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Wellness Guide
Aayushi Kapoor September 27th, 2024 · 5min read

10 Mental Health Benefits Of Learning A New Language

Learning a new language might look challenging in the beginning, but once you start developing comfort and confidence, you start experiencing its benefits. Well, learning a new language is not only beneficial for personal or professional settings… but do you know, learning a new language can serve you with various mental health benefits.

We have got a new addition in our self-help strategies i.e., learning a new or second language. Do you want to know how? Keep reading this blog to understand the mental health benefits of learning a new language.

10 Mental Health Benefits of Learning Language

1. Boosts brain health

Research shows that learning a new or second language increases brain size. When we start learning a new language, our brain starts focusing more and filtering out irrelevant information. This can help overcome symptoms of anxiety, stress, depression, and other common mental health issues.

Additionally, learning welcomes more flexibility and it can be counted as a great workout. Studies show that understanding, listening, speaking, or responding in a Mandarin language refreshes our brain cells which improves mental and brain health.

2. Reinstates flow within

Research shows that learning a new language helps us achieve a state of flow. State of flow directly results in a sense of happiness and being. When we start learning a new language, we begin producing positive emotions and welcoming more satisfaction towards life.

Learning new things challenges our brain which also improves our existing skills. If you want to keep challenging your brain and find the state of flow, learn a new language through podcasts, books, native speakers, and courses. It will keep you immersed, motivated, and goal-oriented.

3. Improves social connections

Learning a new language opens us to new challenges, people, and connections. Learning a new language can be a great way to enhance or improve social connections. It can help us overcome chronic loneliness or isolation. Research shows that communicating with a conversation exchange partner can help you improve mentally and socially. Additionally, learning a new language opens a new possibility of working abroad and reaching your goals effectively.

4. Improves self-confidence

Learning a new language can also increase your self-confidence. When you keep yourself challenged and motivated by enhancing your skills, you also develop self-confidence automatically. Learning a new language can be a great escape from negativity and stressful situations of life.

Understanding a new language and responding to that language boosts your self-esteem as well. Therefore, increase your capabilities and enroll yourself today to learn a new language.

5. Removes cultural barriers

If you want to work abroad or want to understand the history of a country, it’s always better to learn their language, it helps you understand more about their culture with great empathy. Immersing yourself in a new language can help you enhance your perspective as well.

It can also be a great way to enhance connections (professionally or personally) in a new country with new people. Learning a new language overall keeps you immersed, connected, and motivated in a new space.

6. Helps explore new strengths

Learning a new language removes cultural barriers and understanding issues which directly results in the development of a new personality. When people can understand more in a new language, they are able to help people more.

For example, suppose you’ve recently enrolled yourself into a language learning class and you were introduced to a new learner, you can help them in many ways. This will not only improve your language skills but also enhance your skills. You will also be able to improve your communication and connection skills this way.

7. Distracts from negativity

Research shows that when people indulge in doing or learning new things, they are able to distract themselves from the negativity and broaden their perspectives. Learning a new language can open doors for positivity and reduce stress, frustration, and distractions completely. It’s far better than scrolling mindlessly on social media. Additionally, learning a new language can be a great way to regain your focus and work on your goals mindfully.

8. Improves cognitive functioning

Learning a new language improves cognitive functioning, study shows. It increases our attentional control, enhances work memory, improves symbolic and abstract representation skills, and more. it can be a great way to indulge in self-care as well as help you explore new expressions, people, connections, ideas, and much more.

Research shows that learning a new language can also help you reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. Additionally, it can also help delay dementia symptoms as it helps in increasing the white matter in the brain.

9. Improves multitasking

The Calm Sage team is definitely not under the expression of multitasking. However, you might be amazed to know that learning a new language also improves multitasking skills. Research shows that bilingual people can perform better at work as compared to those who don’t speak multiple languages.

Psychologists believe that bilingual or multilingual people are able to make quick and mindful choices while speaking as they can switch between languages. It also reduces stress as bilingual people can get their work done in less time.

10.  Enhances creativity

Research shows that children who study multiple languages from childhood are able to perform better at school. Learning a new language from the beginning promotes better problem-solving skills, productivity, and flexibility. It unlocks creative abilities in adults and children. Understanding, translating, speaking, or responding in a new language opens up the doors of adaptability as well.

I hope this blog helps you understand the 10 mental health benefits of learning a new language. Comment down and share your views on the same. You can also share your experiences after learning a new language with us, we can’t wait to connect with you. For more such content, connect with us through social media.

Thanks for reading!

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