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Alison Seponara

Anxiety Healer and Holistic Psychologist

Mental health & wellness brand specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and trauma release techniques.
MS, LPC is a licensed psychotherapist and anxiety healer in Philadelphia
More than 10 years of experience in Counseling/Clinical Psychology


Alison Seponara, MS, LPC is a licensed psychotherapist and anxiety healer in Philadelphia, PA who specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness- based positive psychology with individuals who struggle with anxiety disorders. Alison has created a social media mental health awareness brand that helps other anxiety sufferers feel less alone in their journey towards healing. @theanxietyhealer on Instagram has of over 573, 000 'healers,' which is the name Alison has given to her community members as a way to create more unity and inclusivity among her page. Alison is dedicated to ending the stigma of mental health by offering a safe space for those around the world to find a supportive community free of judgement and bias.

Shallow Person traits

10 Traits to Help You Spot a Shallow Person from a Mile Away

In our lives, we meet many people - some are worth keeping in our lives…

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Narcissism In Women Signs You’re Dealing With A Female Narcissist

Narcissism In Women: 12 Signs You’re Dealing With A Female Narcissist

  What to Know About Female Narcissism Narcissistic traits in women and men manifest differently. …

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Signs Of Biromanticism: How Do I Know If I’m Biromantic?

Have you ever met a biromantic personality? A biromantic personality is a person who is…

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What is Status Quo Bias, and How Does it Affect you

Have you ever wondered why you don’t like changing things? Why do you prefer making…

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Passive Scrolling leads to anxiety

Passive Scrolling On Social Media Linked To Anxiety, Stress, and Depression

Recent research published by the “Behavior &Information Technology” says that passive scrolling on social media…

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The 369 Method

What’s the 3-6-9 Manifestation Method? How to Do It?

For those who are on TikTok 3 6 9 method is not an alien concept.…

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Beck Anxiety Inventory

How to Measure Anxiety With The Beck Anxiety Inventory?

One of the experiences that ties us together is anxiety – not a very positive…

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Heyoka Empath: 12 Signs You’re A Heyoka Empath

Do you know who is an empath? An empath is someone who can understand someone…

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Drunk Texting

Drunk Texting: Why Do We Do It?

Fun weekends mean drinking, dancing, gossiping, watching a favorite sport with friends, celebrating birthdays, anniversaries,…

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