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Aayushi Kapoor

Food Technologist, Content Creator, Social Worker

Clinical Nutrition, mental health, Positive Psychology, Lifestyle Interventions, Behavioral Interventions, Spiritual Well-being, Wellness Techniques
Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition
More Than 4 Years of Experience in Clinical Nutrition and Mental health


Aayushi is a Content Creator at Calm Sage. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology and a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. Her constant interest in the improvement of mental health, nutrition, and overall wellness embarked upon her career as a “full-time educational writer.” She likes to make an asynchronous connection with her readers. Her mantra for living life is "What you seek is seeking you".

Powerful words for motivation and inspiration

Powerful Words for Inspiration and Motivation

One of the things that can turn a bad day into a good one is…

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Benefits of Chocolate as a Stress Reducer

A shout out to all the chocolate lovers in the house! I have good news…

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Top 10 Mental Benefits of Exercise

Recently, I have started exercising and found various changes within myself. So, after observing so…

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The Journey of Freedom

The Journey of Freedom from Fear in 5 Steps

Everyone should be willing to learn lessons from life and be willing to move on…

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The Healing Power of Mantra

The Healing Power of Mantra: Unleash the fear and negativity

Sound is known to be a powerful process that helps in expanding and healing hearts and…

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Self-Help Strategies for ADHD

Self-Help Strategies for ADHD in Adults

If you are diagnosed with ADHD recently or in childhood, you must learn every inch…

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how to deal with negative comments

How to Deal With Negative Comments Mindfully

We all know the concept of self-acceptance. But when it comes to public negative comments,…

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Ways to look more confident with positive body language

Ways to Develop More Confident Body Language

This article is specifically created for people with Social Anxiety Disorder. For those people, who…

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why people are more prone to depression

Why Some People Are More Prone To Depression Than Others

“I am depressed”, “I feel depressed”, “I think I have depression” are the phrases that…

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