How to Deal With a Breakup? 7 Healthy Ways to Get Over It

Let us start by acknowledging the fact that breakups do hurt! But at the same time, the word itself advises you to rise-up. Then why let this instance take a toll on your physical, emotional, and psychological health? Therefore, we suggest you take a new life lesson from the word ‘Break-Up’ and come out of it in a strong and healthy manner. Wondering, how? Well, just grab an ice-cream tub and learn the right way to deal with a breakup:
How to Cope with a Breakup:
B: Believe in Yourself
“Inhale confidence; exhale doubt”
All human beings are social by nature. Therefore, we establish and maintain relationships with others. However, this doesn’t imply that we constantly need someone to be a part of our life and we are not enough for ourselves. Remember, you have lived your life without them before and you can do it again. Thus, focus on yourself, believe in your inner assets and get going with your life. To put it in other words, shift your focus to self and build on your confidence. It will not only help you to deal with a breakup but also fuel your confident self.
R: Reach a Friend
“A friend in need is a friend indeed”
When in a relationship, we tend to invest our emotions, time, health, thoughts, and a lot more which makes post-breakup a highly emotional phase to carry on your shoulders. But instead of sitting in a corner alone and revisiting the whole relationship, we suggest you reach a friend and vent it out. This will make you feel lighter and better to deal with the breakup. Apart from it, we are ALL EARS to you, feel free to vent out your bottled-up emotions to us.
E: Engage in Productive Activities
“Focus on being productive instead of busy”
A common suggestion given to an individual who is going through a breakup phase is- ‘keep yourself busy to get over the thoughts of your significant other.’ However, seldom it is found to be useful as being busy is not the solution but being productive surely is! Thus, engage yourself in something productive that will keep your mind occupied on one hand and help you in the long run on the other.
A: Allow Emotions to Flow
“Set your emotions and yourself free and fly high”
The journey to get over a breakup or dealing with a breakup is no less than an emotional roller-coaster ride. At some point you might find yourself dwelled in the past moments and at others setting long-term futuristic goals, either way it is likely to hamper your growth. Thus, it is advised that you let your emotions flow like free water, this in turn will help you to feel at peace within.
K: Keep-up With Your Daily Life
“Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be”
Often an individual after a breakup prefers to be alone and tends to cut-off from their work and social life, which is not healthy. It might be difficult to get out of the bed and live your life the way it was but this indeed is the ultimate challenge you have to work towards. Start with basics, like getting up from bed and washing your face and then take your time to move further but don’t move back from that step. You can also reward yourself for the task you accomplish. This will work as a happiness pill!!!
U: Unleash Your Soul
“I am a fighter, not a quitter”
It often happens that while your mind tells that you are getting over a breakup, your soul is secretly still attached to the person and memories associated with him/her. Here it becomes important that you unleash your soul and train it to be a fighter. For this, you can read motivating quotes and tune yourself to music. It helps you to become the master of your mind and indeed your life.
P: Plan Your Life Ahead
“Plan out your life on paper but live your life by heart”
The best marker for your growth from the breakup will be your ability to plan your life ahead. Take out a planner now and start setting short-term/hourly plans to begin with and then move slowly towards your long-term plans. Just making plans for the sake of it won’t help much as it is important that you put your heart in it to enjoy the benefits. So, no matter how little or big your plan is, work towards it with sincerity.
Well, now that you know exactly how to deal with a breakup and come out of it like a warrior it is time to work on the same and lead your life as you always wanted to. But if these tips don’t work for you then…..
You might have to move beyond your desktop and reach for help from experts.
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Moving on was so difficult for me! This content really helped me to move on with new energies! Thank you Calm Sage
I have many friends who have gone through the pain of breakup and they found it really hard to move on. People keep on asking about how to deal with breakup? Now after reading this blog I am sure that i can suggest these methods to my friends. Thank you for this amazing blog.