What Are Different Types Of Anxiety Disorders?

If you are anxious and observe that it has deeply affected your health, you might be having one or the other kind of anxiety disorder. But much before delving into different types of anxiety disorders, let’s first understand what an anxiety disorder is.
An anxiety disorder comes from two words namely “anxiety” and “disorder”. Anxiety is an act of becoming anxious which is quite normal. There are situations which make us feel worried, uneasy or even nervous. But that’s mostly a positive thing because then we are motivated to perform better and make right decisions. Yet, there are times when anxiousness interferes with our functions and the way we communicate with people. It is then that the anxiousness and the subsequent stress falls in the category of an anxiety disorder.
Unlike what many might think, there is not just one but different anxiety disorder types which we shall discuss in this blog. This blog is just to give you an overview of the various different types of anxiety disorders. In the blogs to come we shall try and take each of these anxiety disorders and look at things in a greater detail.
Types of Anxiety Disorders
Knowing Your Enemy Makes It Easier To Put Up A Fight And More Importantly, Win !
No matter what kind the anxiety falls in, it will lose ! With that being said let’s have a look at some of the major anxiety disorder types. Each of these have one thing in common and that is they make you feel as if things are getting out of your hand, as if the world is going to end, if you don’t take action.
1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Amongst various different types of anxiety disorders, generalized anxiety disorder which is also known as GAD is probably the most common one. If your fears and worries constantly hamper your functioning and relaxation then you probably have generalized anxiety disorder.
What is it?
GAD is one of those anxiety disorder types which involve constant tension, nervousness and chronic worrying. Here you are not worried about one particular thing but you are worried about generally everything. This is the reason why your daily routine and functions you perform are affected. It is because of anxiety that you constantly feel worn out, your sleep patterns are improper and you constantly feel low on energy. Although unlike a panic attack, the intensity of GAD is very less but it is a long lasting issue.
Now, you may wonder that almost every person worries about things. True, but when a person has generalized anxiety disorder, he or she even takes those worries to the next level. For instance, in normal circumstances if your friend doesn’t answer your phone call immediately, you might not get worried but if you have GAD you might just get very anxious and uneasy.
2. Panic Disorder
Panic disorder is one of the most common types of anxiety disorder. Certain situations or tasks are overwhelming. So much so, that a person can feel extremely terrified and feel that he or she might as well get crazy. Occasionally having such kind of sensation is normal but if you constantly feel weak, dizzy, have chest pains, breathing difficulties or even go haywire because of situations, you probably have panic disorder.
What is it?
When you unexpectedly get panic attacks, out of no particular reason, you might be having a panic disorder. Take it this way, in case of a panic disorder, a particular situation might not call for the fear or terror a person is showing. Such panic attacks tend to interfere with your daily routine and the tasks you perform in your daily life. You might constantly be preoccupied that an attack is bound to happen. A panic attack may last for about half an hour but as an after effect you might feel completely exhausted and worn out.
For example – A forthcoming conversation with your boss or presentation may make you feel as if you are going to make mistakes and make everyone embarrassed. Because of which you might get chills, have convulsions, you might feel short of breath.
3. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

You might fear that if you don’t do something correctly, you might face an issue. Which is quite normal. But what if your fears compel you to do things repeatedly so much so that your daily activities are hampered and you are constantly stressed. You then probably have obsessive compulsive disorder.
Under normal circumstances a person may be inclined to have obsessions but these may not interfere with their daily life. But, in case of OCD a person’s daily activities and social interactions are hampered.
What is it?
Obsessive compulsive disorder is a type of anxiety disorder where a person has recurring ideas, thoughts or sensations because of which they do things repeatedly. Some of these thoughts or sensations might be completely irrelevant and unwanted.
Let’s take an example – You might have turned the stove knob off. But, as soon as you will go to your bedroom, you probably will again be stressed that you have left it on. You would repeatedly go to the kitchen and check if the knob is switched off. This is because you are stressed by the fact that if the stove knob is not turned off, it might cause fire.
4. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

At one point or the other, every person goes through some or the other tragic event. Yet, there are some events which leave a deep scar on a person’s mind. They are so traumatic that the impression of the event stays with a person, sometimes for a lifetime. Such events include serious accidents, wars, natural disasters and many more.
What is it?
Amongst various different types of anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder is probably a very stressing one. Because of this disorder a person has intense feelings, disturbing thoughts as soon as the very thought of the traumatic experience occurs. They may feel angry, sad, fearful and even estranged from other feelings or people. They may even avoid situations or people that remind them of the traumatic event all because such instances give them an inexplicable amount of stress.
An example of PTSD is a person who has fallen off a building while playing or has seen a loved one fall off the building. This person might immediately feel stressed as soon as someone would go near the edge of the railing or he or she would himself avoid going to the edge of the railing.
5. Social Anxiety Disorder Or Social Phobia
We live in a society that is surrounded by various types of people. For whatever we do, they have an opinion. Some people might like what we do while the others may not like it. It is as simple as that. Yet, there are times when you are constantly worried about how others might feel or judge you to an extent that it takes a toll on your health. That is the time you should get yourself checked for social phobia or social anxiety disorder.
What is it?
People with social anxiety disorder are highly conscious around the presence of others and have a constant and intense fear of people observing or judging them which can lead to reactions such as nausea, sweating and blushing. People with social anxiety disorders are constantly worried about being humiliated or being embarrassed. It is also hard for such people to maintain or develop relationships as well.
For example – a person with social phobia might get a dry mouth, nausea or even feel dizzy as soon as he goes to a grocery store since there are several people around.
A Solution, A Cure Is Always There – Be Positive
We should always look at the solution and not just the problem itself. We should believe that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. And, these anxiety disorders are no different.
Now that we have listed all the different types of anxiety, we’d like to say that all the above anxiety disorders are curable. The first and the foremost thing which is required to combat the above anxiety disorder types is a positive frame of mind.
It is very important that if we see a loved one or anybody who has an anxiety disorder, the first thing we should do is make ourselves aware. We shouldn’t try to stigmatize or make judgments towards that person. Next thing is we should practice empathy and care, we must try our level best to make the person realize that everything’s going to be okay and that you are always there when that person needs you.
And, as we said we’ll try and cover each of these issues from a common man’s standpoint. But, still if you want us to immediately put a post on any anxiety disorder, do let us know in the comments section below. For more such content, stay tuned and keeps reading Calm Sage.
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First I used to think that anxiety is a single thing and my knowledge was very limited but now after reading this article I have learnt a lot about anxiety and its types. More power to you.
I need guidance about this