
With our well-researched and educational posts explore solutions to your various mental, emotional, spiritual health problems, and much more!

Common Mental Health Myths and Facts

Podcast Ep. 8 – Common Mental Health Myths & Facts

Often people are afraid to talk about Mental Health issues because there are several Myths,…

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how to deal with ocd in kids

How to Deal with OCD in Kids

OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a mental illness which was thought only to affect…

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A Guide to Split Personality Disorder : Symptoms & Causes

Last weekend, I watched a movie, Split (2016), wherein the man kidnapped three girls and…

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Tidy Up To Improve Your Mental

Improving Your Mental Health By Tidying Up: Say Bye Bye to Mess

A friend of mine ends up cleaning her room every time she feels low or…

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Do’s and Don’ts for Recovering From Eating Disorders

Eating Disorder refers to an illness that affects exceptional eating patterns in your everyday life.…

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kick start the day

Kick Start Your Day with these 5 Simple Habits

Morning…...may not be a pleasant word to hear for a majority of the population. We…

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Making Difficult Conversations Easy In a Healthy Manner

It was a few days back when I was trying to put up a conversation…

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Knowing the Power of Penning Down Things

Since you were a child you might have been writing one thing or the other…

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An Overview of Generalized Anxiety Disorder: DSM-5

Have you ever heard statements like “I was always patient before, now I am unable…

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