Let’s Learn To Savor The Moment! (#SeizeTheMoment)

I have seen a lot of people saying on social media, to savor the moment. But, I think only a few people know how to exactly savor the moment. Savoring the moment is not only about seizing the moment, beauty, or serenity! It’s more than that!
Per psychology, savoring the moment means focusing on all positive aspects of the moment or experience gained through it. When we start savoring a moment, we start noticing the emotions, thoughts, perceptions, actions, and sensations related to that particular experience, event, or moment.
Now, you must be wondering, what is the importance of savoring a moment?
Well, savoring a moment is one of the effective strategies to increase happiness and establish a quality of life. It is one of the helpful, free, and convenient ways to reduce stress. Savoring a moment allows us to appreciate what we have rather than ruminating over things that we don’t have!
The ability to savor the moment makes us feel connected and grateful. It benefits us in leading and forming better relationships with others.
In this blog, we will be learning “how to savor the moment.”
S: Sense
A: Appreciate
V: Vitalize
O: Open your heart
R: Rest
7 Easy Ways to Savor A Moment
1. Focus on Details
Amma Godhersen rightly quoted, “I’ve always believed in savoring the moment. In the end, they are the only things we’ll have.” Whenever you find yourself stuck in a positive or enjoyable moment, and don’t start dwelling on the past or anxiety. Try to seize the moment by noticing the details that help in lighting up your life.
Do not miss important experiences and try to savor the moment by just noticing the pleasant things happening during that moment.
2. Focus on Sensations
Right at the moment, start focusing on the sensations, and focus on how you are feeling right now. For example, whenever I see my 11 month old laughing, I try to seize the moment by holding her hands, touching her curly hair, and the sound of cute-laugh which melts my heart directly.
Noticing the small sensations and details related to it helps in living the moment fully and getting absorbed in it.
3. Focus on the Positive
Human behavior is all about getting naturally wired to the weird or haunting past experiences whenever we experience a positive moment. This situation is referred to as negativity bias in psychology.
We are hardwired for our negative situations because we always keep track of our threats to prevent us from threatening situations. Surprisingly, we don’t keep track of positive moments!
Actively focusing on the positive moment can help in reducing the stress and anxiety related to past experiences. Savoring the moment is all about noticing things that can help in increasing happiness and reduce stress.
4. Express Gratitude and Count your Blessings
When we start thinking positively right at the moment, we also start developing feelings of gratitude. It is important to thank people or situations to help you reach this point. While expressing gratitude, simply focus on being yourself and ask others to be themselves too.
Additionally, you can also write down the details, emotions, and sensations in a gratitude journal to build a record of things that make you happy.
5. Take a mental picture
Whenever you find yourself in a moment that needs to be seized, take a pause, observe the details, and take a mental picture in your mind. While taking the mental picture, consciously look for things that make you happy. Simply say, “Cheers to life, this is the right moment to cherish! Thank you.”
6. Shout it out!
After observing all the details, sensations, positives, and taking a mental picture, it’s time to live the moment finally. Feel free to shout your feelings out, laugh out loud, shout for joy, or jump up and down.
Do whatever feels right in the situation and express your feelings and gratitude towards the situation. Do not suppress your feelings because you might lose the opportunity to seize or savor the moment.
7. Get absorbed again and avoid killjoy thinking
After doing so, avoid getting back to comparisons, past, or negative thinking. Try to boost yourself up and live up to this moment to its best. Try to get absorbed at the moment again. Turn off your conscious thoughts and try to focus on the positive side to make the moment more special.
According to studies it has been proved that people enjoy most when they are totally absorbed at the moment.
It helps them achieve the flow state. Moreover, people who savor moments with positivity are able to live a happier life!
Always remember,
“Like a child who saves their favorite food on the plate for last, try to save all thoughts of yours for the end of the day so that you can dream with the taste of what’s on your tongue.” – Kamand Kojouri
I hope this blog helps you learn “how to savor a moment.” Comment down and share your experiences related to savoring a moment. For more such content, connect with us on all social media platforms.
Thanks for reading!