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Ayush Yadav

Story teller, Pet Lover, Active Listener

Philosophy, Law, Health & Well-Being
Master's Degree in Law
More than 2.5 years as mental health advocate


Aayush is a writer, and storyteller who is passionate about using words to help drive positive change and make people aware about the history. He holds a bachelor's in law, lives in the princely state Jaipur and is passionate about helping people in anyway possible. In his spare time, he is usually out with friends and enjoys exploring different facets of life.

Micro Cheating

Micro Cheating – What is it, Examples Signs, and How to Deal With it

Infidelity sucks. It is the reason most relationships die. However, when there is talk about…

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How To Tell Someone You Have Feelings For Them Without Awkwardness

“I love you” has different connotations. When said to a partner, it is romantic, while…

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13 Myths about Grief and What You Should Do About Them

Grief is a response to loss and is generally linked with the death of a…

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6 Ways to Manifest Abundance in Your Life

What do you do when making an important decision in your life? Do you seek…

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Habits that Can Destroy Your Focus and Productivity

Habits that Can Destroy Your Focus and Productivity

We’ve all heard habits design our life, and they make us what we are. Sometimes…

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Myths About The Anxiety You Should Stop Believing

11 Myths About The Anxiety You Should Stop Believing

As the chatter about anxiety takes the form of conversation, it becomes more mainstream. However,…

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