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Self Care
Swarnakshi Sharma March 4th, 2023 · 7min read

“I Choose Myself” | Why Should You Choose Yourself First

“A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” – Mark Twain

Be honest; you’ve also heard this advice from your well-wishers, right; “Just be yourself!” Alas! No one tells us how to do that. We navigate through life, blind and without guidance. All we have to do is fall and get up as life’s many (some interesting too) experiences pass us by.

Now, I’m not saying that we don’t do our best when it comes to going through life’s experiences, but sadly, we go through life in the image of what we believe others see us as. We live our lives in the image of what others have created for us.

Nowhere in your life does anyone tell you to choose yourself first; They tell us, “You are such a capable son/daughter.” “You are such a caring partner” and “You are a great teammate” But, never do we hear an affirmation towards our person, as just ourselves.

It tends to happen though. When you devote all your time to caring for your loved ones, friends, and acquaintances, you forget to choose yourself and live for yourself.

Today, we’re doing just that! We’re going to choose for ourselves this day. We’re putting ourselves first and taking charge of our lives for once.

Let’s begin!

What Does “Choosing Myself” Mean?

Many of you may confuse “choosing yourself” with self-care, but this is not self-care. When we talk about taking care of ourselves, we talk about meeting whatever our body and mind need. It’s about caring for your needs but choosing yourself means respecting yourself, fighting for yourself, and living the life you want.

When we’re growing up, we’re taught to care for others and make sure we don’t disrespect others’ choices, but no one talks about choosing for themselves or respecting themselves. “Treat others well” but how about, “Treat yourself well too.” We seem to have skipped this step, huh?

Now, I’m not saying that when you choose yourself first, you ignore others. That would be selfish. Choosing yourself is when you deem yourself brave enough to accept disappointment from your loved ones or courageous enough to face rejection and not give up. It’s less about saying “YES” to yourself and more about saying “NO” to the world and being guilt-free in the end.

“But, isn’t choosing myself a little bit selfish?”

People who have not yet understood the power of self-love and the concept of honoring themselves might believe that choosing oneself over others is selfish. However, the crux of the matter is that when you say yes to choosing yourself first, you’re saying yes to being selfless towards yourself.

We hold many things back from ourselves because we think it’d be selfish but sometimes you have to choose yourself to say,

I love myself and owe myself enough to let go of whatever is bothering me – now and in the future.

In the end, you can’t allow others’ selfish thinking and judgment to hinder your happiness, joy, and even mental peace and balance. By choosing yourself over everything, you’re not disrespecting anyone nor you’re ignoring others but you’re choosing to put yourself first over everything else.

Get it? Well, let’s take a look at the reasons why you should always choose yourself first.

Why Should You Choose Yourself First?

1. No One Knows You Better Than – YOU

No one in this world knows you better than yourself. What you love, like, hate, dislike, and tolerate. You know this. This means that you won’t settle for less or more. You know what you want and how to get it. In the end, it’ll be your decision that should matter to you.

2. You Deserve To Know Your Worth

In our lives, we meet new people and sometimes we have to let go of our old connections too. People are like seasons. Some will come and some will go. It’s inevitable. But when you begin choosing for yourself, you clearly see who belongs in your life and who doesn’t. Who sees your worth and who does not. It’s all about knowing your worth and not settling for less than you deserve.

3. Because You Need Motivation

Again, no one in this world will cheer you in everything you do other than yourself. You are, after all, your biggest fan and motivator. Choosing yourself, here, means that you’re controlling your life and choosing to bring yourself the motivation or inspiration that you need. This means not depending on others for little things like motivation.

4. Your Happiness Is In Your Hands

When you tell the world that, “I choose myself” you tell them that your happiness is in your hands and that no one else is responsible for the joy and peace that you need in life. You should be around people who bring happiness with them, not take it away. If these people are not comfortable with the idea of you being responsible for your happiness, then maybe they don’t need to be included in your life.

5. You Won’t Give Up

When you choose yourself, you reaffirm to the world and yourself that you don’t have to worry about others believing in you because you believe in yourself. Enough to not give up on yourself. Your family and friends might come and go but the one person who will remain a constant in your life will be…yes, you guessed it…YOU!

6. You Deserve To Be Proud Of Yourself

You are worth more than what anyone says and you deserve to revel in it. When you choose yourself over everyone else and everything, you choose to express your pride in who you are. If you’re comfortable and proud of who you are or who you’ve turned out to be, then who else can say otherwise?

How To Choose For Yourself?

The first thing you need to do to become comfortable choosing yourself is to become comfortable in accepting rejections and disappointments. No matter what you choose to do, people will judge you for it and even reject you, but that’s what this is all about. When you choose for yourself, you choose what makes you happy. So be ready to face those rejections with a smile!

Next, you need to concentrate on things that you can control or what you can do. You can’t spend your time thinking about things that you cannot do. That’s simply wasting your time. Choosing yourself starts when you decide to shape your future based on what you have at the moment.

Every time you choose yourself, you push your future self’s confidence. So, keep visualizing your confident future and work through what’s stopping you in the present. Make decisions that not only support your present but also give your future a subtle boost.


You’ve decided, “I choose myself” – Good for you! But beware, this move is going to take patience and practice. There will be times when you will find yourself stuck in situations where you won’t know what to do or what your next step should be. During those times, remember to stay brave. That is your key!

When you’re beginning to choose for yourself for once, you’re permitting yourself to learn, experience the truth of the world, and connect with yourself that might make you slightly uncomfortable. Once you persevere through these challenges, you’ll see yourself in a different light. A good one too.

When you choose yourself, you don’t disrespect or ignore others. You decide to put yourself and your needs first. It means that you choose to fight for yourself and give yourself the respect that is deserved.

So, go on. Say it with me; “I choose myself today”

I hope this blog will give you the courage you need to choose yourself first for once. For more tips, you can email us at or DM us on social media. You can also share your thoughts in the comments below. We’re always happy to hear from you!

Take Care!

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