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Ayush Yadav

Story teller, Pet Lover, Active Listener

Philosophy, Law, Health & Well-Being
Master's Degree in Law
More than 2.5 years as mental health advocate


Aayush is a writer, and storyteller who is passionate about using words to help drive positive change and make people aware about the history. He holds a bachelor's in law, lives in the princely state Jaipur and is passionate about helping people in anyway possible. In his spare time, he is usually out with friends and enjoys exploring different facets of life.

Alcohol dependence vs alcohol abuse

Alcohol Dependence vs Alcohol Abuse : What’s the Difference?

Anything done in moderation, whether eating or working out, is acceptable because out-of-control things are…

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How To Stop Beating Yourself

How To Stop Beating Yourself Up Mentally

Appreciating others is easier than looking at our accomplishments. Therefore, most of you fail to…

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Failure to Launch Syndrome

Young Adult Failure to Launch Syndrome – What is it and How to Cope With it

Are you scared of moving out of your parent's home and being alone? If so,…

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Best yoga Blogs to Follow - 2023

10 Best Yoga Blogs To Follow in 2024

Yoga, the practice of staying fit and healthy, has been around for centuries. However, not…

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Signs of Oldest child syndrome and how to deal with it

Signs of Oldest Child Syndrome and How to Deal With it

Are you the eldest child in your family with many responsibilities on your shoulders? Do…

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Financially abusive Relationship

How to Leave a Financially Dependent Toxic Relationship

Are you stuck in a financially dependent, toxic, and abusive relationship and want to get…

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Stages of Alcoholism

4 Stages of Alcoholism – What are they and How to Overcome?

Alcoholism seems to be a problem that has no end. But with a certain awareness…

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Cuffing Season

Cuffing Season: What it Is and What It Means

As the leaves change colors and the temperatures begin to drop, a phenomenon arises known…

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Signs you're a Competitive Mom

Signs You’re A Competitive Mom And How To Deal With It

As a mom or a parent, we all want our children to grow, learn, and…

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