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Wellness Guide
Aayushi Kapoor October 12th, 2024 · 5min read

What Is DTR (Define The Relationship), And How Can It Be Done?

If I ask you to define the relationship you share with your partner, will you be able to do that? If yes, you can define your relationship in the comment section below. But, here’s the catch, do you know what exactly the term “DTR (Define the relationship) means?

Have you ever tried to have the “TALK” with your partner to determine the relationship with your partner? Now, some of you might be thinking, what does the “talk” or “DTR’ exactly mean?

Let me give you a short briefing, when we talk about “DTR”, we talk about all stages of dating…Dating to a Relationship. In this blog, let’s find out what “define the relationship (DTR)” exactly means and how to do it. Let’s get started!

What is DTR in a Relationship?

DTR in a relationship means defining the relationship. DTR calls for initiating a conversation between partners to determine the goals, needs, and everything that is required to be in a healthy relationship. It needs to be a white-and-black conversation because it helps your partner understand your goals and needs in the relationship.

Moreover, it also helps you decide whether to jump into the next stage of dating or not. It’s not about setting rules or boundaries, but it is more about speaking your heart out and becoming more transparent and thoughtful in the relationship. The Calm Sage team strongly encourages couples to have the “Talk” in the relationship because it represents how you want to take this relationship in the future.

How do I DTR in a Relationship?

Defining the relationship (DTR) is an essential thing to do while you’re in a relationship. And to give you a heads up, you must not initiate such conversations over chat or video calls. Instead, DTR-related conversations should be face-to-face and if you’re in a long-distance relationship (LDR), you can FaceTime your partner.

According to couples’ therapists, DTR in a relationship must welcome vulnerability in your relationship. Being vulnerable in your relationship allows you to present honestly and say what comes into your mind without a second thought.

DTR in a relationship helps you communicate your feelings without any expectations in return. In short, whenever you DTR make sure you keep your heart out without fear of being judged and allow your partner to do so similarly. This can look scary in the beginning, but trust the process, it can be worth it! DTR helps you understand the goals of your relationship, to go exclusive or not, to walk away, or to wait for the right time.

The main gist of DTR is to initiate the conversation without any expectations, be confident, and speak your heart out regardless of how your partner feels. Always remember, that honesty and clear communication are the important keys to building a strong and successful relationship.

Therefore, prepare yourself for the conversation, do your part, and allow your partner to do the same. If you’re scared of overstepping in the relationship, you can still do it fearlessly, let me tell you how. Follow the below tips to prepare yourself for the DTR conversation:

  1. List down the important things you need to tell your partner.
  2. List down the goals (professional or personal) to look more presentable and clearer.
  3. Think about the things you want to share with your partner.
  4. Be more mindful and think wisely about how you want to take the relationship to the next stage.

After preparing yourself, here’s how you can present your thoughts in front of your partner to define the relationship:

  1. Start the conversation confidently and take things straight.
  2. Communicate clearly and be honest.
  3. To build trust, clear out your commitment goals.
  4. State your goals in the relationship, clearly state your stand in the relationship, and be transparent.
  5. Encourage your partner to have an open discussion.

Quick Takeaway: What’s the Right Time to DTR?

DTR must be initiated during a face-to-face conversation. DTR in a relationship can be initiated at any stage of dating or marriage but I suggest, it must be initiated in the initial days of dating.

When you enter an exclusive territory, you and your partner must be aware of actions, goals, needs, and everything that is required in a relationship. You both must be prepared for new adventures by having the “Talk.” Before having the talk, you can ask yourself some questions to make your mind clearer about the relationship:

  • Are you ready to be in an exclusive relationship?
  • Are you able to trust your partner?
  • Do you value your partner?
  • Do you see a future with your partner?
  • Are you able to be honest and transparent in this relationship?
  • Are you ready to be vulnerable in this relationship?

I hope this blog helps you understand DTR in a relationship and how to do it effectively and mindfully. For more such content, connect with us through social media.

Thanks for reading!

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