What Is Peaceful Parenting? Is It Beneficial?

Last Update on January 12, 2023 : Published on January 12, 2023

Parenting, ah that’s such a task!

Modern-day parenting and old-school parenting are so different yet so similar. No matter how old or young a parent you must be, parenting has been exhausting and overwhelming for so many reasons.

For new parents, there is a lot of information available on the internet to choose from different styles of parenting you want to go through. However, most of us end up acting just like our parents.

The modern parenting style is more aware of how their actions affect their children; therefore, they tend to be more mindful while raising their children. We talk about a lot of different types of parenting like authoritarian parenting, tiger parenting, helicopter parenting, etc.

Today we are going to talk about a very different type of parenting called peaceful parenting. It sure takes a lot of patience and commitment but is it beneficial?

Let’s find out…

What Is Peaceful Parenting?


If you have read a lot of parenting books or articles on what type of parenting works best, I’m sure you must have read about peaceful parenting. According to parenting experts, peaceful parenting is one of the most successful parenting strategies.

Provided you’re able to stick to being peaceful throughout the parenting process. Peaceful parenting is not a new concept, it is when parents choose a harmonious way of parenting to raise their children.

Peaceful parenting is said to work wonderfully as a peaceful environment is apt for personal growth. Peaceful parenting is also a very effective way to build a strong connection with your children because they make space for mutual understanding and respect.

Let’s learn more about peaceful parenting and how it works…

Basic Principles Of Peaceful Parenting

The concept of Peaceful Parenting was introduced by Dr. Laura Markham (clinical psychologist & author). According to Markham, peaceful parenting requires you to let go of control and the traditional parental reactions like punishments, anger outbursts, etc. Along with these, there are a few other things that you need to keep in mind while practicing peaceful parenting

Let’s look at the basic principles of Dr. Laura Markham’s peaceful parenting;

1. Breathwork And Calmness: Sometimes parents yell at their children because they are in an uncomfortable state. Such actions confuse the children, therefore, being calm and using breathwork to sort your feelings and emotions is one of the most essential parts of peaceful parenting.

2. Active Listening: it is very important to listen to your child. Children are not always just blabbering stuff to you. They are trying to express their emotions and feelings with their limited vocabulary. Peaceful parenting requires you to actively listen to your children so that you can understand their thoughts clearly.

3. Collaboration: this is one of the most important tools of peaceful parenting. You need to have a collaborative home, and let your children take part in parenting. Let them learn to have control over them and choose their actions. It helps in building a good relationship with your children as parenting is a collaborative process.

Tips For Peaceful Parenting

  • Allow your child to be responsible for their actions, don’t take them too personally
  • Make sure you and your child have a good routine
  • Journal your intentions with your child and how you choose to implement your thoughts
  • Rectify your child’s incorrect behavior but never ignore their emotions
  • Engage in & encourage positive self-talk
  • Never project your emotions onto your children

Does Peaceful Parenting Work?

Parenting Work

According to parenting experts, peaceful parenting is a very successful style of parenting. The best part about peaceful parenting is that you are able to build a strong connection with your children. Peaceful parenting teaches you to accept your children and strengthen their strengths without being harsh with them or scolding or punishing them time and again.

Just like every coin has two sides, peaceful parenting also has its downside. People who opt for peaceful parenting often have one common complaint; it is very difficult to always keep your calm. If you always lock horns with your children and often find yourself in power struggles, it will be difficult to switch to peaceful parenting.

With peaceful parenting, correcting mistakes can take longer because there is no use for harsh punishments. You can mutually choose a punishment but during the initial stage, the effects of that punishment are not going to be as intense.

Since peaceful parenting gives space to the child and allows them to involve themselves in the parenting process, it is quite possible for them to refuse to listen to authority in schools or elsewhere.

Barring these, peaceful parenting is a very effective way to bring up your children. The harmony at your home will provide a growth-promoting environment for your children. Therefore, peaceful parenting does work!

That’s All Folks!

I hope you found this blog about peaceful parenting helpful, informative, and thought-provoking. Do share this blog with your friends and family, especially with new parents so that they can make a wise decision in choosing their parenting style.

Thanks for reading.

Take care and stay safe.

About The Author

Kirti Bhati
Kirti Bhati

I am an English literature (major) and psychology (minor) graduate from St. Bede’s College, Shimla. Postgraduate in Clinical psychology from IIS University, Jaipur. She has published a Research paper on Music therapy in the military population and Workplace stress in a national seminar conducted by Fortis hospital (gurugram) and international seminar conducted by St. Bede’s College, Shimla, Respectively. Authored a dissertation work on ‘effect of social media addiction on the mental and physical well-being in adolescents’ Currently working at calm sage as a writer.

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