51 Keep Calm Quotes To Help Your Mind Stay Calm

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How Calm Quotes will help you?
Calmness is a state of mind and heart where you are at complete peace. You are free from any agitation and are not bound by any strong emotion. This is the most serene and the best position to be in, as you are able to function much better when calm. You are able to make better decisions. Calmness can be achieved with various things. One of the ways of achieving it is by reading “calm quotes” like the ones mentioned below.
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These quotes will help you keep calm amidst the toughest of the situations. We’ve tried to cover quotes that’ll help you sail through almost every situation in life.
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Other Valuable Stay Calm Quotes
Here Is The List of Best Keep Calm Quotes:
Keep Calm Quotes Of All Time:
Remain Calm, Serene, always in command of yourself. You will then find out how easy it is to get along
You don’t walk alone in life. Sometimes when you deal with stuff, there are people who are with you and then there are people who just spectate how you are dealing with stuff. In either case, you must stay in control of yourself and make good relations with either kind. So, keep a calm and serene aura and you’ll find it easy to deal with things.
If you have a calm mind, trust us you can conquer anything in this world. That’s because you will be able to harness your deeds and deliver nothing but wonders. And, the world bows to wonders!
You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you
According to this calm quote, thoughts will appear but they shouldn’t be the one controlling you and the things you do. Although, if it’s a good thought, still validate it, process it, and then put it into action or practice. Don’t let your thoughts make you act on impulse.
Calm your mind life becomes more crystal clear
– anonymous
For a very brief moment take a breather and now revisualise life. The moment you hold back for a brief second, this rest leverages you to see things you weren’t able to amidst all that chaos. Do it and you will definitely see a wonderful change.
There are times when we stop, we sit still. We listen and breezes from a whole other world begin to whisper
Amidst this commotion of emotions and people, halt and sit back a little. Why? You’ll probably be able to listen from a better you standing on the other side of the fence. You’ll hear from people and the world which stands on the other side of the fence. More importantly, these voices would come with a tranquil breeze which will calm your soul. You can also see best calming images of all time
The nearer a man comes to a calm mind the closer he is to strenght
– Marcus aurelius
A calm mind is an endless source of energy. Put it this way, try your best to calm your mind and you’ll find that you’ll feel more relaxed, have a better perspective to deal with things and most importantly you are much happier. The result? You feel more powerful than ever. So, everyday you may practice meditation techniques or relaxation techniques which will calm your mind and take away stress out of your life.
Mistakes & pressures are inevitable; the secret to getting past them is to stay calm
You can’t avoid the pressure and neither can you oversee the mistakes, can you? But, you can’t just hang on to them. So here’s a little secret that the quote suggests – stay calm, let go off any pressure. If you’ve made a mistake, own it, learn from it and move on!
Serenity comes when you trade expectations for acceptance
It’s good to expect something but then there are times when you have to accept things for as they are. So, the meaning of this keep calm quote is the sooner you accept, the better life will be for you.
You practice mindfulness, on the one hand, to be calm & peaceful. On the other hand, as you practice mindfulness & live a life of peace, you inspire hope for a future of peace
Mindfulness which is a quality of being aware and conscious of your feelings, actions and thoughts is the doorway to utmost peace. You must practice it day in and out and rest assured that you’ll have a brilliant future.
The mind is like water, when it’s turbulent, it’s difficult to see. When it’s calm, everything becomes clear
Turbulence in water creates ripples. You cannot see what’s beyond. The same is your mind. Calm down for a bit and surprisingly you’ll be able to see the picture more clearly.
Close your eyes, shut your mind for a while, for there a tranquil land that awaits your presence
If you are finding the real world and its noise too unpleasant to look at and hear. Close your eyes for a while and picture a serene land with cool breeze swooshing past your ears.
I never lose either win or learn
– nelson mandela
Winning or losing are a part of the game, right? If you have lost beacuse of mistakes, big deal! See where you can improve, work on them and try even harder. That’s exactly why the great Nelson mandela urged people to take losses as a learning point in life in spite of just crying and giving up.
You have desires, you have aspirations, don’t you. If your intent is right, why subside them? For a moment think of yourself as a king and believe that your desires and aspirations will be fulfilled without a spec of doubt.And, then just a nobel king would lead the path to fulfill his end goals, so will you!
