“I Miss My Ex, What Should I Do?” – A Complete Guide

Last Update on August 1, 2024 : Published on August 1, 2024
I Miss My Ex

Breakups are one of the most stressful events of life. Breaking up with a partner you’ve been dreaming of since the start can leave you stuck in emotional turmoil. No matter whatever be the reason behind the breakup, missing them after parting ways is a natural reaction.

Even after ending the relationship, the memories, experiences, and their presence can still be felt. When I broke up with my partner, I missed him too and I found out I missed him because I needed a closure to maintain my sense of peace.

If you’re also missing your ex and don’t know what to do, don’t worry, you’ve stepped into the right link. In this blog, I have created a complete guide on “Why do I miss my ex” and what to do in such situations. So, let’s get started!

This article helps you understand:

  • What are the hidden emotions behind the breakup?
  • How to take constructive steps after the breakup?
  • How to emerge stronger and more resilient after a breakup?
  • How to overcome post-breakup grief?

Reasons Behind Why People Miss Their Ex?

Most people on the internet ask if it’s normal to miss their ex. Well, it’s completely normal to miss your ex after parting ways. Coming forth to the next question, “I can’t stop thinking about my ex.” You probably can’t stop thinking about your ex because you both have shared special moments together and it’s quite a natural reaction to think about them and still feel their presence after parting ways.

It takes time to accept, move on, and adjust to the changes after parting ways with your partner. Even in cases of toxic relationships, it’s quite normal to miss your ex because positive memories never leave us.

However, being stuck on your ex and recalling memories may result in stress. All of a sudden breakup can also have a direct impact on a partner’s well-being resulting in more missing, in such cases, getting closure or acceptance might help people.

What Should I Do When I Miss My Ex?

One of the best ways to stop missing your ex is to accept and move on. If you’re constantly missing your ex or unable to move on from a past relationship, here’s what you should do stop missing them and emerge stronger than ever:

1. Flip the coin and think about why the relationship ended

If you’re constantly stuck missing your ex, it’s time to move on by taking a deep look from both sides. Think why the relationship ended, maybe god is protecting you from toxicity or maybe it’s for the good. Consider both sides and prepare yourself to move on.

2. Understand your hidden emotions

It’s quite normal to miss your ex after breaking up, however, it’s not normal to hide your emotions behind a breakup. If you’re sad, depressed, stressed, feeling lonely, or broken, accept your emotions, understand the reason behind them, and learn to move on.

3. Pen down your feelings

In cases of complex emotions or mixed feelings, note down your feelings in a journal. This way you’ll be able to discover your feelings and find a solution to resolve your issues as well. Journaling after a breakup can be one of the best ways to acknowledge, accept, and emerge stronger than before.

4. Distract yourself to detach

One of the best ways to stop missing your ex is to distract yourself. You can connect with new people, discover your interests, explore new places, or just simply go for a nature walk. Whenever you start missing your ex again, distract yourself instantly, this way you’ll also be able to move on effectively from your past relationship.

5. Seek closure (if required)

Closures are important while breaking up. It helps us to detangle the reasons behind a broken relationship; it helps us to move on with improvements. Therefore, if your relationship ends all of a sudden, you can seek closure from your ex. If you don’t want to connect with them, here’s how you can seek self-closure to stop missing your ex.

6. Avoid calling or texting them

Most people end up calling or texting their ex right after missing them, this makes acceptance and moving on more complicated. If they have ended the relationship with you, seek acceptance by yourself, don’t force them, respect their feelings, and mutually part ways.

7. Connect with loved ones to disconnect with ex

Connecting with your loved ones allows a personal space to learn more about yourself, gain a sense of self again, and make decisions wisely. Connect with people who love you today and express your feelings in front of them so that they can help you or just listen to your feelings actively and effectively.

8. Focus on self-care

The idea of self-care never goes wrong. Explore your interests and indulge in self-care activities that restore your energy levels again. Listen to music, enjoy some “me-time”, opt for a spa day, or do whatever you like at the moment.

