How To Have A More Satisfying & Happy Life (Even If You Have Less)

Last Update on June 30, 2022 : Published on July 10, 2020
How to live a more satisfying life & be happy

“Be happy with what you have. Be excited with what you want” – Alan Cohen

This quote speaks so many volumes to us. Half of it explains that you can stay happy with little details in life while the other half explains that you must keep striving for more with excitement. But both halves must go together and make sure that in order to fight for better, you don’t forget to enjoy the present moment. This is the essence and the core balance that brings life satisfaction in our hands!

But I agree that maintaining this balance is one of the toughest things. It is because we are all raised to earn more money, buy a house, make living for ourselves and become a better version. And in this cause, we often fail to realize that a satisfied life is better than a successful life. So the question comes, how to live a more satisfying life and absorb every bit of it? I will try to answer this question with personal experiences as well as the stories that I collected from generations of our grandparents.

Life Satisfaction: How To Achieve It?

1. Focus On The Positive

Focus On The Positive

Alright, it’s a tough task already, I know. But practicing to shift your focus towards positive as soon as the negative thought strikes in the first key. For example, you might think that I cannot go outside to meet friends during the pandemic lockdown, rather think of being safe at home and enjoy delicious home-cooked meals. Or if you think that you couldn’t go to study in foreign country because of less money, you can be thankful to online courses or universities in your country that are certainly not less.

See, it’s all about finding good in everything, no matter how bad or uncomfortable they are. Once you start doing so, you will be able to find self-satisfaction in your personal life.

2. Find Your Own Ways To Relieve Stress

Relieve Stress

Although happiness and life satisfaction can come in a matter of a few days but it is agreeable that stress makes it’s way more easily. However, if you are trying to become stronger and happier, you must find ways to relieve your stress easily. Choose a hobby that calms you down, perform meditation, or hop for breathing exercises. Any activity could be picked, tricking your brain to relieve stress with the help of it is your next task.

In case you have already found your ways to relieve stress, make sure that you repeat these activities every day. It will help you to keep a balance of emotions and there is more self-satisfaction in life.

3. Don’t Waste Your Time In Gossiping & Hating Anyone

Don’t Waste Your Time

Have loads of time and energy and still looking for life satisfaction? Well, firstly do not spend your precious energy on gossiping about someone in office or family but try ignoring the same. It is required that you must do something that adds meaning to life and gossip surely doesn’t help. So you can go for reading books, listening to motivational podcasts, sipping coffee with yourself, or indulge in meditation.

In case you are spending your energy in hating someone, remember that the person will not change with your opinion and hateful thoughts. Moreover, life is too short to hate someone. So instead of keeping those ill feelings within, just forgive them and move away with a smile. A sense of freedom and happiness would be felt instantly and you will yourself find how to be satisfied in life.

4. Be Thankful & Be Kind

Be Thankful & Be Kind

Being generous and kind makes you bigger and stronger. You must try to be thankful to every person around you for being there for you. In fact, you can hug your parents, friends or colleagues if they are around you right now. It’s a simple and beautiful gesture to tell them that you are thankful to them for being in your life.

Being grateful is a great practice for you as well as for the ones who receive it. Sometimes we are not able to extend our gratitude to things like eyes, ears, nose, skills we possess, clothes we wear, etc. so you can try gratitude journaling for the same or even thank your faithful God for everything.

5. Keep Your Body Healthy

Keep Your Body Healthy

Give yourself plenty of sleep, exercise, drink a lot of water, smile and laugh! Self-satisfaction comes from a happy and healthy body. And if you practice keeping your body fit then everything from inside out becomes satisfying. The energy and attention that generates within repairs the damage that has been caused to the body. So set your alarms, give your body a treat of goodness, and make sure this goodness continues every single day.

6. Invest Your Time In Good Friends & Family

Invest Your Time In Good Friends & Family

Consider all the friends that you have and re-evaluate your relationship with them. See what they mean to you, do they bring positive energy or do they inspire you for better? Make sure that you are honest with your opinion so that no toxic influence can reach out to you. Choose whom you want to be around with so that you are able to enhance your quality of life. A quality life brings self-satisfaction which is better than anything else.

It really doesn’t matter what kind of job you have, how much you earn or what is your title in your company unless you are self-satisfied and savor life. There is another piece of advice that you can open yourself to. Start listening more and do not judge others! If you will leave your mind open to various perspectives, you will be able to form good relationships.

7. Become Responsible For Your Own Good

self satisfied life

You must have understood that a self-satisfied life means living your life in the best way possible. Moreover, there is just one life surrounded by many opportunities, embrace them! No one is in charge of your happiness except you so it’s time to prepare yourself for your own happiness.

If you are not happy, it’s your choice and you must deal with it! No one can take control of how to make you happy or sad, so keep your actions considerate. In case, you are facing a terrible situation, tell yourself “This too shall pass” or “If it doesn’t kill me, it makes me stronger.” Your own determination and zeal decide how to be self-satisfied in life.



Once you have developed a habit of being happy with yourself and finding peace with what is already being there, the greed for more goes down and excitement for new comes up. This excitement gives you new energy without forgetting the values and love, unlike greed. And this is what differentiates self-satisfaction from greed.

I am sure you will work upon your thoughts for positivity and cherish the life you possess right now.

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About The Author

Akanksha Soni
Akanksha Soni

Akanksha is an active lifestyle blogger and writer at Calmsage. She has learnt various lessons on happiness and methods to fight depression through 'Gurus' as well as own experiences. An ardent practitioner of Yoga and meditation, she keeps traveling, writes and interacts with people to feel alive.

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