Knowing the Power of Penning Down Things

Since you were a child you might have been writing one thing or the other on a piece of paper.
But, I bet barely any of us knew the power of penning down things back then and even today…
Well, it is not too late to learn and expand your knowledge bubble!!!
With so much focus on maintaining a journal and writing down things these days, it becomes important to understand the power of penning down things…
So, today I am sharing the effective eight benefits of writing down things on a piece of paper:
Secret… Benefit #7 is a must-read!!!
#1 Keeps You on TRACK
With researchers supporting a rapid decline in the capacity of what human memory could hold centuries back writing down things is surely going to work as the knight in shining armor for you.
The fast pace life that we all are a part of has too many things to offer to us thus leaving us feeling overwhelmed and often with information overload. The result of all of this clubbed together is that we find ourselves lost and trackless at the end of the day.
The best way to deal with this is jot it down; jot it all down on a piece of paper it helps you have your ideas right in front of you thus, aiding it tracking it down as and when required.
#2 Clears Your MIND
Writing down allows you to unload your mental RAM, which in turn removes all the cloud of fuzziness floating in your head. This not only clear your mind and shed off the utter chaos from your shoulder, but also gives you a sense of being in control. Ultimately it will leave you feeling relaxed and calmer by making your life smoother and easier in the long-run.
Remember a clear mind leads to a happy heart!
#3 Sets your GOALS
Having life goals gives you power to lead your life. But to boost-up this power “JOT DOWN” the CLEAR GOALS of your life. Writing down will improve your focus and reorganize the goals of your life thus, preparing you for important and critical thinking. This in turn will allow you to stay clear and focus. An additional benefit of penning down your goals is that by doing so you reaffirm what these goals are which works as a powerful reminder to take actions!
We often scroll down to various servers and social media to find motivations for life. But, little do we know and acknowledge the fact that the biggest motivation is the journey of our own life. And trust me there is no better way to look at your personal development than look back at what you have gone through and grown through. Therefore, writing down the events and learnings of your life is recommended. I believe this will end up working as a self-help books motivating you through the toughest and best times of your life.
#5 Encourages YOU
Wish to get encouraged by just merely looking at something? How about putting pen to paper and looking at your efforts as the byproducts?
It will work like magic for you… feeling encouraged and better altogether…
There is no right or wrong way to do it… just write it down!!!
Feeling happy? Write
Feeling stuck? Write
Looking for words of encouragement? Just read what you have jot down!
Easy isn’t it? The cherry on the cake is it will reduce your screen time as well…
#6 Discovers Your FEELINGS
A major reason why our mental health suffers so much today is our inability to focus on our emotions and keep a track of the same. However, spending time to jot down your emotions is of omnipotence as it not only allows you to discover your emotions alone but also the thoughts, people and situations that bring these emotions and the resulting behavior that you display. Thus, giving you the power to be aware of your own self.
If you are pondering as to how to keep a track of your feelings, we have an awesome and interactive solution for you… Have a mood tracker! It will allow you to keep a record of your feelings in the most compact and effective manner.
DO it for yourself and promote this perfect idea of well-being with others as well.
#7 Develops GRATITUDE
Gratitude journaling has gained much recognition in boosting the mental health of an individual. I bet we all have something or the other in our lives that we are grateful for, so why not make a note of it? It will work as the silver lining for you on the days when blues hit you. You can constantly remind yourself about these feel good people, moments and blessings in your life by writing about them on a piece of paper or sticky notes and place them on your fridge, desk, tape it on your mirror. This will remind you of things you are grateful for in your life, helping you stay grounded and positive.
#8 Enhances THINKING
Why to load your mind with things to remember when you can simply pen it all down?
Scientifically and psychologically speaking, the human brain has a limited capacity to hold information. As a ruler of your own brain it is completely up to you if you want to load it with a typical to-do list or make it a divine place where new ideas will bloom!
If you choose the former option, then keep doing what you are doing (although we will still recommend you choose the latter option). And if you choose the latter option for yourself then there is no better way to achieve it than by penning down things, getting an overview of your ideas, finding new connections and solving the problems.
Now if you are wondering how and when to start to jot down things the answer is simple…
Just grab a Piece of Paper and write down the three benefits that you wish to avail by writing down things. (Feel free to share the same with us in the comment section below) and START WORKING ON IT NOW!
“Always carry a notebook. Write everything down… That is a million dollar lesson they don’t teach you in business school!”
~Aristotle Onassis
Happy Writing to You…
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