It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos
– donna karan
Amidst the constant hustle and bustle of life, the one who is able to keep calm your mind emerges out as the winner. It might not happen in one day, but if you practice being calm daily you’ll be able to find calm and will be able to win over any situation. If you are feeling like depressed read depression and anxiety quotes
Calmness is the cradle of power
Calmness cradles your power which otherwise is just an infant that needs nurturing. Do this – take a deep breath, let go of any strong emotion which is stopping you from making decisions. It is at this moment you will find yourself to be more powerful. You are all set to take the right decisions and you will find that you are finding it easier to even accomplish the most herculean tasks.
Make peace with mind, it’s your best ally
– anonymous
Why fight with your mind, probably have a headache. It is something that shows you the right path in most circumstances, isn’t it. Even if it has been giving you a tough time lately, sit back, re-establish a bond of camaraderie with it and make wonders happen.
Just as your physical body, you should even gratify your mind. Take care of it just as you take care of your body. Virtually give it a hug and make it feel special. This way, it will always be rejuvenated and will be grateful to you.
Inner peace is what liberates us from our fear & sets us free
It is a very popular quote about calmness it says, Let’s face it – the outer squealing noise binds our freedom in the shackles of fear. Shun all squealing and screaming and reach to your mind, heart and soul. You will then feel freedom at its best.
Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace
– buddha
You will have all kinds of people coming in and going out of your life. Never ever harbor bad or resentful feelings or thoughts for them even if they do something bad to you. Trust us your good karma, your good deeds and good thoughts will earn you more positive people, some of whom will standby with you even in your most difficult times.
Being silent doesn’t mean you are submissive or the other person can overpower you. No! It means you remain silent when required, think of an appropriate strategy backed by a good intent and heart and then propel when the right time arises.
“Sometimes there is no time to wait for the sea to calm down! If you have to reach your target, let your voyage start and let the storm be your path!”
– Mehmet Murat Ildan
Mehmet appropriately compared the chaos with seashores which are never going to calm down. However, a voyage start and desired goals with calmness can help you to overcome the stormy conditions as well
“You are the sky. Everything else- its’s just the weather”
Weathers go and come but the sky is the only one who remains constant even after the darkest days and stormiest nights. Similarly, you must use your calmness like strength.
“Patience is not the ability to wait. Patience is to be calm no matter what happens, constantly take action to turn it to positive growth opportunities, and have faith to believe that it will all work out in the end while you are waiting”
– Roy T. Bennett
To keep patience as strength, calmness, and constant action towards positivity are the only things which are going to take you on the road of inner peace and happiness. Indeed, Roy quoted one of the best to keep calm quotes out of strengths and the constant call of actions
“Whoever & calm and sensible is insane”
Jalaluddin herein stated that whoever is calm and sensible is insane. Because such people are the only ones who have achieved positive growth and are still achieving more with their insanity level.
“I like trains. I like their rhytm, and I like the freedom of being suspended between two places, all anxieties of purpose taken care of: for this moment I know where I am going”
-Anna Funder
With the reference of trains and freedom, Anna meant to find the calm amidst all the chaos. Finding calm amidst the chaos brings positivity.
“Be like a duck, paddling and working very hard inside the water, but what everyone sees is a smiling and calm face”
What an amazing and best keep calm quote by Manoj Arora, with his quote he asked to be like a duck. One quote that goes very well with this quote is, “work hard in silence and let your success make noise beautifully.”
“The ideal of calm exists in a sittiing cat.”
Herein Jules Renard compared calmness with a sitting cat. Your calmness should be like a sitting cat, observant but still quiet.
“The only order in the universe is just a cycle of calm and chaos”
-Toba Beta
Through this quote, Toba Beta expressed that the cycle of calmness and chaos keeps us intact and fills our life with happiness and motivation.
“Who’s crazy people who trust other people, or people who don’t?”
-Lenore Skenazy
With this quote, Lenore asked who are crazy people who trust other people or people who don’t. With relation to calmness, he compared calmness with trust. How often it happens that the trust we show on someone brings established inner calmness and peace
“A man of calm is like a shady tree. People who need shelter come to it”
This quote is one the best keep calm quotes I came through, we all look for people who support us, and people with calm nature are the real gems. People with calmness are really inspiring and motivating.
