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Aayushi Kapoor October 2nd, 2022 · 5min read

“I Don’t Feel Like Working Today”: Reasons And Tips To Cope

I am not talking about Monday blues but apart from Monday blues, there are days in the week wherein we don’t feel like working, we just want to shut our laptops and spend our whole day doing what makes us feel relaxed! I too experience such days wherein I feel like shutting off the struggle button and doing nothing for the day. Do you also feel like doing the same?

My friend’s reality hits us differently! We can’t just stop working for such reasons. After all, we need money to fulfil our needs. Even before writing this blog, I procrastinated a lot, to be honest! Psychology says, it really does not matter what kind of work you do, it is a natural feeling to feel unproductive and unmotivated at times. People who know how to manage these low moments are doing really great in their respective fields. In this blog, we are going to discuss why we feel like not working today and what to do when you have such feelings.

Reasons Why You Feel Like Not Working

Below are some reasons which depict why you may not feel like working today:

1. Mental tiredness

It might happen that you’re mentally tired and you need some time to relax. It’s okay if you are feeling like that there’s no harm to relax. Relaxing will help you in seeking motivation to achieve better.

2. Work fatigue

Work fatigue is different from mental tiredness. It is a feeling of weariness or lack of energy. Work fatigue can be highly observed in people with night shifts or extended working hours.

Related Read: Is it okay to take a break from work?

3. Stress

Stress could be related to any reason (be it personal or professional). If you have short-term stress, consider boosting your energy by performing self-care. If you are experiencing chronic stress, consider seeking advice from a mental health professional

4. Unsatisfied or not happy with the job

If you are not enjoying your job anymore, consider finding the purpose or the meaning of your job. Stagnancy can also be a major reason behind dissatisfaction and demotivation.

5. Facing issues related to workplace

Feeling unappreciated, bullied, gas lighted, disorganized, discriminated against, or unsupported could be the major reasons behind not feeling like working anymore. It can affect your personal and professional life negatively.

Tips to Cope When You Feel Like “I don’t want to work today”

There are some effective and simple coping tips to combat such strong feelings.

1. Take a day off

If you are feeling mentally exhausted, tired, or fatigued, you can take a day off and relax. If you start feeling unproductive in the mid, start doing what makes you feel productive and focus on your hobbies.

2. Reflect on your strengths

If you are feeling stagnant, unproductive, or demotivated, start reflecting on your strengths so that you can work on your personal growth and achieve what you have wished for or dreamt of.

3. Get moving

If you are just feeling lazy or bored, remember you have to keep moving and keep earning to fulfil your needs. You can try performing some self-care to feel better or energized. Moreover, you can also try these ways to feel energized throughout the day.

4. Change your work location

To bring a change or increase your flexibility you can try working from a different location or different spot. It will help you in refreshing and gain insight from a new perspective.

5. Start with important tasks

If you are overloaded with work and worried about how you are going to achieve the flow of work. You can start by achieving important tasks first or pick simple tasks firsts so that you can motivate yourself to do better.

6. Take regular and mindful breaks

if you are mentally exhausted, try taking regular and mindful breaks in every hour so that you can feel refreshed and can gather energy to increase your productivity level.

7. Avoid following the monotonous routine

Try to identify the stagnancy factor and change it according to your workload.  Sometimes, following a monotonous routine can also make our life stagnant. Try to achieve tasks in a different or unique way to keep up with your creativity level.

8. Focus on your goals

It is always helpful to remind yourself what are your goals, wishes, and desires. Keeping your goals in mind always help in evaluating your progress.

9. Evaluate your workplace

If you are bullied, discriminated against, gas lighted, or misunderstood, don’t skip your work. Instead, try to look for solutions. Evaluate your concerns, solutions, and start working on them.

10. Visit a mental health professional

If you are still struggling to go to work on a regular basis, you must visit or connect with a mental health professional to get the right help and support.

To connect with a mental health professional from BetterHelp, click here.

Book Your Appointment Here

I hope this blog helps you to keep going through life despite having strong feelings like “I don’t want to work today.” comment down and share your views on the same. For more such content, connect with us on all social media platforms.

Thanks for reading!

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