to my resolutions. Most of us begin with full zeal and enthusiasm and in no time all that energy fades.
It can make you feel frustrated and demotivated when you fail to achieve your goals. In fact, according to research, 16% of people can stick to their resolutions. It’s important to understand why you fail so that you at least know what doesn’t work for you.
Let’s understand why your new year’s resolutions fail and what you can do about it…
Reasons Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail?
New year’s resolutions can fail for many reasons, it can be situational, personal, environmental reasons, etc. It’s important to know your problem so that you can find a solution. Understanding the reasons behind your failed resolutions will help you identify where you’re going wrong.
Let’s look at reasons why new year’s resolutions fail…
1. Your Lack of Patience: one of the biggest reasons your new year’s resolutions fail is your lack of patience. You can’t expect things to happen overnight, you will have to consistently work towards your goal and wait for the result. Be patient this year with your resolutions and see how things unfold.
2. Your lack of self-belief: you begin with a losing thought; you don’t have enough belief in yourself and question your credibility. When you begin by accepting failure there is no chance, you’ll ever succeed.
3. Overthinking & underacting: you spend a lot of time thinking about the things you can do and you should be doing but you only spend a little bit of time working for your goals.
4. Treat your goal as a burden: you need to put your mind and soul into your resolutions/goals. If you don’t enjoy the journey, you’re most likely going to stop giving your best.
5. Lack of planning: you start working for your resolution without proper planning. Lack of plan results and chaos which then demotivates you and distracts you from your goal.
These are some of the common reasons people fail their new year’s resolutions. There can be many other personal reasons that can stop you from completely committing to your new year’s resolutions.
How To Use Last Year’s Failed Resolutions To Your Benefit?
Do you remember your last year’s resolution? How many of them failed? It’s okay to break your new year’s resolutions, you always learn something from your failed attempts. Today we are going to understand how we can use our failed resolutions to our benefit. Let’s see how…
1. Analyze your mistakes: there is something that you did wrong the last time, try to find out the reason your new year’s resolution failed. It can be one of the above-stated reasons or some personal reason.
2. Rectify your mistakes: now that you know what you did wrong, try to do it in the right way this time. If you have patience issues, work on building patience first, if you think more and work less, try to be more aware of where you’re investing your time.
3. Begin from where you left off: you must have made some progress before failing at your resolutions. This year you can begin from where you left off last year. You’ve done it before, don’t waste your time on battles you’ve already won. Start from where you left off.
4. Divide your resolution into smaller goals: it will be easier for you to achieve smaller goals than aiming for a long-term goal. Therefore, divide that one long-term resolution into smaller goals and try working for one small goal at a time.
5. Celebrate small wins: it’s important to keep yourself motivated and keep some rewards for yourself at every level. It will help you stay focused on your goal. Celebrate all your small achievements.
6. Set flexible resolutions: you’re human and you ought to make mistakes. When you put your plan into action, there are going to be things that will go out of plan. Therefore, it’s important to be flexible, don’t be rigid, and always have a plan B.
That’s All Folks!
I hope you found this blog about why new year’s resolutions fail and how you can use them to your benefit helpful, interesting, and thought-provoking. Do share this blog with your friends and family because I’m sure it’s going to help them too.
Thanks for reading.
Take care and stay safe.