9. Consider your feelings and accept the reality

Hidden emotions or feelings can make the whole process more complicated, therefore, understand your feelings, accept the reality, let go of toxicity, and move on with your life. Seek new opportunities or goals in order to fulfill the loss you have experienced in the past few days.

10. Be gentle and kind

The breakup and rise-up process can be challenging especially when you can’t stop missing your ex. Therefore, be gentle and kind towards yourself during the process, and don’t allow negative thoughts to ruin your personal aura or self-worth. Always remember, you’re worthy of all the love, therefore, wait for the right one and indulge in self-growth.

11. Make it official

One of the common reasons why people still miss their ex is that they haven’t made it official yet. You can simply tell your loved ones that you both have parted ways mutually and now you want to focus on personal achievements and growth. Make it official but don’t allow anyone to ruin your personal space again. Keep your reasons private.

12. Move on with new hobbies or interests

People still miss their exes because they still feel their presence in whatever activity they do. Therefore, distract yourself with new hobbies or interests. Avoid doing things or activities you used to do together, instead, explore some other options and allow yourself to grow and move on.

13. Make new memories to demolish older ones

As I said, people are not able to detach themselves from their ex and they keep a hold on memories which makes them miss their ex more. It’s time to move on, it’s time to learn more, therefore, get up, avoid negative thoughts, and start making new memories to fade away unwanted memories from your life.

14. Learn to focus on your wellbeing

Constantly missing your ex can have direct negative impacts on your overall well-being. Therefore, keep your focus on your well-being as well, eat the right foods, avoid emotional eating, keep moving your body, and more importantly vent out your emotions to allow self-healing.

15. Focus on your goals

Breakup is not the end of a story but the beginning of another one; you can focus on personal growth, self-improvement, or career goals you have set for yourself. Focus on your professional life and distract yourself from attachments that are no longer available. Instead, focus on making new goals and work on achieving them.

16. Learn your lessons

Treat your ex as a lesson instead try to reflect on their strengths and try not to become like their weaknesses. Learn your lessons, if there’s a scope of self-improvement focus on self-growth. For example, if the toxicity is too much to handle, take lessons from your break-up, and focus on improving yourself.

17. Allow yourself to feel

Whenever you miss your ex, don’t hide your emotions; instead feel your emotions freely. For example, if you’re guilty of doing something wrong, learn your lesson, and allow yourself to recover. Feeling your emotions freely will allow you to move on effectively.

18. Consult a professional

If you’re not able to understand what went wrong, why you’re having failed relationships again and again, or anything related to mental health or personal issues, connect with an experienced and registered mental health professional. A mental health professional can help you understand what went wrong, how you can self-improve, and can help you address a chronic mental health-related issue. To connect with a mental health professional through online platforms, click below:


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19. Discover what’s bothering you

Now, here comes the main question, what’s bothering you, why are you missing your ex constantly? Try to decode such feelings for you and understand the root cause behind them, this will help you address your problems efficiently. In such situations, you can also take the help of a mental health professional.

20. Connect with new people

Allow yourself to move on if you feel ready; try to connect with new people. Communicate with them, learn from them, or just simply connect with them to detach yourself completely from your ex. For example, you can get active again on social media, connect with old-school friends, or join a legitimate dating app.

I hope this blog helps you understand why people miss their exes and what they can do about it. Comment down and share your views on the same or you can also write to us at Calm Sage.

For more such content, connect with us through all social media platforms.

Thanks for reading!

About The Author

Aayushi Kapoor
Aayushi Kapoor

Aayushi is a Content Creator at Calm Sage. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology and a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. Her constant interest in the improvement of mental health, nutrition, and overall wellness embarked upon her career as a “full-time educational writer.” She likes to make an asynchronous connection with her readers. Her mantra for living life is "What you seek is seeking you".

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