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Ayush Yadav

Story teller, Pet Lover, Active Listener

Philosophy, Law, Health & Well-Being
Master's Degree in Law
More than 2.5 years as mental health advocate


Aayush is a writer, and storyteller who is passionate about using words to help drive positive change and make people aware about the history. He holds a bachelor's in law, lives in the princely state Jaipur and is passionate about helping people in anyway possible. In his spare time, he is usually out with friends and enjoys exploring different facets of life.

Broaden and Build theory

Broaden and Build theory – What are Positive Emotions

Can you remember the last time you could look at the positive even when everything…

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Impact of Horror Movies on Mental Health

Impact of Horror Movies on Mental Health – Is it Good or Bad

Many countries have a specific month dedicated to fake blood, pumpkin heads, scary costumes, and…

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What Is Komorebi

What Is Komorebi And How It Affects Mental Health

Stepping into a sunlit forest feels like entering another world, right? As Albert Einstein rightly…

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Dyssomnia – Everything You Need to Know About It

Restful and peaceful sleep is essential for physiological and mental health. Yet, sleep disorders like…

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OCD Subtypes – What Are They? A Guide To Them

Have you ever noticed a friend or stranger obsessed with organizing things or keeping themselves…

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Premonition (Precognitive) Dreams: Can They Predict the Future?

Can dreams predict the future? Can one know what's going to happen through premonition dreams?…

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What is Herd mentality

What is Herd Mentality – How does it Affect Our Behavior

Crowd, herd, or mob mentality is a psychological phenomenon that impacts human behavior. When individuals,…

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Monkey Branching

Monkey Branching – What is it, why do people do it, and what are its signs

In the complex world of relationships, the term "Monkey Branching" is gaining attention and sparking…

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Temper Tantrums – What are they, and how do you cope with them

Temper tantrum is a self-explanatory term. It is an emotional outburst to fulfill one’s desires.…

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