“Don’t let the rain drive you to the wrong shelter, the shade can turn out to be your protector and also destroyer, and sometimes the rain is the perfect protector from the rain.”
-Michael Bassey Johnson
Do not let anyone drive you in the wrong place because the wrong people and the wrong destinations can also destroy you. However, calmness and peace amidst all chaos help you to protect from the wrong people.
“A samurai must remain calm at all times even in the face of danger”
A great personality develops only from the level of patience and calmness and with this quote, Chris explained to be a calm even when you face danger. Calmness helps us all to find the solution.
“When you are angry try your best to go to sleep. it keeps you away from speaking, writing, and thinking while you are angry “
Whenever you are angry or experience feelings of resentment, try to go to bed and sleep. This method is going to avoid all the fuzz and mess. This method brings calmness and freshness to you.
“How you can sit there, calmly eating muffins when we are in this horrible trouble, I can’t make out. You seem to me to be perfectly heartless.”
-Oscar Wilde
This quote is a little ironic because the writer is trying to explain to you how to be calm in stormy situations as well. If you are calm in stormy situations this does not make you horrible. Instead, calmness provides you the strength to fight all the horrible situations.
“It stood calm against the suburban strom raging around it. The thunder screamed across the sky, it slapped the clouds into a heated turnoil that flew towards the south”
Calmness is the only personality feature that provides you the strength to overcome all the difficulties easily. Calmness can change the direction and ways of horrible situations. One of the best keep calm quotes by J.D. Stroube
“Peaceful dispute are maintained when men sincerly believe they are morally, logically correct about the issues at hand. It is when neither side is really certain that wars are instigated.”
-Criss Jami
It has always been saying the man who decides to stay calm and quiet in the troubles and angrier situations is the man with actual rains. Even big wars can be neglected by calmness, brain, and inner peace
“Indeed, she often wondered if she was dead or dying from the inside out and that was the root of her calm, the reason she could surrender her character”
She suffered a lot of pain which even felt like she is dead from inside. But, she chose to remain silent and this is the only reason she is at her peace today. Her calmness makes her more beautiful
“And someday, when the parties don’t dazzle you anymore, and when the alcohal fails to amuse your senses, come to me. we will lie on the grass, stare at the stars and talk about life. May be I will become the moment you rediscover yourself again.”
One of the best keep calm quotes by Meraaqi, there is going to be one day wherein these parties are not going to grab your attention. All you are going to need is peace and calm. That moment you are going to rediscover yourself again
“The nature of the world is to be calm, and enhance the support life, and evil is an absense of the inclination of the matter to be at peace.”
-Gregory Maguire
The “calm nature” should be your personality. Like, the calm nature of the world supports and enhances life on the earth. Similarly, it works for us. Indeed, a great keep calm quote by Gregory.
“When one tunes in into nature’s frequency, life becomes change, change become hope!”
With this quote, Aniekee explained that nature’s frequency of calmness can bring out various changes. And such changes bring out hope. Calmness is the core value of everything related to us
Other Valuable Stay Calm Quotes:
It is so important to keep your calm when dealing with situations in life. You see, you will face situations – it’ll probably be a new situation every time but what you must hold onto is the fact that you are capable. This can only happen when you are calm. So, here are some stay calm quotes which you should repeat to yourself every time you find a challenging situation.
Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Slow Down, calm down, don’t worry, don’t hurry. Trust the process
-Alexandra Stoddard
Breathe is the power behind all the things. I breathe in and know that good things will happen
-Tao Porchon – Lynch
For fast acting relief try slowing down
-Lily Tomlin
Believe in yourself, believe on your capabilities and your mind shall never wander
Peace begins with a smile
-Albert Einstein
Peace comes from within, do not seek it without
The storm before the calm
-Cameron Conaway
They sicken of the calm who know the storm
-Dorothy Parker
Serenity is not freedom from the storm but peace amid the storm
-S A Jefferson-Wright
There is no greater wealth in this world than peace of mind
In The End
We’d just like to say that no matter how intense things are, do read these keep calm quotes before reacting. There is a very thin line between action and reaction. Strength when combined with wisdom works wonders. We really hope that now you’ll be able to work with renewed energy.
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I found this article to be very helpful, in using to calm your stress and about mental healing. I love to read this article again.
I really found this quotes about calmness helpful
These quotes are really inspiring and helpful to stay calm! Thanks
This quotes are really inspiring