Mindful Photography: The Potential Channel To Maintain Peace & Calm

“I love photography. I love imagery. I love what I do.”–Don McCulin
Mindfulness is not about sitting and meditating in peace alone. It is more about enriching yourself in your actions and different aspects of life. When it comes to enriching your mindful photography, there is no competition, rush or aggression associated with it. But it is your camera that allows you to reflect your mind, free yourself from worries, and capture the result in a poised manner.
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Mindful photography, as photographers explained, is truly a great way to capture life. Mindfulness is like picking up the camera, going out for a stroll somewhere and enjoying the process of clicking the surroundings. In order to capture the world from a new perspective and follow mindfulness and photography, follow the tips mentioned below.
How To Practice Mindful Photography?
1. Be Present In The Moment
Give your full attention to the details around. The beauty of photography lies in smallest detail, be it flower petals shading an ant below or droplets running off the green leaf. Your attention can show you a new picture every passing moment. However, it is also recommended that you don’t wait for perfect timing to strike, keep clicking and enjoying the best in your surroundings.
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2. Carry Your Phone Or Camera
Before you carry out your expensive camera with different apertures, remember that if you increase the number of complications with photography, chances of losing mindfulness are more. It is better to carry a simple camera or just your phone’s camera to shoot amazing pictures. Enjoy the freedom of clicking and exploring new shots rather than fitting the lenses or angles.
3. Breathe Deep
In and Out, breathe deep! All you have to do is relax out and keep going as this mission is all about mindfulness. Even if you feel lost in your journey, start breathing deep and come back to the zone once again.
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4. Make A Purpose Before Stepping Out
Before you step out of your house, plan how many photos you are going to take or is there any specific object you wish to locate or color you want to have. Even if you are not able to decide any of the things, just decide to click 50 photos of anything random before coming back home. However, try to put in your energy and respect for every shot.
5. Spend Some Alone Time
Although you will be traveling to different places in order to practice photography mindfulness, make sure that you go alone. It is because your siblings, friends or pet can act as a distraction. Moreover, spending time with yourself and your camera is a great way to attain peace of mind.
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6. No Judgements
Promise yourself to not to judge anyone or criticize anything for a day. There shouldn’t be any negative remarks or comments on anything. It’s just you, your camera, surroundings and mindful photography. This is meant to search only positivity and good traits in everything.
The Balance Between Mind & Photography
Many photographers have said that holding a camera in their hand induces awareness and generates mindfulness within them. The balance between two widens vision of a human being and they can recognize potential opportunities from the angle of their camera. Seeing anything from the camera looks new to them and they could imagine wonders happening through lenses.
All these magical experiences altogether send a click of awareness and the person wishes to explore more of it. The process keeps going and the photographer immerses in various new senses.
Just like photography, other forms to achieve mindfulness include:
- How to take a mindful coffee break?
- Mindful calligraphy as a stress reliever
- Pebble doodling for mindfulness
- Walking meditation: How to cultivate it and what are its benefits
If you are a photographer and enjoy photography mindfulness, share your pictures with us and your experience when clicking them. We would love to find out more about your love for photography and inspire everyone with the same.
I had no idea photography could be used as a meditation tool. Thanks for sharing this!
This is really a good concept of practicing mindful photography. It creates a positivity in our thoughts and vision.
It is beautiful that how being mindful while clicking a picture can bring you a wave of positivity and wellness. Thank you for sharing this. Added to my bucket list!
I suggest if you start with nature and beautiful serenity, it will be a huge help!