Stepover These 8 Obstacles In Life To Be A Successful Person

“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” — Molière
Choosing a goal and working hard to achieve it is a beautiful journey. However, various life obstacles often pinch this journey and may lead to miss our chances of hitting the target. What life obstacles are we talking about here? Are these obstacles plotted by the world, our enemies or by ourselves?
Well, these life obstacles are usually present within us and may even lead to self-sabotage. These may be lingering around because of memories or beliefs, slowing us down for no reason.
So which life obstacles should be kept an eye on, just to sideline them when you are running towards your goal steadily?
Overcome These 8 Obstacles In Life For Success
1. Perfection
This obstacle is common within many of us. The need for perfection often imbibes amongst people since our childhood when we hear elders saying, ‘You can still do better!’ on every turn.
However, it must be remembered that ‘done is better than good’ and shall not be prone to perfectionism. If you run towards perfection rather than achieving goals, you may leave behind vitality, creativity and discoveries.
What To Do?
- Even if you have a number of things on your ‘To-Do’ list, leave a few things for some other time.
- Prioritize what is important to you and what is not important in the moment.
- Keep trying new things and expect some discoveries from yourself.
2. Fear
Fear erupts in our mind only when the thought of insecurity comes up. Little do we remember that threat and fear are only imaginary and prevent us from doing something new. Becoming more mindful and aware of your own fears may help you in overcoming obstacles in life.
What To Do?
- Take your journal, sit with the emotion of fear and write down what is bothering you.
- Now answer yourself what will happen if you face those fears in real.
- Visualize your fears and your ways of coping with them. Now write down your strengths and how you can use them to fight particular obstacles.
3. Unclear Thoughts
Going out with unclear thoughts feels like moving out on a path of fog where you have no idea of turns and cliff end. It is the same as packing for a trip without knowing the destination and itinerary. Now if you are planning your life goals without ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ then it becomes a self created obstacle.
What To Do?
- Relax yourself and calm down through breathing exercises.
- Now answer yourself what is your goal, why you want to achieve it and how it could be done.
4. Comparing Yourself To Other
Consciously or subconsciously, we compare ourselves to others and want to become like them. It is good to compare upto an extent of improving yourself but if it becomes a habit then you don’t stand anywhere in the crowd.
What To Do?
- What are the feelings when you compare yourself to others? Is it becoming an obstacle in your life?
- The potential that you are looking in someone else, don’t you have it inside you?
It has to be remembered that every human being is different and comparing yourself to others may show pessimistic nature.
5. Negative Self-Talks
How do you talk to yourself? Do you encourage yourself enough or manage self-talk? If you discourage yourself then it becomes a major obstacle in your life altogether. If you are dealing with negative thoughts, try out:
- Keeping a thought journalism where you can write your thoughts clearly without judgements
- Try reframing negative ones
- Ask someone who can be a guide to you if you are going in the right direction.
- Practice self affirmations regularly
6. Improper Boundaries
Forming internal boundaries makes you confident and sane. It is because you can monitor your own thoughts, fears, doubts and avoid unhealthy comparison with others. To maintain boundaries, you don’t have to say ‘no’ to everything but cut yourself from toxic people or those activities that hinder your growth.
For example, an interesting party might have to be skipped because your plans are more important than anything else. Or you have to postpone the long awaited vacation for a few more days to complete the task. Or avoid meeting those people who always pull you down in the charts.
7. Unrealistic Expectations
We get inspired by bigger ideas but if these ideas are not keeping you grounded or make you anxious then understand the red flags. Such obstacles in life need to be dealt with smart goal planning. ‘One at a time’ step could be picked up and resolved slowly.
What Is Success Meant For You?
The biggest obstacle in life is defining the definition of success for yourself. For someone, success is achieving their goal but for others it is maintaining their professional and personal life. So what would you need to do to become successful in life? Expand the question and answer it to yourself. Answer:
- What could be done to make you a successful person?
- Are you brainstorming enough to give meaning to your success?
We hope that you will overcome obstacles in your life with these thoughtful points mentioned above. Make sure that you spend enough time with yourself to answer these questions and think about them in a relaxed mode. Go slow, go steady!