Demystifying Weighted Blankets: Are They Actually That Good?

Have you heard of weighted Blankets yet? If you haven’t heard of it, you have come to the right place. This blog is all about weighted blankets, who all can benefit from it and it’s pros and cons.
For those of you who know about them are reading this maybe because they are in stress and are looking for a resort. Do weighted blankets actually work? We have been seeing so many people going gaga about them.
I have always wondered, even if they work, what is the science behind weighted blankets helping in reducing stress and anxiety.
Here are all the answers you might be looking for…
What are Weighted Blankets?
Weighted blankets are like normal blankets but they are filled with some weights in them. The weights can range from 2 kilograms to 13 kilograms (5 to 30 pounds).
Now if you are thinking that any blanket that is a little heavy can do exactly what weight blankets do. But that’s not the case, weighted blankets are designed differently. Weighted blankets are not simply heavy, they are make heavy by using certain materials like
- Pallets: Many weighted blankets use Plates or small balls in them. These pallets can be made of glass, polly or mental. These pallets are placed in between the layers of the blanket. Pallets are one of the best weights to be used in weighted blankets.
- Metal chains: Some weighted blankets also use metal chains to make them heavy. These chains are sewn in between the layers so that the weight is distributed evenly.
Usually people buy weighted blankets which are 10% of their body weight. So, if you wish to get a weighted blanket for yourself then just calculate the weight and buy accordingly.
Now let’s move on to whether these blankets work or not!
What do Experts have to Say About Them? Do Weighted Blankets Actually Work?
There has been an increase in research being conducted on the effects of weighted blankets. If researchers are showing interest in weighted blankets then there definitely has to be something.
- Among the various studies, Becklund from Florida stated, in a study, that weighted blanket had a calming effect on patients and also reduced anxiety in psychiatric patients.
- Many researchers who are still studying the effects of weighted blankets said that their participants would fall asleep while the interview as the weight blanket was on them.
- Contrary to popular belief a study in 2013 showed that weighted blankets had no effect on children with autism.
There has been much research on weighted blankets. Mostly in the favour but there are a few studies that say that there are no psychological effects of weighted blankets.
In my understanding, weighted blankets will work for some and might not work for others. Because the evidence for weighted blankets actually helping are more, therefore you can give them a try.
Technically they work but are they ideal for you? You will be the judge of that.
Who all can Benefit from Weighted Blankets?
Like I said before, there have been some researchers and many are in the process. According to the research already conducted there are some mental health conditions that can benefit from weighted blankets.
1. Autism
One of the key symptoms in autism is troubled sleep. Especially in children with autism, sleeping peacefully is not quite easily achievable. According to a research conducted in 2014 the use of weighted blankets had a significant improvement in sleep in people with autism.
Not being able to pay attention and sit in one place is not easy if you have ADHD. There are no studies as of now that prove the benefit of weighted blankets. But there are studies that show that weighted vests have had a positive effect on people with autism.
Hence, experts are still studying but have assumed that weighted blankets might also work for people with ADHD.
3. Anxiety
Weighted blankets work best with anxiety and related disorders. There have been N number of researches stating the same. Weighted blankets have a deep pressure stimulation which helps in decreasing anxiety and related symptoms.
4. Sleep related disorders
Weighted blankets have had a positive impact on people with insomnia. Experts have always applauded weighted blankets when it comes to sleep related disorders. The weight from the blankets helps you relax and the pressure makes you fall asleep. The amount of nighttime awakenings can also be reduced.
What are the Pros and cons of using weighted blankets
- Helps in reducing anxiety and stress
- They are good for all ages
- Helps you get a better sleep by minimising tossing and turning at night
- Can be used with or without a mental health disorder (has a calming effect)
- They are slightly high in price. Not everyone can afford to have them.
- They can get too warm hence temperature control will be required
- You might need some time to adjust to being under a certain amount of weight.
Final thoughts…
Weighted blankets do actually work. I think you will just have to first analyze your condition and what are your needs. If the weighted blanket will suffice your needs then I think it’ll be best for you.
I hope this blog helps you get all the information about weighted blankets and how they can help in improving your mental health.
Thanks for reading.
Take care and stay safe!