Hormones And Social Anxiety: Exploring The Effect Of Hormones On Social Anxiety

Balanced hormone levels in our body provide a balanced well-being. But, do you know that your hormone levels can also have various effects on social anxiety? Imbalanced hormone levels in the body influence neurotransmitters which results in problems such as social anxiety.
People who are struggling with social anxiety disorder (SAD) may be aware of their levels of certain hormones and their impacts on social anxiety. In this blog, we will explore the link between hormones and social anxiety. Let’s get started!
The Link Between Social Anxiety and Hormones
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is caused by various factors such as environmental, social, hormones, history, and others. Out of all other factors, hormones play a significant role in the development of social anxiety.
Hormones like cortisol (stress hormones), testosterone, or estrogen (sex hormones) can have a direct impact on anxiety. In this section, let’s find out which hormones may help reduce and increase the symptoms of social anxiety.
List of Hormones that Increase Social Anxiety
1. Sex Hormones:
Sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen play an important role in the levels of anxiety you experience. Imbalanced levels of sex hormones can have direct negative impacts on your social anxiety.
For example, too low levels of testosterone (male sex hormone) and estrogen (female sex hormone) can result in the symptoms of anxiety. This shows why some teenagers struggle with anxiety during the periods of puberty and menopausal and menstrual cycles.
Research shows that sex and stress hormones also show a direct and combined effect on the levels of social anxiety. For example, when our body experiences stress, the cortisol level in the body increases, which directly impacts the body’s ability to produce sex hormones. This combined effect of lowered testosterone and increased cortisol results in more severe anxiety-related symptoms.
Additionally, the testosterone hormone controls the release of cortisol levels which is why we can observe an unbreaking cycle between lowered testosterone and higher cortisol levels. By breaking this cycle, we can actually overcome two hormonal issues at a time.
2. Stress Hormones:
Stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline can make you feel out of control, threatened, and overwhelmed. Such symptoms result in severe anxiety. Research shows that when our body receives a stressful response, our body releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline which activates the fight or flight response.
In some cases, excess levels of stress hormones leave us severely anxious and can impact our bodies in many ways. With time, this can become an unbreakable cycle leading to hormonal anxiety which results in the secretion of more stress hormones and so on.
3. Thyroid hormones:
Thyroid hormones show a negative impact on anxiety, research shows that an overactive thyroid develops anxiety and results in physical symptoms such as shakiness, increased heart rate, palpitations, increased sweating, and more.
List of Hormones that Reduce Social Anxiety
1. Estrogen:
Estrogen (a sex hormone released in female bodies) is a natural calming hormone. Research shows that females perform better when their estrogen levels are higher in the blood. This is why a lot of women tend to feel calm and relaxed at certain points or situations after the release of estrogen.
2. Oxytocin:
Oxytocin is a love or bonding hormone. Oxytocin is a peptide bond hormone that also plays the role of a neurotransmitter in the brain. It is known to be a love hormone because it gets released when we are in contact with our loved ones. This love hormone is made in the brain (specifically the hypothalamus region) and transported further in the pituitary gland.
This hormone is also responsible for breastfeeding and childbirth. In psychology, oxytocin provides an anti-anxiety effect which also reduces the symptoms of social anxiety. Oxytocin also promotes a sense of trust and relaxation which makes social situations more manageable. Additionally, it also reduces the activation of certain areas of the brain related to social anxiety.
3. Testosterone:
Testosterone may also help with social anxiety, research shows that higher levels of testosterone help in reducing the symptoms of social anxiety. It is a steroid hormone that can help reduce behaviors like avoidance, fearfulness, and submissiveness.
According to the statistics, females tend to struggle with anxiety disorder higher as compared to males, this happens because of the presence of higher levels of testosterone. This hormone activates the secretion of serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). These brain chemicals help people reduce the symptoms of SAD.
4. Vasopressin:
Vasopressin helps regulate the fluid balance in the body. It also helps regulate social behaviors, stress, and anxiety. It is also responsible for maternal stress response, sexual motivation, social behavior, and pair bonding. It is a hormone produced in the hypothalamus (a part of the brain) and secreted by the pituitary gland. Research shows that the balance of vasopressin and oxytocin is required for positive social functioning.
Hormonal Ways to Manage Social Anxiety
Hormonal changes are something that we can’t control however, we can actually control our stress response. In relation to this, a lot of people recommend hormonal therapy which is an effective option. However, in my view, psychotherapy combined with hormonal therapy can be an effective option for relieving symptoms of social anxiety.
Self-medicating in such issues might not be helpful, such medications or supplements might provide temporary fixes but they won’t solve the anxiety problem. For effective treatment options, read the below tips:
- Work on boosting the feel-good hormones: One of the best ways to fix hormonal issues and social anxiety is to dose yourself with feel-good hormones such as oxytocin naturally. You can increase testosterone easily by:
- Consuming a balanced diet
- Exercising regularly
- Practicing stress management techniques
- Getting good quality sleep
- Taking multivitamin supplements
You can work on increasing oxytocin easily by following:
- Practicing kindness and compassion
- Cuddling or hugging a loved one
- Listening to others and practicing empathy
- Petting a cat or dog
- Practicing meditation
- Taking supplements: You can actually take the natural multivitamin supplements available in the market. While buying a natural supplement, always look for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved supplements for efficacy and safety. Additionally, before consuming any supplement, you can seek advice from your doctor or practitioner.
- Getting appropriate treatment: If your social anxiety is led by hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, you must get a diagnosis done by a physical health provider and seek a proper diagnosis. Treating your thyroid condition can really help with social anxiety levels.
- Connect with a mental health professional: If you are struggling with severe social anxiety levels, you can always connect with a certified and experienced mental health professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. A mental health professional is likely to recommend psychotherapy options based on your symptoms such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT can help you learn new and healthy coping strategies by completely removing negative thoughts or patterns.
- Try hormone therapy: A state of balanced hormones can help you achieve better well-being, having said this, you can try hormonal therapy. I could find various studies supporting social anxiety and hormonal therapy. Studies suggest that psychotherapy along with hormonal therapy can be effective, faster, and provide long-lasting results.
A Final Word from the Writer
Social anxiety is manageable and curable, you just need to identify your triggers and the hormonal issues behind them. Herein, you can take the help of your physical health provider as well. The best approach is to identify and explore what works best for you! In cases of severe symptoms, the best approach is to connect with a mental health professional. To connect with a certified and experienced mental health professional through online platforms, click below:
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I hope this blog helps you understand the link between hormones and social anxiety. Comment down and share your views on the same or you can also write to us at Calm Sage. For more such content, connect with us through all social media platforms.
Thanks for reading!
This blog does a good job to explain the relation of sex hormones and social anxiety. I feel that I can relate to this correlation on a big level. This is something that I struggle with a lot and I think that understanding it is the first step. Thank you for your input.