Positive Abbreviations: Reframing the Negativity into Positivity

Recently, I attended a webinar of Calm Sage and learned the art of having a positive mindset. Additionally in my blogs, I often mention looking for positivity in negative situations. A little bit of positivity in negative situations shines like a full moon in a dark night. And the irony is everyone loves the full moon in the dark night.
Similarly, a little bit of positivity in every negative situation brings back the resilience to fight back and never give up. With these thoughts running in my mind, I thought why not create a positive dictionary by using all the negative words. So, I worked on this idea, and in this blog, I have created a mini positive abbreviation dictionary.
I bet after reading the meaning of negative words, you will also learn how to look for a positivity outlook of negativity. Therefore, keep this blog always handy, and whenever you start thinking negatively read the positive abbreviations. Let’s get started.
Activity: Create your Positive Abbreviations, share with us through the comment section and we will add in our blog.
Positive Acronyms for Positive Thinking
ABC: Acceptance, Belief, Change
ACTION: Any Change to Improve our Negativity
ANGER: Always Neutralize the Good Energies into Resilience
BAR: Be Always Resilient
BEST: Been Enjoying the Strength Today
BUT: Be Ultimate Today
CALM: Creating Aspiring Living Motivating man
CANT: Cut the Negative Thinking
CHAOS: Choosing Honesty And Optimism over Stress
CRAP: Cut the Resentment Against People
DEAD: Don’t Ever Admit Defeat
DETACH: Don’t Even Think About Changing Humanity
DRY: Doing Resilience Yourself
EGO: Ease-up the Growing Optimism
FAILURE: Fearless, Arrogant, Interesting, Liberal, Ultimate, Resilient, Energetic
FAITH: Fear Ain’t In The House
FAITH: Finding Answers In The Hope
FAITH: Facing An Inner Truth Heals everyone
FEAR: Fighting Ego And Restlessness
FEAR: Face Everything And Recover
FEAR: Forget Everything And Rock
FEAR: Fail Early and Responsibly
FEAR: Finding Everything And Realizing the truth
FINE: Fearless, Independent, New and Excited
GUILT: Go and Uplift the Insane Loudness in Trouble
GREED: Get-up and be Responsible for Every Energy and Deeds
HATE: Higher the Affirmation, Tasteful the Efforts
HOPE: Hold on, Pain Ends
HARM: Hold on and Adapt the Resilient Manner
INSANE: Improved, Nasty, Strong, Arrogant, Nice, Energetic
ILL: I Love Lord
IGNORE: I was Grown Not to Obsess, but to be Resilient and Energetic
JOKE: Joy, Optimism, Kindness and Energy
JUNK: Just be Ultimate Not Kinky
KILL: Kindness Is Love and Life
LIE: Low Intensity for Ego
LOVE: Living Our Victories Everyday
MEAN: Making Excellence a Necessity
MESS: Making positive Energy out of Ego, Sadness, and Stress
NAG: No Arrogance and Guilt
NO: No Other tantrums
PAIN: Pause And Invite New opportunities
PREY: Pour Resilience in Each Youth
PACE: Positive Attitude Changes Everything
PUSH: Pray Until Something Happens
RID: Restless, Improved and Discontented
SAD: Strong and Delicate
STRESS: Strength towards Resilience, Energy, Smartness and Success
SHIT: Strength Highs in Troubles
SOBER: Spirituality Over Booze Ease the Recovery
TIME: Things I Must Endure
WILL: When I Live Life (peacefully)
WORRY: Wrong or Right Remain Yourself
YANA: You Are Not Alone
YES: Youth Enjoys Strength
I hope this blog helps you to understand the power of a positive mindset and how to create your own positivity. Comment down your self-made creative positive abbreviations for negative words.
Thanks for reading!
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Love it!! Great work!
REAP - Reward Employees Accomplishment Promptly FAIL - Future Achievement Is Looming NO - Next Opportunity