5 Handy Mantras for Peace and Comfort

A simple mantra or a phrase can really improve our mental wellbeing. Mantras are only designed for lifting spirits, brightening days, and healing hearts and most importantly for removing all the negativities from life. Mantras introduced by Calm Sage are specifically designed to shift your mindset toward positivity and to improve the interconnection of body and mind.
With the mantra, you can find yourself again and let go of the past easily. To put it in a nutshell, mantra balances our lives with love, peace, and comfort. In this blog, I have enlisted 5 best handy mantras for peace and comfort. So, let’s get started.
5 Handy Mantras for Peace and Comfort
1.“Today, I feel energized. Let’s make the most of it!”
Start your day with this mantra with silent chanting or chanting it aloud. You can also chant this mantra while jogging or while bathing. I bet the moment you start chanting will bring a lot of energy.
We all need an energy boost in the morning, now we can use this mantra to get the maximum dose of energy. Reciting this phrase also provides inspiration and motivation for the day. It makes you feel passionate about life. You can also use this mantra whenever you feel despondent or bored about your day or week. Consecutively, this mantra is best to get out of the rut and make pursue all the desired dreams and goals.
2.“Let’s have some faith and accept whatever life has to offer.”
Reciting this mantra 5-6 times in a day to turn your bad day into a good one. This mantra teaches us that we should not expect more from life and accept whatever life has to offer. This means complete surrender of your expectations while allowing life to go with the flow. This mantra allows us to embrace all the uncertainties with faith and peace.
We all are aware of the fact that life never goes according to us or our expectations. But, we can make it better with this mantra which states “have faith and go with the flow.” Reciting this mantra will help you to relax and release all expectations from life. Hence, this mantra brings back the joy and excitement in life without any expectations.
3.“I am thankful to each and every cell in my body for not giving up on me.”
Chanting this mantra 5 times a day establishes the strong, healthy, and radiant vibes from head to toe. This mantra helps you to focus on the performance of your body which is working really hard for keeping you active, alive, and healthy.
This mantra makes you realize that every day, every hour, every minute, and every second your body is fighting with the negativities and healing the ailments. With this mantra, thank your body for such dedicated hard work. Such appreciations will bring out the energetic vibes. This effective mantra can also be referred to as a healing mantra because it heals the body and mind from within and establishes inner peace and happiness.
4.“Let’s put the drama aside, and establish inner peace and happiness.”
Chant this mantra loudly when something went wrong or just you experience a bad day. Recite at least 5-6 times to establish inner peace and happiness again.
I personally use this mantra to beat the blues of unnecessary bickering, gossip, and drama. Since drama is the only thing which everyone avoids but still ends up caught in the trap. Therefore, let’s untangle ourselves from the trap and say no to the drama while chanting out this mantra loudly or silently.
5.“Let’s put energy to make things work in our favor!”
What do you do when everything seems to be going in the wrong direction? Stress out a lot… right! Now with this mantra, you can work against the odds with a whole new energy level. Recite this mantra 4-5 days a day.
When things do not work according to your plans… This mantra will help you to regain calm with a new positive mindset. Choosing positivity over negativity will allow you to live your life on your terms.
I hope this blog helps you to find comfort and peace through mantras. For more such content, follow Calm Sage on all social media platforms.
Thanks for reading and be positive!
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