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Workplace Wellness
Kirti Bhati July 10th, 2022 · 5min read

Feeling Unappreciated At Work? Here’s What To Do When You Feel Unappreciated At Work

We spend 75% of our life working, either at an office or at home. That counts for most of our lives and you know what’s the worst thing that can happen to you during that working span of your life? Feeling unappreciated at work!

Almost 59% of the working population feels unappreciated or unvalued at work. That’s again a large amount of people unhappy at work. When you spend more than half of your life at work feeling unappreciated and not valued can take a toll on your mental health.

Who would be satisfied with a job where none of your efforts are being appreciated? Many people react differently when your hard work has no recognition. Some in fact resign from a job in which they do not feel valued or appreciated but not everyone has that as an option. Then what should you do? How to get over feeling unappreciated at work?

Let’s Find out!

But first let’s talk about the signs you’re not being valued at work…

Signs You Are Unappreciated At Work

Some people are very quick at judging the situation and how others are reacting to their work. But there are some who struggle with self-worth issues and low self-esteem fail to recognize that it’s not them who is lacking work efficiency but it is your boss who is not appreciating your work enough.

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Working hard without any recognition can have a negative impact on the issues you are already struggling with. If you are feeling unappreciated at work, you need to address your feelings and process your emotions properly. But first, let’s look at some signs you’re not being valued at work;

  • You work hard but no recognition
  • You do not receive much feedback on your work
  • You do not get any opportunities to showcase your expertise in spite of having earned the chance
  • You let others take credit for your work
  • Your concerns are left unheard
  • You can’t seem to present your point of view in meetings
  • You face Injustice at work
  • You face unnecessary criticism at work

There are various other signs you’re not being appreciated at work as well but these are the most common ones. We have had different experiences in life and all of them contribute to our level of happiness and contentment in life.

Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle! Believe in yourself, focus only on your goals and believe me, no one can stop you from conquering the world. For starters you can learn what you can do when you feel unappreciated at work.

Here you go…

Feeling Unappreciated At Work? Here’s What To Do When You Feel Unappreciated At Work

1. Acknowledge and accept your feelings: it’s very important to know what you are feeling and where it is coming from. Is it stemming from your self-worth, self-image or self-esteem issuesor is there something else? Once you know what’s actually bothering you, try to solve that issue.

2. Do not expect way too much: we all tend to expect a little more especially when we have put in more effort than usual in a particular task. Every individual is busy giving their best, therefore, expecting them to acknowledge even the slightest of advancement is not really practical. Have realistic expectations from yourself and your boss.

3. Have a word with your boss: it’s always a good idea to express your feelings. Sometimes things are not as simple as they look. If you feel like you’re not being appreciated at work, talk to your boss about your feelings.

4. Build your confidence: low confidence is one of reasons people fail to make their presence felt. If you are in a meeting, present your point of view loud and clear. Be confident and do not hesitate in being out of your comfort zone and in being vulnerable, that’s how you grow.

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5. Appreciate a job well done: if someone in your office does a good job, make sure you appreciate them. What you give comes back to you, if you notice and appreciate someone else’s work, they will be motivated to recognize your hard work and will eventually appreciate your work as well.

6. Believe in yourself and move on: if you feel your work is not being valued, don’t take it to your heart. You know how hard you have worked and it’s going to pay off one day. You appreciate yourself, give yourself a pat on the back and move on.

7. Talk to a professional: if the feelings of not being valued at work are not fading away and have started to interfere with your life, try seeking professional help. A mental health professional is sure to help you with your feeling of not being valued at work.

That’s All Folks!

I hope you found this blog on what to do when you feel unappreciated at work helpful and informative. Do not let anyone’s judgment about your work affect you. You know how hard you have worked and that’s enough. Do give these tips on how to get over feeling unappreciated at work a try, come back and let us know if they worked or if you’d like to add to these tips.

Thanks for reading.

Take care and believe in yourself!

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