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Swarnakshi Sharma June 9th, 2021 · 5min read

7 Everyday Habits To Keep A Relationship Strong

While big gestures are adored and appreciated, it is always the little things, small gestures that count. The small gestures and habits that we form with our partner are what means the most in the long run.

Every relationship has its ups and downs but there is a need to make sure that the connection, the bond, isn’t faltered but continues to grow and evolve. Relationships are never easy and they require a lot of work, commitment, and respect.

Taking small steps and establishing daily habits can be a wonderful way to make sure your connection, your bond with your partner stays strong and continues to grow even as time goes on.

Below, I’ve listed 7 healthy everyday habits to keep your relationship strong.

7 Everyday Habits To Keep A Relationship Strong

1. Do Not Avoid Conflicts

Conflicts are a part of relationships and avoiding those conflicts would mean the gradual end of one. While it is not easy to deal with conflicts and while they might seem like a sign of weakness, conflicts are what make a relationship strong as time goes on. Part of a healthy relationship is to deal with conflicts not ignoring them.

Conflicts allow you to grow and evolve. It is always better to deal with disagreements in a respectful manner rather than not addressing them at all.

2. Give Each Other Space To Evolve

Trying to change your partner into something they are not is not the right thing to do in a relationship. A relationship should be your and your partner’s safe space that allows them to grow and change. Make sure that every day you give your partner their space and not crowd them.

Boundaries should be respected while making sure that while change is inevitable, you give your partner acceptance and space to welcome that change.

3. Understand Each Other’s Style

By style here I mean understanding each other’s attachment and communication style. One of the most important things to keep a relationship strong is to understand your and your partner’s communication and attachment styles.

Attachment styles are developed early and are more often than not influenced by our relationship with our parents and siblings. Understanding these styles will ensure that you can connect with your partner without overstepping.

4. Never Make Assumptions

When we are faced with a conflict, it is easy to make assumptions and jump to conclusions but in the long run, it can be unhealthy. Not everything we hear might be the truth or is not meant to be interpreted as it is. Assuming your partner’s actions is the last thing your relationship needs. In such cases, take a deep breath and calmly ask your partner for clarification. Asking instead of assuming is the right thing to do.

Also, do not fail to express your feelings with your partner. Never believe that your partner knows what you’re feeling or thinking. Assuming and letting your partner assume can cause misunderstandings.

Read: How To Stop Being Insecure In A Relationship? First, Trust Yourself.

5. Appreciate Each Other

With time, we get used to being in each other’s space and we might start to take our partner and the time we spend together for granted. Sometimes we don’t even realize we’re doing this.

Taking each other for granted will take a heavy toll on your relationship. Making each other feel appreciated is important not just to express our gratitude but to let our partners know that they are loved, respected, and appreciated.

Saying “thank you” every day to express appreciation when your partner does something for you can help. No matter how small or how big their gesture, express your gratitude and appreciate them each day.

6. Spend Quality Time With Each Other

Every day, take some time to just sit with your partner and share your daily experiences with them while listening to them sharing theirs. It doesn’t always have to be about work or family. Talk about mundane things too. The content isn’t important, what’s important is spending quality, no distractions, time with each other.

If you both like cooking, then make sure you spend at least one meal cooking together. Limit distractions when spending time with your partner. This time is for them and to make them feel loved and respected.

6. Relax Without Expectations

Life can get busy and hectic with every day that passes and sometimes we just need to be without our partner without expecting anything in return except relaxation. Couples in healthy relationships allow each other to stop thinking about things outside of their relationship and just enjoy the space they are in.

Take time each day to just be and relax with your partner without expectations and judgments.

Ask For Help…

In a relationship, all we need from our partner is support, respect, and love. Sometimes, however, loving and supporting each other can be challenging. In those times, it is okay to reach out for help. A couples counselor can help you figure out what your relationship needs, what steps you can take to resolve conflicts, and understanding your and your partner’s communication and attachment style.

To reach a relationship counselor, you can write to us at, and to stay updated on our content, you can follow us on social media.

No relationships are the same. It takes time and patience to figure out what your relationship needs, specifically. I hope the above list helped you understand what are some everyday habits to keep a relationship strong.

Live happily, love heartily!

Take care!

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