Compulsive Cheating Disorder: Can You Be A Cheating Addict In Relationships?

Have you ever met someone who is in love with someone one day and crazy about someone the other day? Do you think they have a compulsive cheating disorder? Now, some people have commitment issues, they simply do not want to commit to anyone.
These people are compelled to cheat on their partners. However, people with compulsive cheating disorder can’t stop themselves from hopping from one partner to the other. Habitual cheating can be dangerous for both the cheater and the one being cheated on.
It is not a trait one should embed. But the question here is, how do people develop conditions like compulsive cheating disorder? Well, experts believe that it is a co-morbid condition, which means it is backed by a pre-existing mental health condition like a personality disorder, substance abuse, etc
Want to know more about compulsive cheating disorder?
Let’s get started…
Is Compulsive Cheating A Thing?
According to the diagnostic manual of psychiatric disorders, there is no such thing as compulsive cheating. Moreover, no addiction-related disorder has been granted an official diagnosis other than gambling.
However, compulsive cheating disorder, formally known as chronic infidelity is a condition where one is addicted to cheating on their partners. Since cheating on someone is a behavioral trait, compulsive cheating disorder can be treated as a behavioral addiction disorder.
Mental health experts continue to work towards finding out all the details about such disorders. Till then it is safe to say that compulsive cheating disorder is related to mental health conditions in the form of a symptom. It has been observed to be present in people with personality disorders, narcissistic people, antisocial personality disorder, etc.
Signs Of Compulsive Cheaters
No cheater uses the same tactics, they are all very different in how they behave and how they justify their actions. Therefore, you cannot pinpoint the exact signs of a compulsive cheater. However, there are some signs that more or less most compulsive cheaters possess. Let’s have a look at them;
1. History of infidelity:
Most compulsive cheaters have a pattern of cheating from time to time. Therefore, there has been some history of infidelity. They are habitual to cheating, they must have cheated on someone else before you.
2. Additional compulsive behavior:
it is common for most compulsive behaviors to have accompanying compulsive behaviors. These accompanying behaviors are often related to the main behavior. In this case, a compulsive cheater might have additional compulsive behaviors like compulsive sexual activities, compulsive porn watching, etc.
3. Over-protecting their electronic devices:
since they know they have a lot to hide because cheating is not an easy job, you will often find too many password-protected devices. They will be very possessive about their phones, laptops, etc.
4. No detail about their whereabouts:
since they are sailing in two different boats at the same time, they might not have an explanation for where they have been. Their absence will always be unexplained.
5. Putting the blame on you:
it is very typical of a compulsive cheater to project their mistakes onto others. A compulsive cheater is most likely to blame you for infidelity, they will doubt your statements and have trust issues, etc.
How Is Compulsive Cheating Disorder Treated?
As we discussed above Compulsive cheating disorder, also known as pathological or chronic infidelity, is a complex issue that can cause significant distress to both the individual engaging in the behavior and their partners.
Treating such disorders needs a comprehensive approach. It can be inclusive of therapy, support groups, and lifestyle changes. Let’s have a look at some treatment approaches that can be used for treating compulsive behaviors like compulsive cheating disorder;
1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): it helps in identifying and changing their negative thought patterns and behaviors related to cheating.
2. Psychodynamic Therapy: This therapy focuses on exploring underlying unconscious conflicts that contribute to compulsive cheating behavior.
3. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): DBT is particularly useful for individuals who struggle with impulsive and self-destructive behaviors.
4. Relationship Rebuilding: Couples therapy provides a safe space for both partners to express their feelings, rebuild trust, and work towards a healthier relationship dynamic.
5. Communication Skills: Therapy can help improve communication between partners, enhancing their ability to discuss concerns, set boundaries, and express needs.
6. Group therapy: It allows individuals dealing with compulsive cheating disorder to connect with others who have similar experiences.
7. Building Self-Awareness: Encouraging self-reflection and introspection can help individuals understand the patterns, triggers, and consequences associated with their compulsive cheating.
8. Developing Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Engaging in activities such as exercise, hobbies, mindfulness, and stress management techniques can promote emotional well-being and decrease the dependence on unhealthy coping mechanisms like cheating.
That’s All folks!
I hope you found this blog about compulsive cheating disorder helpful, interesting, informative, and thought-provoking. Do share this blog with your friends and family so that we can easily identify habitual cheating behavior and know how they can be treated.
Thanks for reading.
Take care and stay safe.