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Aayushi Kapoor July 20th, 2024 · 7min read

Beige Flags In Relationship: Should You Date A Beige Flag Or Not?

A lot of people on social media and Google asked, “What are the color flags in a relationship?” Well, the answer is quite simple, green flags reflect good signs, red flags reflect toxic signs, yellow signs are gray signs that are not either deal-breakers nor they can be tolerated, pink flags reflect minor areas of concern, and beige flags mean different things depending on circumstances. In today’s blog, we are going to talk about beige flags in relationships.

Everyone on social media is talking about beige-flagged partners and literally, some of them expressed their feelings in captions, “Beige Flag? I do me, you do you, Beige flag, own it, or raise the beige flag, making rules on my own.” Are you also wondering what exactly beige flags are? Keep reading this blog…

What are Beige Flags in a Relationship?

A beige flag is a term used to refer to odd or quirky characteristics. Such signs or characteristics are not really good or bad but they are noticeable and subtle. This term is highly used in modern relationships. This term went viral on TikTok when a lot of couples started using #beigeflags. Beige flags are different from red, yellow, and green flags in a relationship.

They are neutral characteristics of a person that can help the couple navigate their relationship. In short, beige flags are the specific areas with more subjectivity. They don’t provide a benefit but they are not toxic as well, instead, they reflect a quirky habit.

The easiest way to recognize the beige flag in your partner is to start looking for their odd or quirky habits. This will help you check compatibility with your partner; you’ll either begin to feel annoyed or start to fall for them even more.

Characteristics of Beige Flags (With Examples)

As mentioned above, beige flags reflect a quirky or odd habit of your partner. For example, I am such an overexcited partner that I always end up telling the surprise in front of my partner, before the arrival of the special event.” This odd habit of mine surely spoils the surprise for us every time, but it makes my partner love me even more. Every time I show up with higher levels of excitement, it makes him happy, and the compatibility between us grows even stronger!

1. Informal habits:

Does your partner start a conversation informally with anyone? Suppose your partner constantly asks about people’s age whenever they meet someone or suppose they make conversations with objects (such as rooms, bikes, bathrooms, and others). These conversational habits are not considered green, red, or yellow but they are beige because either they annoy you or make them look cute in front of you.

2. Living habits:

We all have different living or nesting habits. Some of us like arranged rooms with fresh bed sheets and clean curtains, meanwhile some people like to mess around with them. Some researchers say that opposite people always end up together. Suppose you’re someone who keeps shoes arranged and your partner doesn’t do so! Such habits are not deal-breakers but they can be fixed…right?

3. Loathing:

We all have our own fears, basically, they are rooted in our personal experiences. For example, I have a fear of lizards; meanwhile my partner does not fear lizards at all like he can literally catch them and place them out of the house. Such opposition attracts us, sometimes, dislikes or likes for unusual things scare me inside out, but he always makes sure that I feel okay! Now, you decide different dislikes or aversions are a part of life, and we must all find a way to either adjust or fix them to maintain our relationships.

4. Special interests:

Think about those times when you fell in love with their unique interests…can you think of a memory, if yes, comment down and let us know! Suppose, your partner has a great knowledge of ships and cruises, how amazing that would be, or if they have great interests in wildlife or animals?

5. Personality Traits:

We all are unique which makes “us” similar, our relationship with our partner is different and we must not compare! Think of personality attributes that your partner has and others don’t! Sometimes, it’s okay if your partner keeps forgetting locations or places.

A Comparison: Green Vs. Red Vs. Yellow Vs. Beige

When it comes to relationship flags, some signs are quite clear, but some partners are so smart they start manipulating and confusing their partners. Worry not, in this section; you will get a clear idea of how to check compatibility in your relationship. Suppose, there’s a couple named John and Mary, John had a bad day at work and Mary is waiting for him to join her after office hours:

Green Flag: Hey babe! My day was not good, I had an argument with my boss; we will discuss it later but first give me a hug.

Red Flag: Why are you looking at me? Do you also want to get into a fight with me? Go and do your thing!

Yellow Flag: Nothing, my day was just fine and I just want my personal space right now.

Beige Flag: It was okay, it was just a long day!

In this situation, we look from different angles, a green flag is willing to let their partner know what went wrong today and they are ready to discuss their shortcomings. Meanwhile, a red flag is not ready to accept and willing to blame every shortcoming on the partner.

The yellow flag in this situation is directly lying on the face and requires his/her personal space which shows clear avoidance. Meanwhile, a beige flag is not ready to get into much detail for the moment; he/she wants to follow a usual routine and maybe just wants to slip their emotions under the carpet.

Now, the main question arises?

Should Someone Date a Beige Flag or Not?

In order to answer this question, I would require you to identify the exact flag you want to tag your relationship with. If you know exactly that the person you’re willing to date is a beige flag, you must also identify the core needs or goals you’re aiming for in a relationship. Additionally, you must also rule out some pros and cons of dating a beige flag:

Pros of Dating a Beige Flag

Below listed are some of the pros of dating a beige flag:

  1. Offers stability: Beige flags often show certain characteristics, behaviors, or quirky habits that might look odd or different but certainly they are not the reason to break the deal with them. This shows reliability and consistency and sometimes such relationships may result in a strong sense of security.
  2. Predictability: Beige flags are quite predictable, once you start knowing them, you will definitely know how they will react to a situation.
  3. Provides comfort: Knowing about their stability and predictability offers a sense of security and comfort.

Cons of Dating a Beige Flag

Below listed are some of the cons of dating a beige flag:

  1. Lack of excitement
  2. Possibility for satisfaction
  3. Possibility of emotional distancing

How to make the right decision?

As mentioned above, beige flags are not red flags but they have quirky habits or odd behaviors which might annoy you sometimes or make you fall in love with them even more. On the basis of this statement, I would recommend making the right decision with the help of:

  • Personal needs and values you both share
  • Communication, addressing, and balancing in the relationship
  • Growth potential within the relationship

Consecutively, the decision to date a beige flag must be based on the compatibility levels you both share. Every relationship requires some adjustment and a lot more love. If the person is willing to love you, change for you, or adjust for you, you must give them a chance to prove themselves in the relationship.

I hope this blog helps you understand what beige flags are in a relationship and how to convert beige flags into green flags. Comment down and share your views on the same.

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Thanks for reading!

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