
Sometimes chasing happiness can be challenging but not to worry, we are here to help you find ways to find your happiness and the psychology behind it

How to Find Out What You're Good At

Know Thyself: 10 Ways to Find Out What You’re Good At

A couple of years ago, I asked this question to my family, “What are your…

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Therapeutic benefits of adventure

Therapeutic Benefits of Adventure Activities

Who doesn’t like going on a vacation with family and friends? Even better, an adventure…

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The Impact of Eudaimonic Happiness on Our Well Being And In Our Lives

The Impact of Eudaimonic Happiness on Our Well-Being And In Our Lives

In the pursuit of happiness, we come across many thoughts and experiences. Some of the…

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Types Of Friends

8 Types Of Friends We All Need: Making A Happier Friends Group

Do you remember the old-school days wherein the whole class did different things when teachers…

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Laughing at Yourself

Laughing at Yourself: The Surprising Benefits of Making Fun of Yourself

“Laughter is the best medicine” - that’s what we all have grown up listening to,…

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Positive phrases to say to your child

60+ Positive Phrases To Encourage Your Child | Because Your Words Matter

If you ever ask me about the world’s most difficult yet the most beautiful job…

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Female Embodiment

Female Embodiment: The Feminine Urge To Enhance Your Sense Of Self

It is quite difficult to mindfully live in a patriarchal society wherein you’ve to walk…

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Atychiphobia: Understanding the Fear of Failure (And How to Overcome It)

“Success is not final, failure isn’t fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts”…

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Ways To Improve Your Emotional Health

Emotional Wellness: Ways To Improve Your Emotional Health

Bottling up our emotions or not accepting how we are feeling is not a sign…

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