The Surprising Benefits of Minimalism That Are Backed by Science!

Minimalism, in recent times, has become a trending lifestyle that more and more people are adapting to. When we think about living with less, the first thing that comes to mind is the benefits or advantages of minimalist living, right? I mean, I get why less is more, but minimalism or minimalist living is more than just that.
In simple terms, a minimalistic lifestyle is about shedding gluttony on materialistic things and embracing things you need. We are too consumed by consumerism and materialism that we’ve forgotten the simple pleasures of living a simple and minimal lifestyle.
In this article, I’ve compiled for you some science-backed benefits of minimalism that you’ll appreciate, and maybe these benefits will remind you of the pleasures of simple living. Truthfully speaking, there’s very little we need in our daily lives and the more we realize this, the better our lives will be.
What is “Minimalism”?
Minimalism is an aesthetic lifestyle trend that can be described as living in “simplicity”. Minimalist living is about embracing the values of simple living to increase satisfaction and life’s purpose. When you live as a minimalist, you reduce your material possessions to embrace visual and mental simplicity.
In the end, minimalism is about removing from your living environment things you don’t need and appreciating the things that truly matter and are not materialistic.
Let’s take a look at the benefits of being a minimalist below.
10 Scientific Benefits of Minimalism
1. Reduced Anxiety & Stress
Studies have found a relationship between clutter and the stress hormone cortisol. In one study, it was found that women with cluttered or messy living environments were more likely to have higher levels of cortisol in their bodies than women with decluttered spaces. A follow-up study showed that women with decluttered spaces were more likely to have an elevated mood than others.
So, once you embrace a minimalist lifestyle, you avoid the risk of chronic stress, anxiety, depression, sleep issues, heart diseases, cognitive dysfunctions, and even headaches.
2. Improved Productivity
Did you know that your brain processes information when there is order? Well, a study found that the more cluttered your living space is, the harder it is for your brain to process information, increasing tiredness and reducing productivity and focus.
So, science says that when you reduce clutter and adopt a minimalist approach, you not only improve your productivity but also increase your brain’s ability to process information faster and better.
3. Reduced Clutter
Embracing minimalism also means reduced clutter and lesser chores. In a 2019 study, it was found that decluttering your living space can reduce unnecessary household chores by 40%. So, technically, when you own fewer materialistic items, the less you have to clean your house and the more time you spend enjoying your day-to-day life.
4. Increased Life Satisfaction & Happiness
Let’s be honest; materialism can increase dissatisfaction. How? Well, a study showed that the more you spend on material possessions, the less happy you are. On the other hand, if you spend more on experiential activities such as taking a vacation, then you increase your happiness and life satisfaction.
Spending on experiences rather than materials can bring more meaning to your life, eventually contributing to your happiness and successful life.
5. Better Health
Other than keeping you in better physical health and mental health, embracing a minimalist lifestyle can encourage you to make better health choices – nutrition-wise. In a study, it was shown that people who stayed in a tidy room made healthier food choices, and people who stayed in a cluttered room were more likely to choose unhealthy snacks.
6. Improved Sleep
One of the most sacred spaces in your house is your bedroom and unfortunately, they are also the most cluttered one. Research shows that resting in a cluttered room can negatively affect your sleep and increase the risk of getting diagnosed with sleep disorders. In another study, it was found that decluttering your bedroom can help you sleep better, if not great.
7. More Energy
When you live a minimalist lifestyle, you spend less time cleaning and are generally more energized. Research shows that being a minimalist you are less likely to spend time organizing and more time reserving your mental and physical energy.
Isn’t it great? The less you work or spend time cleaning, the more time you have for other activities. And this kind of lifestyle can be great for your overall wellness if you have children.
8. Less Materialism
Have you ever noticed that the more things you’re surrounded by, the more you get distracted? Well, science says that the less materialistic you are, the less you’ll be distracted. If someone tells you that money buys happiness, remind yourself that money might buy satisfaction but never happiness.
The more of a minimalist you are, the less materialistic you are.
9. Better Peace of Mind
When you stop depending on materialistic things for your happiness, you contribute to better peace of mind. You stop clinging to material possessions, thus reducing the stress of attachment to these things. The less you have to worry about, the more peaceful you’ll be.
It is quite a simple formula for happiness, isn’t it? Try it!
10. Reduced Fear of Failure
Here, I want you to take Buddhist monks for example. They don’t fear loss or failure because they simply don’t have the materials to lose. Whatever holds you back, is something you’re fearful of losing. Once you give up the materials in your care, you lose the fear of losing them.
Minimalism can look different to everyone but in the end, the benefits of minimalism may remain the same. When you embrace a minimalist lifestyle, you improve your stress, physical health, happiness, life satisfaction, and much more. Most importantly, living a minimalist lifestyle means you are aware of what brings value to your life and what takes it away.
I hope this article helped you understand the importance and benefits of minimalism. For more, you can write to us at or DM us on social media. You can also share your thoughts and tips in the comments below.
Take Care!