Do I Have Anxiety? Free Anxiety Test!

Feeling overwhelmed, worried, and uneasy has become somewhat of a common occurrence in our lives, despite our best efforts. Rather than allowing us to take a moment of reprieve, anxiety slips in and makes us worry all over again. If this is something that sounds familiar to you, then you’re not alone. To help you reclaim your peace of mind, you need to understand the level of anxiety you’re living with, and to help you with that, we present to you yet another free quiz.

Welcome to Calm Sage’s “Do I Have Anxiety?” free anxiety test – your first step towards understanding your emotional and mental well-being.

You must have had moments of unease or nervousness, as we’d like to put it, before anything new you try, right? This sliver of nervousness is a common experience, but anxiety isn’t just nervousness – it’s a relentless feeling that affects your everyday life. It manifests itself in physical health – racing heart, trembling limbs, a knot in your stomach, etc. – and emotionally – persistent worries, feelings of impending doom, and a hard time concentrating.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, then it’s important to address them. Here’s where our anxiety test comes in! Our free anxiety quiz is designed to help you assess your emotional state, and provide you with insights into your feelings that might indicate the presence of an anxiety disorder.

Know that self-awareness is the first step to bring a positive change in your life and this test is just one of those small steps that can set you on a path to recovery and healing.

Why Take This Anxiety Test?

Calm Sage understands the importance of privacy. Your responses are not shared with any third-party website, so you can rest assured of your privacy.

We also work diligently to provide you with instant results upon completing the test. The immediate result can help guide you to your next steps in seeking support and moving forward on the path of recovery.

Note: Anxiety never looks the same to everybody. What you experience might be different from what others do, so do not compare your experiences and symptoms with others. This is one of the reasons why a test can’t conclusively provide a formal diagnosis. However, this online anxiety test is a questionnaire-based test that can provide you with an overview of your anxiety levels.

Please note that this test is not an official test or diagnosis and can only offer an indication of your anxiety. You should seek a mental health professional for an in-depth diagnosis.

Let’s start!

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How long have you been disinterested in activities and events you’ve previously enjoyed?


In the past month, how often have you felt down, depressed, or hopeless?


How long have you had trouble with falling asleep, staying asleep, or sleeping too much in the past month?


How often do you feel that you’re a disappointment or a failure to your family and friends?


How often do you find it hard to concentrate on simple tasks such as reading the newspaper, or watching the TV?


How often do you worry about things such as your daily errands, relationships, careers, finances, and more?


How long have you been unable to interact with people in a social setting? It could include talking on the phone or in person.


Do you avoid social situations just because you feel like you would be rejected or judged for being yourself?


How often do you have symptoms such as a racing heart rate, intense fear, dizziness, nausea, or knot in the stomach?


Do you fear that you’ll lose control of your abilities in the throes of the symptoms of anxiety you experience?


How often do you feel tired, fatigued, or worn out?


How often do you find yourself dwelling on the past or ruminating about your past mistakes and worrying about the future or things that haven’t happened yet?

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