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Anjali Singh

Counselor, Ph.D. Psychology, Content Curator, Author

Anxiety, Depression, Psychotherapy, Mental Health, Psychology
Ph.D. in Psychology, IIS University
More Than 10 years of Experience In Mental Health and Wellbeing


Anjali Singh is a content curator in the field of Mental Health. She is currently done Ph.D. in Psychology. Her aim is to light up the world with positive vibes through her words, her idea of life is ‘Grow through what you go through’. Apart from this, she is a big-time pet lover.

relaxing yoga poses

15 Relaxation Yoga Poses for Stress Relief

We all face stress in our day-to-day life. Each one of us has a different…

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15 Positive Energy Plants That Will Boost Your Mental Health

When the world fails to bring a smile on your face, when others fail to…

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Yoga apps for Beginner people

10 Best Yoga Apps – Download Them Now To Lead a Healthy Life

Out of all health and wellness trends, yoga seemed to be at the top of…

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Let “Be Mindful; Be Happy” The Mantra for This Year

With the new year marking new beginnings, a common practice followed by many is to…

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What Is Trypophobia

What Is Trypophobia: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Do clusters of small holes, bumpy patterns, high-contrast colors, or certain graphic arrangements make you…

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Are You A Self Actualized Person

15 Characteristics of a Self-Actualized Person

I have a few questions to ask... Do you wish to lead a meaningful life?…

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complete guide about forest bathing

Forest Bathing: New Meditation For You to Try and Regain Your Calm

Often we think of meditation as a task to sit down in a comfortable position…

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What Is Abandonment: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

We all experience fear of being left out at least once in our lifetime. While…

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Mental Health Benefits of Doodling

5 Mental Health Benefits of Doodling

Doodling! Does this word bring a smile to your face? Well, do you often find…

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