Wellness Guide

Discover healthy habits and ways to thrive with our blogs and guides on wellness and overall well-being 

How to relax mind from stress, depression and anxiety

How To Relax Your Mind From Stress, Depression And Anxiety?

In a life full of hassle and personal troubles, a question that usually strikes all…

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Claustrophobia guide

Claustrophobia Guide- PS: You’re not alone

The fear of closed and tight spaces and fear of being trapped is referred to…

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What Are Different Types Of Anxiety Disorders

What Are Different Types Of Anxiety Disorders?

If you are anxious and observe that it has deeply affected your health, you might…

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What to avoid when you or your friend has bipolar disorder

What To Avoid If You Or Your Loved One Has Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder changes the frequency of actions in a human being and manic or depressive…

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When You Feel Like Giving Up, It’s Time To Rethink

When You Feel Like Giving Up, It’s Time To Rethink

“Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” Life can…

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Signs you should never ignore nervous breakdown

15 Signs Of A Nervous Breakdown That Should Not Be Avoided

We all experience a nervous breakdown once in a while. While few of us identify…

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Smiling Depression

What Is Smiling Depression & Is It Possible To Be Depressed When Smiling?

Often depression is associated with sadness, anxiety, lethargy and despair but someone who is going…

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How Hiking Could Help Cope With Anxiety & Depression?

When people are battling with depression and anxiety, I understand the tough phase, difficulties in…

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Complete-Guide-to-obsessive-compulsive-personality-disorder (1)

Complete Guide to Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)

Are you also one of those perfectionists who like everything to be in order? Do…

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