Sustainable Happiness: How To Be Content In Life?

What is happiness according to you? I’ve always had a very different take on happiness. To me, happiness is when I feel comfortable and content in life. We have always associated happiness with our achievements but should it really depend on our accomplishments?
Do people who haven’t achieved much in life don’t deserve happiness? Why do we always depend on something external to bring happiness to our lives? It’s high time we realized that happiness should not be outsourced!
Sustainable happiness is the proper and practical form of happiness. Why attach happiness to uncertain things when you can find happiness in simple things like being fortunate enough to eat nutritious food or being physically fit and able?
Today we are going to talk about sustainable happiness and how one can learn to be content in life…
Shall we begin?
What Does It Mean To Be Content in Life?
Contentment is one of the most important things in life but not many people are able to achieve it. In this fast-pacing world, we are all running behind something or the other. In fact, even after achieving a lot in life, we are greedy to achieve more. Therefore, contentment doesn’t get its due place in our lives.
To be content in life basically means to be satisfied and happy with the life you are leading. It also means that you have no space for greed, jealousy, or regret in your life. It might sound impossible but if you try you can bring contentment back into your life.
To be content in life doesn’t mean you’ve to stop working hard and be okay with whatever you have. It means you should work hard every day but also enjoy and be satisfied with everything that you have now because you might not have it tomorrow.
Also read: 6 Myths of Happiness We Need to Stop Believing In
How to Find Contentment In life?
Happiness is a subjective concept. The definition of happiness is different for different people. For me just being with my family is happiness (because I stay away from them), for those who stay with their family, maybe a solo trip would bring happiness.
However, the most important question is how to make happiness sustain longer. Being happy all the time is not possible but being in a happy state of mind most of the time is possible. Being content in life is the only thing that can make happiness sustainable.
Also read: Chasing Happiness: Different Types of Happiness
Want to know how to be content in life?
Here you go…
1. Acceptance:
It is very important to accept whatever is happening in your life. We will never feel content in life if we don’t accept the positive and negative things that happen in our lives. No matter how bad or good phase you’re going through, take a pause and tell yourself the accept the truth. Disbelief and denial will only decrease your contentment.
2. Avoid things you don’t actually need:
It’s important to understand the difference between your needs and your wants. Most of the time we buy things or engage in activities not because we need them but because we just want to have them. If you genuinely want to be content in life, identify your needs and gratify your needs rather than focusing on other materialistic things.
3. Practice gratitude in life:
Do you know how much of a difference it makes when you appreciate your loved one’s efforts? Next time someone does something for you, remember to thank them and appreciate their effort. This act will not only make you feel happy and content but also give happiness to the other person. It will help you maintain your relationship with the people around you making you feel safe and content in life.
4. Be there for your loved ones:
Being present for people you love and respect keeps you away from having any regrets in life. Nothing is more important than the people who always stand by you. Contentment comes from the thought of not having any burden on yourself. Always try to be there for your friends and family so that you know you’ve always filled an empty spot.
5. Learn to value normalcy and basic things in life:
Aiming high is always good but forgetting your roots is not a good idea. Always remember where you come from and how important basic things are. Learn to enjoy normal life inclusive of basic things. Celebrate little joys in life rather than wait for that one big thing to happen.
Also Read: Become a More Joyful Person in 30 Days With Our Happiness Challenge
That’s All Folks!
I hope you found this blog about how to be content in life helpful, interesting, and thought-provoking. Do share this blog with your friend and family so that we can all at least try to find contentment in life and give more importance to sustainable happiness.
Thanks for reading.
Take care and stay safe.